Biden Orders Rail Carriers to Declare "Force Majeure" And Halt Delivery of Grain to Dairy Herds, Planned Food Shortages to be Blamed on Russia


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Very interesting analysis.

US rail carriers, we have learned, are right now declaring force majeure and cancelling contracts on their obligations to deliver hundreds of thousands of rail cars of bulk grains to cattle and dairy operations in America. Right now, tens of thousands of dairy animals face starvation within weeks, and grain supplies will be gone in many areas in just a few days. Importantly, if dairy animals are culled because of a lack of grain, it will take many years to rebuild dairy operations to the present level.

Say goodbye to affordable milk, cheese, yogurt and whey protein.

Don’t forget this also affects infant formula.

This is all being done on purpose to create mass chaos and civil unrest, of course.

Meanwhile, skyrocketing fertilizer prices are already in play across the entire planet, and this is going to dramatically hike grain prices in the next harvest. From there, the domino effect kicks in where high grain prices lead many animal ranchers and dairy operators to realize they can’t even afford to keep their herds fed.

With meat and dairy soon getting out of reach for average American consumers, you might think they would be turning to more plant-based diets. The problem there, of course, is that grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and vegetables are also experiencing alarming levels of price inflation. Scarcity in these items is also getting significantly worse.

Topping it all off, fertilizer prices are skyrocketing around the world, which means fewer farmers will even bother to plant crops of any kind, given the much higher financial risk associated with $2,000 / acre fertilizer costs. (Which used to be just $200 / acre two years ago.)

And then you have the rising cost of fuel inputs as well, affecting farm tractors, transportation and even the availability of pesticides.

The bottom line? The world is going to face real starvation beginning in just a few months and lasting for years to come.
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Munkle is of course...a Russian sock puppet
He is unaware that the feed is delivered by truck.

Bulk freights like grain are moved by truck for only the last few hundred miles, rail is much cheaper and the cost would be prohibitive. Your welcome for your lesson in the US transportation system.

There are no shortages of anything. Only deliberate logjams, the way CA gov. Newsom closed down CA ports last year.
Very interesting analysis.

US rail carriers, we have learned, are right now declaring force majeure and cancelling contracts on their obligations to deliver hundreds of thousands of rail cars of bulk grains to cattle and dairy operations in America. Right now, tens of thousands of dairy animals face starvation within weeks, and grain supplies will be gone in many areas in just a few days. Importantly, if dairy animals are culled because of a lack of grain, it will take many years to rebuild dairy operations to the present level.

Say goodbye to affordable milk, cheese, yogurt and whey protein.

Don’t forget this also affects infant formula.

This is all being done on purpose to create mass chaos and civil unrest, of course.

Meanwhile, skyrocketing fertilizer prices are already in play across the entire planet, and this is going to dramatically hike grain prices in the next harvest. From there, the domino effect kicks in where high grain prices lead many animal ranchers and dairy operators to realize they can’t even afford to keep their herds fed.

With meat and dairy soon getting out of reach for average American consumers, you might think they would be turning to more plant-based diets. The problem there, of course, is that grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and vegetables are also experiencing alarming levels of price inflation. Scarcity in these items is also getting significantly worse.

Topping it all off, fertilizer prices are skyrocketing around the world, which means fewer farmers will even bother to plant crops of any kind, given the much higher financial risk associated with $2,000 / acre fertilizer costs. (Which used to be just $200 / acre two years ago.)

And then you have the rising cost of fuel inputs as well, affecting farm tractors, transportation and even the availability of pesticides.

The bottom line? The world is going to face real starvation beginning in just a few months and lasting for years to come.

This links to POSPOTUS Ukraine links as well as the Ukraine famine of the Soviets.
Here's a thought: how about we quit burning grains for fuel and use them for food instead? And then let's start drilling for oil to replace the bio-fuel mix in gasoline.
Here's a thought: how about we quit burning grains for fuel and use them for food instead? And then let's start drilling for oil to replace the bio-fuel mix in gasoline.

The point is not and never has been how to serve our best interest. It has been how to enslave us. We already know we are run by genocidal sociopaths who have managed to convince 100M+ people to take a death shot the full effects of which we will know in a couple of years. So I hope this is wrong, but I put nothing past them. Engineered collapse of the US food supply. There are no food shortages, just engineered log-jams like Newsom closing California ports and slaughterhouses closing because of a few fake PCR-test cases of Covid. Food riots = martial law. That is the goal. All blamed on Russia.

It is never the horrific event itself that matters. It is who gets blamed.
Democrats are bat shit crazy.

The point is not and never has been how to serve our best interest. It has been how to enslave us. We already know we are run by genocidal sociopaths who have managed to convince 100M+ people to take a death shot the full effects of which we will know in a couple of years. So I hope this is wrong, but I put nothing past them. Engineered collapse of the US food supply. There are no food shortages, just engineered log-jams like Newsom closing California ports and slaughterhouses closing because of a few fake PCR-test cases of Covid. Food riots = martial law. That is the goal. All blamed on Russia.

It is never the horrific event itself that matters. It is who gets blamed.

Ukrainian grain does not need to be used in the United States.
We have plenty of Hard Red, Hard White, and soft white in the US and Canada
Why would Biden want to use corn to make gas when he knows a food shortage is coming?

Another attack by Democrats on Americans.
Remember when you substitute sawdust for flour to make you're killing trees.

For which, of course, you SHOULD in a liberal-logical world, be summarily executed. For your own good.
Very interesting analysis.

US rail carriers, we have learned, are right now declaring force majeure and cancelling contracts on their obligations to deliver hundreds of thousands of rail cars of bulk grains to cattle and dairy operations in America. Right now, tens of thousands of dairy animals face starvation within weeks, and grain supplies will be gone in many areas in just a few days. Importantly, if dairy animals are culled because of a lack of grain, it will take many years to rebuild dairy operations to the present level.

Say goodbye to affordable milk, cheese, yogurt and whey protein.

Don’t forget this also affects infant formula.

This is all being done on purpose to create mass chaos and civil unrest, of course.

Meanwhile, skyrocketing fertilizer prices are already in play across the entire planet, and this is going to dramatically hike grain prices in the next harvest. From there, the domino effect kicks in where high grain prices lead many animal ranchers and dairy operators to realize they can’t even afford to keep their herds fed.

With meat and dairy soon getting out of reach for average American consumers, you might think they would be turning to more plant-based diets. The problem there, of course, is that grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and vegetables are also experiencing alarming levels of price inflation. Scarcity in these items is also getting significantly worse.

Topping it all off, fertilizer prices are skyrocketing around the world, which means fewer farmers will even bother to plant crops of any kind, given the much higher financial risk associated with $2,000 / acre fertilizer costs. (Which used to be just $200 / acre two years ago.)

And then you have the rising cost of fuel inputs as well, affecting farm tractors, transportation and even the availability of pesticides.

The bottom line? The world is going to face real starvation beginning in just a few months and lasting for years to come.

If Biden's maddog advisers made him order that, the Democrats are fucking madwomen.

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