Biden's Education Department Will Move Fast to Reverse DeVos' Policies

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008

Devos was a mess and failure in that position.

Devos was a mess and failure in that position.
No one cares...........................
he he he

Besides Biden is destroying all schools because of covid

Devos was a mess and failure in that position.
apparently none of them helped California...

Devos was a mess and failure in that position.
You are the poster child of what public education did for the children of the US. That was the dumbing down of America.


Devos was a mess and failure in that position.
You are the poster child of what public education did for the children of the US. That was the dumbing down of America.

Really ironic coming from you. I mean you have to be the poster child of the idiocy of American. Blindingly supporting a dimwit con artist. A carnival barker at best. Dumber than a box or rocks, so narcistic that it is a real mental illness, and an absolutely screaming failure when it comes to business. I have said it before, if Trump would have taken Daddy's money and put it in an index fund his net worth would be much higher than what it actually is today, if he even has a net worth. And think how much more time he could have spent on the golf course and banging porn stars.

Every single income cohort, except the top five percent, now pay a higher share of total taxes than before Trump. WTF? After almost forty years you believe that income group needs a break? Pull your head out of your ass and look around. Incomes for working Americans, yes real WORKING Americans, has been stagnant since the dimwitted Ronald Reagan was president. Double digit GDP growth, something that China experiences almost every year, has evaporated from the American landscape. I mean you know what the poverty rate is in China? Something like five percent. What is it here? That number alone should give anyone with half a brain something to think about, because make no mistake about it, there are plenty of billionaires in China. Just ask Ivanka and her dimwitted husband, they spend all kinds of time courting those very Chinese billionaires.

Proverbs says it best. The fortress of the rich is their wealth. The calamity of the poor is their poverty. Trump, being the easily manipulated fool that he is, has done nothing more than fortify that fortress and accelerate that calamity. Like Reagan before him. It is past time that we started attacking that fortress, and alleviated that calamity. And don't even pretend you reside among the privileged class, the upper five percent. My bet is that you are nothing more than a poser who's own self worth is so fragile you have to pretend to be something greater than you are.

But I will give it to you. Public education is not the best that it could be. The whole means as to which it is financed merely plays into the whole Proverb's quote. But an active parent, that enforces the actions of the public schools and instills in their children the desire to learn, can achieve the kind of results that are rare today, but were common in the not to distant past.
..... Blindingly supporting a dimwit con artist. A carnival barker at best. Dumber than a box or rocks, so narcistic that it is a real mental illness, and an absolutely screaming failure when it comes to business. .....

You forgot to include "immeasurably more successful than Winston could ever imagine being."

Devos was a mess and failure in that position.
here are the facts:
graduation rates

Devos was a mess and failure in that position.
Right, how dare her expect poor little libber college students to repay their student loans why the horror!
..... Blindingly supporting a dimwit con artist. A carnival barker at best. Dumber than a box or rocks, so narcistic that it is a real mental illness, and an absolutely screaming failure when it comes to business. .....

You forgot to include "immeasurably more successful than Winston could ever imagine being."

Success: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. In order to evaluate success one has to look at where one started and where one ends up. Trump was born on third base, and where he ends up has yet to be seen. But it is safe to say that he has never gotten off third base. I am not going to say I started in the batter's box, I got a walk to first base. And not going to claim I am on third base. But I can safely say I have made it to second. So that would make my "success" greater than Trump's. I pay my debts. That alone puts me ahead of Trump. I pay people that work for me, fairly. I have never stiffed a contractor. That puts me ahead of Trump. I paid much more in taxes over the last ten years than Trump. That should count for something.

History is going to be pretty harsh on Trump. The only group of people that will be condemned more than Trump are the fools that blindly supported him.
..... Blindingly supporting a dimwit con artist. A carnival barker at best. Dumber than a box or rocks, so narcistic that it is a real mental illness, and an absolutely screaming failure when it comes to business. .....

You forgot to include "immeasurably more successful than Winston could ever imagine being."

Success: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. In order to evaluate success one has to look at where one started and where one ends up. Trump was born on third base, and where he ends up has yet to be seen. But it is safe to say that he has never gotten off third base. I am not going to say I started in the batter's box, I got a walk to first base. And not going to claim I am on third base. But I can safely say I have made it to second. So that would make my "success" greater than Trump's. I pay my debts. That alone puts me ahead of Trump. I pay people that work for me, fairly. I have never stiffed a contractor. That puts me ahead of Trump. I paid much more in taxes over the last ten years than Trump. That should count for something.

History is going to be pretty harsh on Trump. The only group of people that will be condemned more than Trump are the fools that blindly supported him.
So funny a party of fools blindly following someone lecturing us on the exact same thing.

Devos was a mess and failure in that position.
here are the facts:
graduation rates
View attachment 417393

DeVos had no business being the Secretary of Education. She, and her kids, never attended a public school or university. They never had a student loan. The most damning statistic on the American system. The reason countries like Denmark lead the world in innovation while America occupies last place in so many statistics involving industrialized nations. The real American exceptionalism is American is exceptionally inefficient, from infant mortality rates to upward mobility, America falls behind almost every industrialized nation. But the biggest statistic, a student with standardized test scores in the lowest quintile, but with a family income in the highest quintile, has a greater chance of graduating college than a student in the highest quintile of test scores but the lowest quintile in income. That is absolutely FUBARED. The loss in innovation and productivity due to that deference to income, is immeasurable.

Devos was a mess and failure in that position.
here are the facts:
graduation rates
View attachment 417393

DeVos had no business being the Secretary of Education. She, and her kids, never attended a public school or university. They never had a student loan. The most damning statistic on the American system. The reason countries like Denmark lead the world in innovation while America occupies last place in so many statistics involving industrialized nations. The real American exceptionalism is American is exceptionally inefficient, from infant mortality rates to upward mobility, America falls behind almost every industrialized nation. But the biggest statistic, a student with standardized test scores in the lowest quintile, but with a family income in the highest quintile, has a greater chance of graduating college than a student in the highest quintile of test scores but the lowest quintile in income. That is absolutely FUBARED. The loss in innovation and productivity due to that deference to income, is immeasurable.
If you take out a loan then you have to pay it. If you are whining about the ridiculous cost of an education at our liberal colleges and universities then fix it. But what else would those worthless professors be able to do?
..... Blindingly supporting a dimwit con artist. A carnival barker at best. Dumber than a box or rocks, so narcistic that it is a real mental illness, and an absolutely screaming failure when it comes to business. .....

You forgot to include "immeasurably more successful than Winston could ever imagine being."

Success: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. In order to evaluate success one has to look at where one started and where one ends up. Trump was born on third base, and where he ends up has yet to be seen. But it is safe to say that he has never gotten off third base. I am not going to say I started in the batter's box, I got a walk to first base. And not going to claim I am on third base. But I can safely say I have made it to second. So that would make my "success" greater than Trump's. I pay my debts. That alone puts me ahead of Trump. I pay people that work for me, fairly. I have never stiffed a contractor. That puts me ahead of Trump. I paid much more in taxes over the last ten years than Trump. That should count for something.

History is going to be pretty harsh on Trump. The only group of people that will be condemned more than Trump are the fools that blindly supported him.
So funny a party of fools blindly following someone lecturing us on the exact same thing.
The Republican party would burn this country to the ground if they thought that is what they needed to do to remain in power. Sad really. The House is comprised of members that are suppose to take care of their constituents. They are to put their interest first. But the Senate is supposed to be comprised of individuals that have the fortitude, and the morality, to put the nation's interest first, ahead of their state, let alone their party. The Republican members of the Senate have demonstrated, time and time again, that they put the party's interest above that of the nation. Rather it is obstructing Obama's judicial appointments or refusing to pass a second Covid-19 relief bill, for them it is always party first.

Devos was a mess and failure in that position.
Be careful for what you wish for.
Just because you hated Trump doesn't mean certain things were not good for America.
..... Blindingly supporting a dimwit con artist. A carnival barker at best. Dumber than a box or rocks, so narcistic that it is a real mental illness, and an absolutely screaming failure when it comes to business. .....

You forgot to include "immeasurably more successful than Winston could ever imagine being."

Success: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. In order to evaluate success one has to look at where one started and where one ends up. Trump was born on third base, and where he ends up has yet to be seen. But it is safe to say that he has never gotten off third base. I am not going to say I started in the batter's box, I got a walk to first base. And not going to claim I am on third base. But I can safely say I have made it to second. So that would make my "success" greater than Trump's. I pay my debts. That alone puts me ahead of Trump. I pay people that work for me, fairly. I have never stiffed a contractor. That puts me ahead of Trump. I paid much more in taxes over the last ten years than Trump. That should count for something.

History is going to be pretty harsh on Trump. The only group of people that will be condemned more than Trump are the fools that blindly supported him.
So funny a party of fools blindly following someone lecturing us on the exact same thing.
The Republican party would burn this country to the ground if they thought that is what they needed to do to remain in power. Sad really. The House is comprised of members that are suppose to take care of their constituents. They are to put their interest first. But the Senate is supposed to be comprised of individuals that have the fortitude, and the morality, to put the nation's interest first, ahead of their state, let alone their party. The Republican members of the Senate have demonstrated, time and time again, that they put the party's interest above that of the nation. Rather it is obstructing Obama's judicial appointments or refusing to pass a second Covid-19 relief bill, for them it is always party first.
Anything Obama put forth should have been resisted, liberal judges make up their own law instead of supporting what is already written and Obama hates the US. And the relief bill issue is not just on Republicans....Pelosi was trying her best to get way more out of it than just a relief bill plush she couldn't care less about us regular peons anyway.

Devos was a mess and failure in that position.

i have no doubt that they will. they will go back to the policy of eliminating choice and keeping students as dumb as possible.

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