Biden Won’t Fire Anyone Over Afghanistan Debacle

Except the US knew Bin Laden was in Afghanistan for years and never asked for him to be extradited. We also didn't extradite him when he was living in the Sudan and the Sudanese were willing to give him up. (And yes, this is a criticism of Clinton, because I'm not a partisan monkey like you are.)
And just for a moment think about it...Clinton didn't pursue OBL when, by your own admission he could have. Instead like most Democrat Presidents he left that headache for another President..And the driving line of thought as it always is, was we don't want to project our will....But, I can tell you, if we don't, they will, as we learned...As for "partisan" that is your first lie of the post....Ofcourse you are totally partisan otherwise you wouldn't waste your time here....

Bush didn't even know what Al Qaeda was when he took office. (He knew who Bin Laden was, but his advisors gave Richard Clarke stupid looks when he talked about AQ)

Oh come on now....not partisan eh? This dumb attack isn't even worth talking about...

Yeah, we tried that in Vietnam. We bombed North Vietnam for 10 years, dropped more bombs on them than we did on Germany and Japan combined in WWII. Funny thing, they didn't give up.

Oh I am not talking about just bombing the hell out of them, that's what a Democrat would do then claim he's addressing the problem...

I am talking about hitting that shithole with maximum force, and not only remove the threat in which they present, but make sure that it will take them decades to recover...

Any American who dies after August 31 has no one to blame but himself.

Wow....I'll give you kudos in one respect, at least you aren't afraid to show how little you truly care about your fellow American's....What a heartless thing to post...

And the only thing I can surmise from that callous statement is that you approach these sorts of things from a purely selfish standpoint...This is not how America does things...

I remember a time when liberals were putting pressure on Bush to find OBL, and got supremely pissed off when he mocked their criticism by going around his office doing things like opening a drawer and saying "Nope, he isn't in here"...But, here is what Biden does in the face of actually leaving American's to be killed by our enemies...

Then to make matters worse, Biden actually GAVE the Taliban lists, of American's, and SIV's...

Are you freaking kidding me here? That is weapons grade stupid!!!

Also, the guy who surrendered was Trump when he negotiated a separate peace with the Taliban.

See, this is the duplicitous nature of Democrats...The catch 22 if you will...

We both agree, as with a strong majority of American's wanted out of Afghanistan...Our mission there was never going to end...However, it is, as has been said ad nauseum, it was the way in which we are leaving that is just criminal...

While Trump had strict conditions on his withdrawl, Biden just basically said 'hey, pull the troops by 9/11', and screw the rest...He took a knee before our enemies and is allowing them to dictate our method and manner of regress, and it will cost American lives...THAT blood is 100% his....

Trump was the architect, America just hired a crappy contractor

No that's not right...Trump, true enough had a plan to leave Afghanistan, where as Biden didn't follow one aspect of it, and just tried to pull the troops and screw everyone else...Nothing what so ever to do with Trump's plan...But, dishonest Democrats will not stop trying to blame Biden's disaster on Trump, they never take responsibility for anything they screw up...
or the border, or keystone, or the list goes on.
They couldn't take the chance of it being successful and Trump getting any credit.
I agree, and all of those desisions are proving to be disasters in their own right.....

Let's face it, Democrats don't know how to Govern, and shouldn't be allowed to do so...
Dufus thinks we had an extradition treaty with Afghanistan.
Meanwhile in the real world:

In the real world, we could have put a lot of pressure on the Taliban to turn him over, particularly through their patrons in Saudi Arabia. The ugly truth was that the Saudis tolerated Bin Laden, just like they tolerated ISIS.

Again with the lies. The withdrawal required a peace agreement between the Taliban and Afghanistan government and that no terrorist groups would operate in Afghanistan.

Except Trump did nothing to enforce any of those conditions, and vetoed a defense bill that insisted on them.

Both requirements not met and Joe bypassed them to meet his fabricated arbitrarily picked withdrawal date.
They were bypassed by Trump as well, who reduced the number of troops from 13,000 to 2500 without the Taliban living up to any of their parts of the agreement.

So the real question is why didn't biden honor the May agreement?

No, that isn't a question, that's a 'desperately trying to pin Trump's bag of shit on Biden".

So let's say he did pull all the troops out in May. Okay. We'd have still had 10,000+ Americans in Afghanistan, because the treaty didn't apply to them or the Corporations or NGO's they worked for. Then the Afghan Government would have fallen anyway and we'd have NO WAY of getting them out.
or the border, or keystone, or the list goes on.
They couldn't take the chance of it being successful and Trump getting any credit.

What would have been "success"?
Remember, back in May, Trump was bitching Biden wasn't pulling the troops out fast enough.

This is only a problem because the Afghan Government fell faster than anyone thought it would. Everyone kind of hoped it would fall later this year, when we were all moving on to other things.

NOt sure how that is on Biden, exactly.
Let's take this bit of garbage apart.

And just for a moment think about it...Clinton didn't pursue OBL when, by your own admission he could have. Instead like most Democrat Presidents he left that headache for another President..And the driving line of thought as it always is, was we don't want to project our will....But, I can tell you, if we don't, they will, as we learned...As for "partisan" that is your first lie of the post....Ofcourse you are totally partisan otherwise you wouldn't waste your time here....

Hey, I'll straight up admit that Clinton didn't handle Bin Laden. Of course, Reagan and Bush were the guys who trained him and Bush Jr. was the guy who let him get away for 8 years because he was too busy looking for weapons that didn't exist.

Oh come on now....not partisan eh? This dumb attack isn't even worth talking about...

Documented fact. Sorry.

Oh I am not talking about just bombing the hell out of them, that's what a Democrat would do then claim he's addressing the problem...

I am talking about hitting that shithole with maximum force, and not only remove the threat in which they present, but make sure that it will take them decades to recover...
Okay, this is where I have to conclude you are kind of stupid.

"Maximum force" would mean sending in the whole Army... Um. Okay. The whole Army never exceeded 10 divisions. And Bush took the forces we did have over there and pulled them out to go fight Saddam, who had nothing to do with 9/11 and didn't have the WMD's Bush claimed he had. This gave the Taliban a chance to regroup and added to their rep as great warriors.

Wow....I'll give you kudos in one respect, at least you aren't afraid to show how little you truly care about your fellow American's....What a heartless thing to post...

And the only thing I can surmise from that callous statement is that you approach these sorts of things from a purely selfish standpoint...This is not how America does things...
Bullshit, we do that all the time. Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Vietnam... we have a long history of pulling out of places, and if you are stupid enough to still be there when we do, that's on you.

But, no, I can't work up a lot of concern about War Profiteers who went over there knowing damned well the country was unstable.

I remember a time when liberals were putting pressure on Bush to find OBL, and got supremely pissed off when he mocked their criticism by going around his office doing things like opening a drawer and saying "Nope, he isn't in here"...But, here is what Biden does in the face of actually leaving American's to be killed by our enemies...

Actually, he did that over the WMD's that never existed, and yes, people were pissed off because at that point, about 1000 Americans had already died in the Iraq War. It was an attempt at humor that was just in poor taste.

Then to make matters worse, Biden actually GAVE the Taliban lists, of American's, and SIV's...

Um, yeah. "Here are the people we want to evacuate, you are responsible for delivering them." This isn't complicated.

Now, I think the Taliban will try to get the Americans out of their country ASAP. The Afghan nationals who supported us... probably not so much.

See, this is the duplicitous nature of Democrats...The catch 22 if you will...

We both agree, as with a strong majority of American's wanted out of Afghanistan...Our mission there was never going to end...However, it is, as has been said ad nauseum, it was the way in which we are leaving that is just criminal...

Uh, no, it was the way this was going to end, and if Trump told you it would end another way, he was lying to you.

While Trump had strict conditions on his withdrawl, Biden just basically said 'hey, pull the troops by 9/11', and screw the rest...He took a knee before our enemies and is allowing them to dictate our method and manner of regress, and it will cost American lives...THAT blood is 100% his....

Except Trump didn't enforce those conditions... The Taliban continued to deal drugs, harbor terrorists, wage war on the Afghan government, assassinate Afghan leaders.

Of course, the conditions weren't enforceable and there was no interest in enforcing them. Trump just wanted out. Which I am fine with. Just don't come back and try to tell me that this wasn't your plan all along.
Let's take this bit of garbage apart.

Hey, I'll straight up admit that Clinton didn't handle Bin Laden. Of course, Reagan and Bush were the guys who trained him and Bush Jr. was the guy who let him get away for 8 years because he was too busy looking for weapons that didn't exist.

Documented fact. Sorry.

Okay, this is where I have to conclude you are kind of stupid.

"Maximum force" would mean sending in the whole Army... Um. Okay. The whole Army never exceeded 10 divisions. And Bush took the forces we did have over there and pulled them out to go fight Saddam, who had nothing to do with 9/11 and didn't have the WMD's Bush claimed he had. This gave the Taliban a chance to regroup and added to their rep as great warriors.

Bullshit, we do that all the time. Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Vietnam... we have a long history of pulling out of places, and if you are stupid enough to still be there when we do, that's on you.

But, no, I can't work up a lot of concern about War Profiteers who went over there knowing damned well the country was unstable.

Actually, he did that over the WMD's that never existed, and yes, people were pissed off because at that point, about 1000 Americans had already died in the Iraq War. It was an attempt at humor that was just in poor taste.

Um, yeah. "Here are the people we want to evacuate, you are responsible for delivering them." This isn't complicated.

Now, I think the Taliban will try to get the Americans out of their country ASAP. The Afghan nationals who supported us... probably not so much.

Uh, no, it was the way this was going to end, and if Trump told you it would end another way, he was lying to you.

Except Trump didn't enforce those conditions... The Taliban continued to deal drugs, harbor terrorists, wage war on the Afghan government, assassinate Afghan leaders.

Of course, the conditions weren't enforceable and there was no interest in enforcing them. Trump just wanted out. Which I am fine with. Just don't come back and try to tell me that this wasn't your plan all along.
Joe, you are looking for every way possible to blame this colossal fuck up on anyone other than the man sitting in the CiC seat right now. Up to and including the victims of Biden’s terrible mistake.
You, and the handful (26%) of hate filled idiots in this country sound like utter fools and dupes to fall hook, line, and sinker for the clown show that is currently carrying out a humanitarian debacle. A heartless genocide of our own citizens, and loyal aids in this war.

Wanting out for a political show, and doing things the right way are two different things. And now instead of Biden enjoying soaring approval, he is lower than Trump. That’s a fact.
Let's take this bit of garbage apart.

Hey, I'll straight up admit that Clinton didn't handle Bin Laden. Of course, Reagan and Bush were the guys who trained him and Bush Jr. was the guy who let him get away for 8 years because he was too busy looking for weapons that didn't exist.

Documented fact. Sorry.

Okay, this is where I have to conclude you are kind of stupid.

"Maximum force" would mean sending in the whole Army... Um. Okay. The whole Army never exceeded 10 divisions. And Bush took the forces we did have over there and pulled them out to go fight Saddam, who had nothing to do with 9/11 and didn't have the WMD's Bush claimed he had. This gave the Taliban a chance to regroup and added to their rep as great warriors.

Bullshit, we do that all the time. Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Vietnam... we have a long history of pulling out of places, and if you are stupid enough to still be there when we do, that's on you.

But, no, I can't work up a lot of concern about War Profiteers who went over there knowing damned well the country was unstable.

Actually, he did that over the WMD's that never existed, and yes, people were pissed off because at that point, about 1000 Americans had already died in the Iraq War. It was an attempt at humor that was just in poor taste.

Um, yeah. "Here are the people we want to evacuate, you are responsible for delivering them." This isn't complicated.

Now, I think the Taliban will try to get the Americans out of their country ASAP. The Afghan nationals who supported us... probably not so much.

Uh, no, it was the way this was going to end, and if Trump told you it would end another way, he was lying to you.

Except Trump didn't enforce those conditions... The Taliban continued to deal drugs, harbor terrorists, wage war on the Afghan government, assassinate Afghan leaders.

Of course, the conditions weren't enforceable and there was no interest in enforcing them. Trump just wanted out. Which I am fine with. Just don't come back and try to tell me that this wasn't your plan all along.

Yeah Mujahedeen, Taliban, all them darkies look alike to you
Joe, you are looking for every way possible to blame this colossal fuck up on anyone other than the man sitting in the CiC seat right now. Up to and including the victims of Biden’s terrible mistake.

The colossal fuckup was in 2001 when we went to war, decided that instead of committing enough troops we were just going to bribe the tribal warlords into supporting us, and then acted all surprised when they switched back to the Taliban when the money stopped flowing.

Afghanistan has been 20 years of fuckups. Biden is just the guy who had to clean up the mess.

You, and the handful (26%) of hate filled idiots in this country sound like utter fools and dupes to fall hook, line, and sinker for the clown show that is currently carrying out a humanitarian debacle. A heartless genocide of our own citizens, and loyal aids in this war.
First, no Americans are being genocided. We've gotten almost all of them out, with only 350 people they are still looking for. 350 is not a big number.

As far as our "loyal aides", we are getting most of them out, too. Not that we really have an obligation to, because it wasn't our war, it was theirs and they didn't fight it terribly well. I'm wondering where these hundreds of thousands of Loyal Aides were when the Taliban was rolling up the country like a map.

But the person responsible was the guy who effectively surrendered to the Taliban by reaching an agreement with them he had no intent to hold them to. That would be Trump. Not that I have a problem with this, the war was pointless at this point. We weren't accomplishing anything, we were just hurting people.

Wanting out for a political show, and doing things the right way are two different things. And now instead of Biden enjoying soaring approval, he is lower than Trump. That’s a fact.

Well, first and foremost.. no. Biden's approval ratings are still better than Trumps. Only two polls have him in negative territory right now, and one of those is Rasmussen, who you probably shouldn't trust because it's Rasmussen.

Yeah Mujahedeen, Taliban, all them darkies look alike to you

Naw, man, just because the same bunch of assholes are calling themselves something different now, doesn't mean they aren't the same bunch of assholes.

Or do you think all the Muhajadin from the 1980's are sitting on a beach now, and these Taliban are a bunch of people who sat on the sidelines?
The colossal fuckup was in 2001 when we went to war, decided that instead of committing enough troops we were just going to bribe the tribal warlords into supporting us, and then acted all surprised when they switched back to the Taliban when the money stopped flowing.

Afghanistan has been 20 years of fuckups. Biden is just the guy who had to clean up the mess.

First, no Americans are being genocided. We've gotten almost all of them out, with only 350 people they are still looking for. 350 is not a big number.

As far as our "loyal aides", we are getting most of them out, too. Not that we really have an obligation to, because it wasn't our war, it was theirs and they didn't fight it terribly well. I'm wondering where these hundreds of thousands of Loyal Aides were when the Taliban was rolling up the country like a map.

But the person responsible was the guy who effectively surrendered to the Taliban by reaching an agreement with them he had no intent to hold them to. That would be Trump. Not that I have a problem with this, the war was pointless at this point. We weren't accomplishing anything, we were just hurting people.

Well, first and foremost.. no. Biden's approval ratings are still better than Trumps. Only two polls have him in negative territory right now, and one of those is Rasmussen, who you probably shouldn't trust because it's Rasmussen.

Stop whining about Hillary pushing to invade Iraq and later to start a war in Libya.
To quote a small asterisk in the history books, at this point what difference does it make?
Stop whining about Hillary pushing to invade Iraq and later to start a war in Libya.
To quote a small asterisk in the history books, at this point what difference does it make?

Hillary didn't invade Iraq over weapons that didn't exist, that was Dubya and Cheney, a couple of guys we need to ship off to the Hague as war criminals.

As for Libya.. yes, I think it was stupid for the US to get involved, but Qadafi was going down if we got involved or not.

The ironic thing about our middle east policy is that there isn't a whiff of difference between Democrats and Republicans. When they out of power, they bitch about what the other guy is doing. When they are in power, they do the same stupid shit. It's why we've been militarily involved in that region of the world since 1983.

If it were up to me, we'd pull completely out of the middle east, cut off all money to all the players over there, including (and especially) the Zionists, and invest the savings in aid and military expenditures in energy independence.

We won't do that.

The Zionists have our politicians in a lockbox. Seriously, the only critics of Israel are the four members of "the Squad" and the Zionists will probably spend a shitload of money trying to unseat them again.

The Oil companies are making too much money pumping out oil and selling it, even though it requires constant military intervention and is slowly destroying the planet.

The weapons contractors are making too much money selling weapons over there and oh shit, they are turning those weapons on us now!

Now, I realize that you don't have the intellectual depth to actually argue these points, so go find yourself a nice article on you happy place on Fox News.
Hillary didn't invade Iraq over weapons that didn't exist, that was Dubya and Cheney, a couple of guys we need to ship off to the Hague as war criminals.

As for Libya.. yes, I think it was stupid for the US to get involved, but Qadafi was going down if we got involved or not.

The ironic thing about our middle east policy is that there isn't a whiff of difference between Democrats and Republicans. When they out of power, they bitch about what the other guy is doing. When they are in power, they do the same stupid shit. It's why we've been militarily involved in that region of the world since 1983.

If it were up to me, we'd pull completely out of the middle east, cut off all money to all the players over there, including (and especially) the Zionists, and invest the savings in aid and military expenditures in energy independence.

We won't do that.

The Zionists have our politicians in a lockbox. Seriously, the only critics of Israel are the four members of "the Squad" and the Zionists will probably spend a shitload of money trying to unseat them again.

The Oil companies are making too much money pumping out oil and selling it, even though it requires constant military intervention and is slowly destroying the planet.

The weapons contractors are making too much money selling weapons over there and oh shit, they are turning those weapons on us now!

Now, I realize that you don't have the intellectual depth to actually argue these points, so go find yourself a nice article on you happy place on Fox News.
Da Joos are to blame!
Hillary insisted Saddamn had WMDs and we should invade, and Bill said Saddamn had WMDs when he left office.
Pretty much forces Bush’s hand to take action.
Thats OK. The American people will fire about 75-100 of the Democrats in the House and several of them in the Senate next year in the midterms. They will be fired for being associated with the shitheads in the Potatohead administration.

Then the impeachment will take place to fire the sonofabitch really responsible.
Da Joos are to blame!
Yes, we should, never, ever discuss AIPAC and the influence it has on American policy.

If AIPAC was a Chinese organization spending 77 Million a year to influence US policy, you would be having an absolute conniption fit.

Hillary insisted Saddamn had WMDs and we should invade, and Bill said Saddamn had WMDs when he left office.
Pretty much forces Bush’s hand to take action.

The point is, Hillary and Bill didn't invade.

There were a whole lot of actions that Bush Could have taken that didn't involve invading.... he just didn't take them.

Again, I know you are a tad slow, because I straight up said there's no real difference between Dems and Reps on Middle East Policy. They are owned by teh Zionists, Oil Companies and War Profiteers.
You mean his defense of the Forever War(TM) that pretended that the Afghan Army wasn't anything but the joke it turned out to be?

For Sale

300,000 Afghan Army Rifles

Never Fired, only dropped once.
wow talk about shameful. More members of the afghan army died fighting for the freedom of the country over the last 20 years then any other troop. Xiden pulling the military, and specific the air base to the taliban was extremely disheartening and see as a complete betrayal.

Xiden and the dems now pout th for the finger solely at these vets, and soldiers is just pathetic

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