Biden: Migrant family separation 'one of the darkest moments in our history'


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Migrant family separation is “one of the darkest moments in our history,” Biden says

The Trump administration’s separation of migrant children from their parents is “one of the darkest moments in our history,” former Vice President Joe Biden contended on Friday night.

“Grotesque lies—lies about immigrants, about crime, about costs to the community. They’re simply lies—factually inaccurate,” said Biden. “And look folks, this administration’s policies that literally rip babies from the arms of their mothers and fathers — one of the darkest moments in our history.”

Joe Biden is one of the darkest moments in our history. How many people must be killed by Illegals,and all the baggage that comes along with them,before these stupid ass liberals wake up , you can bet your ass if was one there family who was killed or affected by an illegal the shit would hit the fan. Looks like old Joe is gearing up for a 2020 run. If you get arrested do they put your kids in the jail cell with you ,Joe ? Old Joe is nothing more than a drama queen.
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Biden is pissed that his steady supply of children got stuck on the border.
Migrant family separation is “one of the darkest moments in our history,” Biden says

The Trump administration’s separation of migrant children from their parents is “one of the darkest moments in our history,” former Vice President Joe Biden contended on Friday night.

“Grotesque lies—lies about immigrants, about crime, about costs to the community. They’re simply lies—factually inaccurate,” said Biden. “And look folks, this administration’s policies that literally rip babies from the arms of their mothers and fathers — one of the darkest moments in our history.”

Joe Biden is one of the darkest moments in our history. How many people must be killed by Illegals,and all the baggage that comes along with them,before these stupid ass liberals wake up , you can bet your ass if was one there family who was killed or affected by an illegal the shit would hit the fan. Looks like old Joe is gearing up for a 2020 run. If you get arrested do they put your kids in the jail cell with you ,Joe ? Old Joe is nothing more than a drama queen.
View attachment 206229

This is a perfect example of identity politics in today's America. The entrenched Washington dinosaur bleeding heart over an issue miles through the clouds below his elitist journey through his own life. The man is a mouth piece for the credit card industry, living a life within halls of financial power few if any average Americans could comprehend yet relate to their own lives. The immigrant separation issue can for Biden be little more than another bank from which to draw political currency and further widen the divide between American sympathies and unity.
Migrant family separation is “one of the darkest moments in our history,” Biden says

The Trump administration’s separation of migrant children from their parents is “one of the darkest moments in our history,” former Vice President Joe Biden contended on Friday night.

“Grotesque lies—lies about immigrants, about crime, about costs to the community. They’re simply lies—factually inaccurate,” said Biden. “And look folks, this administration’s policies that literally rip babies from the arms of their mothers and fathers — one of the darkest moments in our history.”

Joe Biden is one of the darkest moments in our history. How many people must be killed by Illegals,and all the baggage that comes along with them,before these stupid ass liberals wake up , you can bet your ass if was one there family who was killed or affected by an illegal the shit would hit the fan. Looks like old Joe is gearing up for a 2020 run. If you get arrested do they put your kids in the jail cell with you ,Joe ? Old Joe is nothing more than a drama queen.
View attachment 206229

We have our own home grown gangs, called the militias. Also its false we want , the Democrats are not for criminals. Most serial killers are home grown and also most mass shooters.
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.

This is a non-argument. This is the year 2018 and we need to make decisions for the year 2018. It is not the time of our grandparents. Letting in millions of immigrants that will become working poor and overload our social programs is not good for Americans. The left wants to save the world at a time when America desperately needs to save itself. How about we have a conversation about humanitarianism when we're not trillions in debt and our infrastructure isn't in disrepair?
Migrant family separation is “one of the darkest moments in our history,” Biden says

The Trump administration’s separation of migrant children from their parents is “one of the darkest moments in our history,” former Vice President Joe Biden contended on Friday night.

“Grotesque lies—lies about immigrants, about crime, about costs to the community. They’re simply lies—factually inaccurate,” said Biden. “And look folks, this administration’s policies that literally rip babies from the arms of their mothers and fathers — one of the darkest moments in our history.”

Joe Biden is one of the darkest moments in our history. How many people must be killed by Illegals,and all the baggage that comes along with them,before these stupid ass liberals wake up , you can bet your ass if was one there family who was killed or affected by an illegal the shit would hit the fan. Looks like old Joe is gearing up for a 2020 run. If you get arrested do they put your kids in the jail cell with you ,Joe ? Old Joe is nothing more than a drama queen.
View attachment 206229

We have our own home grown gangs, called the militias. Also its false we want , the Democrats are not for criminals. Most serial killers are home grown and also most mass shooters.
so import more..???!! .that makes sense :rolleyes-41:
yes, bring in more murderers/criminals/gangs
bring in people with a much lower literacy rate?? that's stupid
List of Countries By Literacy Rate
....BLM/Demorats/blacks/libs attacking democracy/acting like nazis is one of the darkest moments in our history
..BLM/Dems/blacks/libs attacking lawfullness/civility/etc is one the darkest moments in our history
..trying to turn the country into Somalia/shithole/third world country is one of the darkest moments in our history
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.

Looking at the immigration statistics, this is absolutely false.And looking back even further, sure aren't many 3rd world democrat voters that immigrated. That's a new batshit crazy invention of the Democrat party.

Then again, I don't think there is any way you could be an actual American. Not sure why Americans should listen to you.
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.
My mother migrated here legally.

My grandfather migrated here legally.

Keep the hard working illegal migrants, deport the Socialists

when did you grandfather migrate here , he may of come here legally, but he was not a citizen unless you are like very young.
he's native am I
  1. 1.
    a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
    "a native of Montreal"
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.

Looking at the immigration statistics, this is absolutely false.And looking back even further, sure aren't many 3rd world democrat voters that immigrated. That's a new batshit crazy invention of the Democrat party.

Then again, I don't think there is any way you could be an actual American. Not sure why Americans should listen to you.

I'm a US citizen, born and raised here by US citizens. You are right it was the WASPS that originally came here, Wealthy Anglo Saxon Protestants.

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