Biden VP pick announcement not likely this week


Biden boxed himself in... IT must be a woman and she must be of color.... If he choses anything else it will be a blood bath. Right now his choice s all have major baggage that will kill his election. The longer this goes the harder of a time he will have in Nov... Anything he does now will kill roughly 35% of his base..
He definitely did himself a MAJOR disservice by saying he would choose a woman. I'm sure some are trying to find a way to get Hillary in there.

Ultimately, no matter who he chooses, it will be a token decision in the eyes of voters. He felt he needed to offer a female V.P to win the Primaries, and then when he did, he was stuck.
The democrats are looking for someone to carry Joe. There just isn't anyone that helps the ticket.
That and delaying his choice helps him hide longer from his base. His cognitive decline can not be hidden any more and people understand they are voting for his VP choice as president.
Maybe scheduling a battle royale between the various contenders might be an idea? If he chooses that way to resolve this problem, I'd put my money on Michelle "Big Mike" Obama.
His handlers are realizing there's no one worthwhile there to choose from. Eeney, meeny, minie, moe ...

Various reports over the weekend indicated that the former vice president and his team were extending the vetting process of the contenders in the running mate search by a week to two weeks.

Biden VP pick announcement not likely this week: source
I bet Kamala has her knee pads on. Time for her to “service” an old white racist.
The democrats are looking for someone to carry Joe. There just isn't anyone that helps the ticket.
That and delaying his choice helps him hide longer from his base. His cognitive decline can not be hidden any more and people understand they are voting for his VP choice as president.
Exactly. Biden will only be a one-term "stand-in" for a real progressive president. I can just imagine the jockeying and dollars flying around for the various factions to get their preferred candidate nominated VP.
How much would you donate to get your very own "president in-waiting" of the USA?
There’s no good option for Biden. Harris would be the least worse

Pocahontas would be a better choice for Sleepy Joe. The old squaw will be too old in 2024 to run again, if she gets tarred as a Loser, no big deal
The democrats are looking for someone to carry Joe. There just isn't anyone that helps the ticket.
There is only one woman who can carry dementia Joe. Not only that, she can even carry him while hurdling a 5 foot bar.

Biden could also go for the Veteran vote as well as the Tranny vote, by nominating "Chelsea" Manning.

Judge orders Chelsea Manning's release from jail in Virginia ...
Biden could also go for the Veteran vote as well as the Tranny vote, by nominating "Chelsea" Manning.

Judge orders Chelsea Manning's release from jail in Virginia ...'s release from jail in Virginia ...
I say put Chelsea and Katlyn in a ring in a wrestling match and use pay per view to raise political funds for the campaign(winner takes all)............cuz they are going to need them
I wouldn't expect an announcement until mid next week. Some historical perspective on announcing VP:

- The 2008 Democratic presidential nominee, U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, announced he had chosen his vice presidential running mate on Aug. 23, 2008: U.S. Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware. Obama made the announcement just two days before that year's Democratic National Convention.

- The 2008 Republican presidential nominee, U.S. Sen. John McCain, announced he had chosen his vice presidential running mate on Aug. 29, 2008: Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. McCain's decision came just days before that year's Republican National Convention, held during the first week of September.

- The 2012 Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, announced he had chosen U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice presidential running mate on Aug. 11, 2012. Romney's announcement came about two weeks before that year's Republican National Convention.

- The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton announced she had chosen Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate on July 22, 2016. The announcement came three days before the party's convention began.

- The 2016 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced he had chosen Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate on July 14, 2016. The announcement came four days before the Republican National Convention.
The talking heads are arguing that Biden is in deep trouble taking so long to pick a VP.
Sounds like he can't make up his mind.....decisions, decisions, decisions....
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