Biden State Department Attempts To Take Credit For Rescue Of 4 Americans From Afghanistan

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Plagiarism and stealing credit for others' success are now officially Biden administration sanctioned / encouraged actions....

EXCLUSIVE: State Dept accused of stealing credit for rescue of 4 Americans from Afghanistan

EXCLUSIVE: State Dept accused of stealing credit for rescue of 4 Americans from Afghanistan

Cory Mills and a private team of military veterans led the effort to rescue Mariam and her three children from Afghanistan

The organizer of a private mission to rescue an American mom, Mariam, and her three children from Afghanistan says the U.S. State Department is now trying to insert itself into the story of her evacuation, despite playing little to no role for much of the rescue effort.

Senior State Department officials on Monday announced that the "U.S. has facilitated the safe departure of four US citizens by overland route from Afghanistan. Embassy staff was present upon their arrival."

State Department: 'We were present when the team arrived safely out of Afghanistan. OUR rescue mission worked perfectly.'


In reality, here is how Biden and his State Department played a part in their 'rescue':

"Mills' team first sought to get the family aboard one of the last government flights out of Kabul, but she was unable to gain admission into the airport. The State Department repeatedly urged the four Americans to go to the airport gate, braving Taliban checkpoints along the way, only for them to be refused admission each time, Mills said."

"This is an attempt to save face by the administration for the Americans they left behind. This is a woman with three children from age 15 all the way down to two-years-old. And they did nothing to try to expedite this… But at the very last minute you have these ‘senior officials’ at the State Department trying to claim credit for this like ‘oh yeah look what we've done,'" Mills said.

"The only thing the Biden Administration seems to be good at is patting itself on the back for a job horribly done. This administration left my constituents behind in Afghanistan and now they’re lying about their role in getting these four American citizens out,"

What did Biden's State Department do? When Mills and his team got the rescued family safely into a 3rd country, the State Department helped secure 'tourist visas' for them. They HAD to - imagine if the media found out that the State Department had refused to help. Instead, the State Department secured tourist Visas for them and then attempted to claim credit for the rescue.

Biden and the people he appointed are all jerks, at least I haven't seen a good one yet. It seems their motivation in everything is to make America fail. That's why they change the subject so quickly and so often. They're like a runaway train heading for the tunnel that wasn't built yet.
Biden gets a bunch of Americans stuck behind enemy lines, then takes credit for their rescue...

It's like a fire fighter that sets a fire then shows up and puts it out, claiming to be a hero.
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