Biden Short Circuits Without Teleprompter

Biden can't answer a simple question without the teleprompter. How is he ever going to make it through a live debate?

Workers shared in the wealth? Bernie's Communism has infected Quid Pro Joe. He's confusing entrepreneurs with workers
I'm just wondering what the hell the DNC would be doing if it weren't for the whole COVID thing? How the hell could they have pulled this whole campaign off? I mean seriously?
Biden has declined badly over the years. He is 50% of the man he was 10 years ago. That said, if he is allowed to debate, it means he has at least enough to get through the debates. They wouldn't let him do the debates otherwise. I think Biden is actually gaming the system a little here to really bring down expectations. It may not be pretty, but he has a very low bar to get over. We will know soon.
Biden probably won't debate but if he does, he will no doubt be provided the questions before hand so he can practice his answers. The debate will have zero credibility but even so, Trump will kick his butt. MAGA
Trump doesn't answer questions either without a teleprompter or he fabricates an answer which makes no sense and usually is about all the wonderful things he hasn't done.

President Trump regularly does free-wheeling pressers. With a press that hates him. Let's see Biden do that with a press that kisses his ass; and no prepared questions.
Trump does freewheeling rallies where he can spew whatever comes into his head. He has created the relationship that he has with the press with his lying and denigrating.
This guy is obviously pretty close to being compelled to a home. His VP is a radical Marxist who should be nowhere near the Presidency. Without the input of intelligent Americans, these two could bring this country down to shithole status within a year. MAGA, live and let live.
Trump has already brought our country down to a shithole status.
Trump does freewheeling rallies where he can spew whatever comes into his head. He has created the relationship that he has with the press with his lying and denigrating.

Trump does free-wheeling pressers where he smacks an illiterate and hateful press corps down.

Let's see Biden do a 90-minute presser with a lapdog press, but no pre-determined questions allowed.
Trump does freewheeling rallies where he can spew whatever comes into his head. He has created the relationship that he has with the press with his lying and denigrating.

Trump does free-wheeling pressers where he smacks an illiterate and hateful press corps down.

Let's see Biden do a 90-minute presser with a lapdog press, but no pre-determined questions allowed.
Trump avoids answering questions that hold him accountable by dissing the press. The illiterate and hateful applies to Trump, not the press.

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