Biden Must Send More US Troops to Afghanistan + Armored Buses


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There is no escape from what Joe Biden has to do regarding Afghanistan. He must send a very large number of US troops into Afghanistan to rescue Americans, and Afghans who have assisted the US military. So far, Biden's response has been nothing but hot air, meaningless words, with very little action.

Currently, there are 5-10,000 Americans in Afghanistan, trapped behind enemy lines, according to Pentagon spokesman John Kirby. It's pretty amazing that the administration does not know how many Americans are there. Even more amazing is the latest word from the US Embassy telling stranded Americans >> "to avoid traveling to the airport and to avoid airport gates at this time unless you receive individual instructions from a U.S. government representative to do so."

When an evacuation plan is direly needed, this sounds more like a NON-evacuation plan. This "don't call us, we'll call you" direction must be very disheartening to Americans wanting to get out NOW, not some unknown time of the future. A lot could happen in the meantime. Like getting killed by the Taliban, ISIS, or Al Qaeda, or any of a number of jihadist groups now in the country.

What a contrast between this do-nothing NON-plan, and the massive evacuation already accomplished by the French, who went in with dozens of buses, and got their people out. Also, it is in contrast with other countries, who already had their people removed, well before the Taliban took over (which is what Biden should have done).

Biden's withdrawl of US troops before evacuation of American civilians has got to be one of the dumbest things any US president has ever done. Water over the dam. The problem now is to get those thousands of Americans out as safely as possible, and the only way to do it, is the same way the French did. With massive numbers of heavily armed troops, and massive amounts of heavily amored vehicles.

If this were done, the troops could possibly have to fight their way out of the country, but it is the only scenario viable. One thing is for sure. The hollow proclamations that Biden is making, saying that all Americans will be evacuated, but doing nothing to make that happen, cannot be allowed to proceed. Americans need help and they need it NOW.
He has already ordered the troops in. How many will be sitting ducks as the Taliban unleash our own weaponry on them?

ISIS is there as well. each passing day Biden remains inactive, tightens the noose on all of them. He was afraid to admit he made a mistake as the country fell apart in front of us. We needed to immediately re-deploy at the moment we saw we would have thousands of Americans trapped behind. I highly doubt Biden even figured that into the equation.
One of the things that worries me the most, is who is going to replace Biden, if & when (hopefully) he leaves. Kamala Harris ? Give me a break. She's in hiding right now, probably looking for a country to emigrate to, ASAP.

Who's next after that ? Nancy Pelosi ? Wow. Are we ever in trouble. :eek:
Trump Attacks Biden For Afghanistan Chaos After Giving Taliban The Deal That Ensured It

"And in one of his final acts before leaving office, Trump reduced the U.S. military presence in the country to just 2,500 troops ― not nearly enough to maintain control of Kabul, let alone all the major cities and military installations, including Bagram Air Base, without the help of the Afghan government’s police force and army.

"Those security units, however, largely surrendered or simply vanished as a Taliban sweep of the country looked ever more inevitable."
Trump Attacks Biden For Afghanistan Chaos After Giving Taliban The Deal That Ensured It

"And in one of his final acts before leaving office, Trump reduced the U.S. military presence in the country to just 2,500 troops ― not nearly enough to maintain control of Kabul, let alone all the major cities and military installations, including Bagram Air Base, without the help of the Afghan government’s police force and army.

"Those security units, however, largely surrendered or simply vanished as a Taliban sweep of the country looked ever more inevitable."

Well that was the point. Our 2,500 were not really there to be fighting. They didn't have to so much. They were mostly there to give aid to the Afghan Army who was ok to fight as long as they knew we.... the British, French and other allies had their back in a logistical role and maybe sometimes air support. Our assurance to them was valuable for their morale.

Whats the problem? As long as we still controlled Baghram Air Base which was easily defensable the taliban knew we could bring in re-enforcements in a heartbeat. Having a smaller U.S. footprint would eventually make the Afghans more able. It obviously still wasn't enough time.
Biden should tell the Taliban: "if anyone doublecrosses America, it'll be the last thing they ever did!"
President Potatohead is depending upon the good graces of the Taliban to keep Americans safe and to allow them to get to the airport. What could possibly go wrong?
Well that was the point. Our 2,500 were not really there to be fighting. They didn't have to so much. They were mostly there to give aid to the Afghan Army who was ok to fight as long as they knew we.... the British, French and other allies had their back in a logistical role and maybe sometimes air support. Our assurance to them was valuable for their morale.
Yet the Taliban took the entire country in a matter of days with many in the Afghan Army refusing to defend the US withdrawal.

The Ides of August

"Do we really suppose the Taliban, a rag-tag, disjointed militia hiding out in the hills, as we’ve so long been told, was able to execute such a sophisticated campaign plan with no international backing? Where do we suppose that campaign plan came from?

"Who gave the orders?

"Where did all those men, all that materiel, the endless supply of money to buy off local Afghan army and police commanders, come from?

"How is it that new officials were appointed in Kandahar within a day of the city’s fall?

"The new governor, mayor, director of education, and chief of police all speak with a Kandahari accent. But no one I know has ever heard of them."

The author of the above opinion covered the fall of the Taliban in 2001 and then decided to leave journalism and spend the next 7 years living in Kandahar where she established several non-profits.
Trump Attacks Biden For Afghanistan Chaos After Giving Taliban The Deal That Ensured It

"And in one of his final acts before leaving office, Trump reduced the U.S. military presence in the country to just 2,500 troops ― not nearly enough to maintain control of Kabul, let alone all the major cities and military installations, including Bagram Air Base, without the help of the Afghan government’s police force and army.

"Those security units, however, largely surrendered or simply vanished as a Taliban sweep of the country looked ever more inevitable."
Strange post. Quotation marks without any link to who's being quoted.
Yet the Taliban took the entire country in a matter of days with many in the Afghan Army refusing to defend the US withdrawal.

The Ides of August

"Do we really suppose the Taliban, a rag-tag, disjointed militia hiding out in the hills, as we’ve so long been told, was able to execute such a sophisticated campaign plan with no international backing? Where do we suppose that campaign plan came from?

"Who gave the orders?

"Where did all those men, all that materiel, the endless supply of money to buy off local Afghan army and police commanders, come from?

"How is it that new officials were appointed in Kandahar within a day of the city’s fall?

"The new governor, mayor, director of education, and chief of police all speak with a Kandahari accent. But no one I know has ever heard of them."

The author of the above opinion covered the fall of the Taliban in 2001 and then decided to leave journalism and spend the next 7 years living in Kandahar where she established several non-profits.
1. My guess is China.

2. Topic is what Biden could/should do now, not last week.
My guess is China.

2. Topic is what Biden could/should do now, not last week.
He might consider cutting ties with those who expect to profit from decades of high level corruption in Pakistan and Afghanistan?

Maybe Hunter has a few ideas

The Ides of August

Hamid Karzai. During my conversations in the early 2000s about the Pakistani government’s role in the Taliban’s initial rise, I learned this breathtaking fact: Hamid Karzai, the U.S. choice to pilot Afghanistan after we ousted their regime, was in fact the go-between who negotiated those very Taliban’s initial entry into Afghanistan in 1994."
Strange post. Quotation marks without any link to who's being quoted.
True or False:

Trump Attacks Biden For Afghanistan Chaos After Giving Taliban The Deal That Ensured It

"And in one of his final acts before leaving office, Trump reduced the U.S. military presence in the country to just 2,500 troops ― not nearly enough to maintain control of Kabul, let alone all the major cities and military installations, including Bagram Air Base, without the help of the Afghan government’s police force and army."
He needs to overwhelm them with solid force and compel them to retreat so that our mission can be completed.
So few words ; so much meaning.
True or False:

Trump Attacks Biden For Afghanistan Chaos After Giving Taliban The Deal That Ensured It

"And in one of his final acts before leaving office, Trump reduced the U.S. military presence in the country to just 2,500 troops ― not nearly enough to maintain control of Kabul, let alone all the major cities and military installations, including Bagram Air Base, without the help of the Afghan government’s police force and army."
TOPIC is what Biden could/should do now, not last week, or last month, or before that.

See Post # 16.

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