Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump’s China Travel Ban Xenophobic

I wouldn't call trumps action against China was swift when considering he new about the virus in November 2019.
Thats a lie

no one outside china knew enough in november to impose a travel ban from china

Trump did.
More hysterical nonsense from the doc. The LOTUS banned Chinese from China, not travel from China. Biden has banned travel from India according to the headline in the OP.
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Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Your rhetoric on the matter is indeed "astounding". On January 31 the covid was in its early stages around the world and the blob was simply slapping China for its exporting policies. You do remember that the blob stated that there would be little or no spread of the virus here since he had it under control. He obviously had nothing under control.
Now we have a grave situation due to the unfettered spread of the covid in India and Biden is certainly doing the right thing in this case. So give him credit rather than look for ways to denigrate this very capable president.

Biden is not a capable president..he's a senile crook selling out america. Virus came from china----it makes sense to stop their people from traveling here spreading it.....

If the vaccine works why so afraid of the Indians? The virus has spread everywhere in the US----but Biden fears the Indians? What does it matter on top of this with biden letting the illegals who are infected flood into the US?

There was no vaccine for the Indians, son. Many Americans like you have refused to get the vaccine, and why tempt fate by taking the chance that the virus would not come here? Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Those children on the other side of the border would spread the virus here anyway
because the border is only an imaginary line and they had to be vaccinated whether here or there. Let's not forget their suffering.
Relative to Biden--He is hardly senile and is saving America from the chaos and
hatred that Trump, a true senile if you are listening to his daily rants, has created
in foreign affairs and America with his divisiveness, bluster, and lost trade wars.
Trump is as crooked as they come and does not care about you. A grifter was in the White House.

So wrong on so many items------I am not a son. I refuse to get vaccinated--true. I've had the virus and see the vaccine which aren't true vaccines as unknown and dangerous at this point. They certainly offer me no benefit at this point but provide risk. Pawns go first-------especially when having the virus already offers me some protection. The Virus is coming here------banning the Indians at this point won't stop this or slow this down-----------banning the chinese when the first original virus came slowed down the spread. Banning the indians does nothing but make Bidens puppet masters the chinese happy as they want to own the US. Banning the indians will save on welfare though so its not all bad.

Biden is most certainly fucking blaringly senile. This is a fact. Keeping the illegals out stops the spread of many diseases..TB is back in the US thanks to the illegals. the illegals are trash that offer nothing to the US other than more welfare, more crime and more disease. The solution is to stop them from coming over as Trump had done.....Trump made the world a safer place and in every metric in foreign policy Trump improved the US's standing...its a lie to pretend otherwise. The world under Trump was a much safer place.......Trump despite your empty rhetoric made the Us a much better place bringing back jobs and our economy-------------stopping the flood of illegals-------wiping out ISIS for the most part along with other terrorists----and stopping the expansion of the evil communist chinese that own BIDEN. Biden is purposely bankrupting the US, instituting policies that will help criminals and terrorists alike, along with allowing the chi-communists to seize more power in the US and thusly the world. Higher taxes with an economy now based on government spending trillions which can not last---as we are already seeing hyper inflation setting in.
  • Funny
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Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Your rhetoric on the matter is indeed "astounding". On January 31 the covid was in its early stages around the world and the blob was simply slapping China for its exporting policies. You do remember that the blob stated that there would be little or no spread of the virus here since he had it under control. He obviously had nothing under control.
Now we have a grave situation due to the unfettered spread of the covid in India and Biden is certainly doing the right thing in this case. So give him credit rather than look for ways to denigrate this very capable president.

Biden is not a capable president..he's a senile crook selling out america. Virus came from china----it makes sense to stop their people from traveling here spreading it.....

If the vaccine works why so afraid of the Indians? The virus has spread everywhere in the US----but Biden fears the Indians? What does it matter on top of this with biden letting the illegals who are infected flood into the US?

There was no vaccine for the Indians, son. Many Americans like you have refused to get the vaccine, and why tempt fate by taking the chance that the virus would not come here? Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Those children on the other side of the border would spread the virus here anyway
because the border is only an imaginary line and they had to be vaccinated whether here or there. Let's not forget their suffering.
Relative to Biden--He is hardly senile and is saving America from the chaos and
hatred that Trump, a true senile if you are listening to his daily rants, has created
in foreign affairs and America with his divisiveness, bluster, and lost trade wars.
Trump is as crooked as they come and does not care about you. A grifter was in the White House.

So wrong on so many items------I am not a son. I refuse to get vaccinated--true. I've had the virus and see the vaccine which aren't true vaccines as unknown and dangerous at this point. They certainly offer me no benefit at this point but provide risk. Pawns go first-------especially when having the virus already offers me some protection. The Virus is coming here------banning the Indians at this point won't stop this or slow this down-----------banning the chinese when the first original virus came slowed down the spread. Banning the indians does nothing but make Bidens puppet masters the chinese happy as they want to own the US. Banning the indians will save on welfare though so its not all bad.

Biden is most certainly fucking blaringly senile. This is a fact. Keeping the illegals out stops the spread of many diseases..TB is back in the US thanks to the illegals. the illegals are trash that offer nothing to the US other than more welfare, more crime and more disease. The solution is to stop them from coming over as Trump had done.....Trump made the world a safer place and in every metric in foreign policy Trump improved the US's standing...its a lie to pretend otherwise. The world under Trump was a much safer place.......Trump despite your empty rhetoric made the Us a much better place bringing back jobs and our economy-------------stopping the flood of illegals-------wiping out ISIS for the most part along with other terrorists----and stopping the expansion of the evil communist chinese that own BIDEN. Biden is purposely bankrupting the US, instituting policies that will help criminals and terrorists alike, along with allowing the chi-communists to seize more power in the US and thusly the world. Higher taxes with an economy now based on government spending trillions which can not last---as we are already seeing hyper inflation setting in.

You are so off the wall that I don't know where to start enlightening you, so I won't get into much detail.
Under Trump, the illegals were given a number to come and appear before the 3 immigration judges ----3. They piled up on the other side of the border in squalor
and many just moved to open spaces to cross over.
Trump has made the world a tinder box waiting to explode with his bullying and bluster. He has abandoned our allies, causing death to many people and resulting in other countries making trade deals with China, et al.
ISIS is hardly wiped out and is repositioning itself elsewhere.
Biden is doing what should have been done many years ago with our infrastructure.
The higher taxes consists of eliminating the ridiculous and unnecessary tax reduction (increasing the deficit by trillions) that Trump gave to the super-wealthy who cheerfully invested it in the stock market. Killing environmental regulations only hurts your health and increases the wealth of corporations as they continue to pollute. They were adjusting nicely to those regulations.
Trump's managing of the pandemic was obscene.
Higher inflation is setting in due to Trump's trade wars which he lost. The pandemic has created more demand than supply.
Banning the Chinese did nothing to slow down the virus from entering as it was only a vindictive act by Trump. He neglected to close the East coast and guess what happened?
So wrong on so many items.
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Yes the experts say it was productive: you live under a rock?

Of course the tariffs ended up paying off...and no China didn't make other fact as a result we saw the largest Ag purchases in China-USA history because of them

Your post couldn't be more it was a net zero on being right about anything
OP amuses itself by making up names for politicians. How did that play out for the twice impeached one on election day? Spending his whole life talking like a 12 year old is truly pathetic.
Spending your whole life talking like a 12 year old is truly pathetic.
I wouldn't call trumps action against China was swift when considering he new about the virus in November 2019.
Thats a lie

no one outside china knew enough in november to impose a travel ban from china

The date might be wrong but his inaction delay is not. Read this.

Next time you jump to spurious conclusions, jump onto google first and gorge yourself with facts. I accept your apology.
google is for retarded demonRATS who want to live under communist really are a stupid piece of shit....we accept your stupidity, and your apology
you fucking retarded demonRATS....your shit stain--- wanna be DR fake-i ---says closing borders does no good...or did it change its stance---AGAIN?
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Your rhetoric on the matter is indeed "astounding". On January 31 the covid was in its early stages around the world and the blob was simply slapping China for its exporting policies. You do remember that the blob stated that there would be little or no spread of the virus here since he had it under control. He obviously had nothing under control.
Now we have a grave situation due to the unfettered spread of the covid in India and Biden is certainly doing the right thing in this case. So give him credit rather than look for ways to denigrate this very capable president.

but he created tensions in the world that could lead to wars due to his bullying and bluster manner of "diplomacy".
What do you call china’s behavior toward its neighbors?

When it has military power over others it uses that power to bully and intimidate

And the only thing dictatorships understand is more power

Trump spent 4 years convincing china and north Korea that we mean business

Which is the best way to avoid a war
Under Trump, the illegals were given a number to come and appear before the 3 immigration judges ----3. They piled up on the other side of the border in squalor
There is zero reason to let them into the US

If they dont like their situation in mexico they should return to their home village
His tariffs did not benefit the USA.
Tariffs work, but they cannot undo 40 years of bad trade policy in just 4 years

The US must decide if we want to remain independent or become a vassal state to china
I wouldn't call trumps action against China was swift when considering he new about the virus in November 2019.
Thats a lie

no one outside china knew enough in november to impose a travel ban from china

Trump did.
Prove it.
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
Yes the experts say it was productive: you live under a rock?

Of course the tariffs ended up paying off...and no China didn't make other fact as a result we saw the largest Ag purchases in China-USA history because of them

Your post couldn't be more it was a net zero on being right about anything

I think your post #67 was the coup de grâce for Bobob and we wont see him here on this topic again because you destroyed all his arguments

Particularly his complaint that trump was being a meanie for banning travel from china

Well done
Biden Issues Indian Travel Ban A Year After Calling Trump's China Travel Ban Xenophobic (
30 Apr 2021 ~~ Bt Tristan Justice
The Biden administration announced Friday it would begin to restrict travel from India on Tuesday as the world’s second-most populated country suffers an overwhelming surge in coronavirus cases.
“On the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the administration will restrict travel from India starting immediately,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “The policy will be implemented in light of extraordinarily high COVID-19 caseloads and multiple variants circulating in India. The policy will take effect on Tuesday, May 4.”
The travel ban comes a year after Biden vilified such restrictions as xenophobic when pursued by President Donald Trump while the Wuhan virus began to mutate into a global pandemic from China.
“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia,” Biden said campaigning in Iowa on Jan. 31, the day Trump’s travel ban on China was announced.

Biden now appears to embrace the policies he once vilified, banning travel from India as the coronavirus develops into a humanitarian crisis. The densely-populated nation reported new record-high death tolls Wednesday and Thursday, averaging an estimated 3,050 deaths each day from the Chinese virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and humanitarian workers among others will be exempt from the Indian travel ban, according to one administration official in the Wall Street Journal. Those traveling, however, will be subject to quarantine and testing requirements.

The hypocrisy is astounding...... Meanwhile his immigration policy has created a Super spreader for the Wuhan Covid-19 virus and it's new mutations from Central and South America.
Chyna Joey Xi's hypocrisy and lies are getting thin enough that far left is starting to see through them now and starting to point them out and the "misspeaks" that were ignored are getting louder. Tide is turning, slow as crap, but it is turning.
Hy Joey, now you won't have to worry about running into a slight Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts in the future------Chyna Jose Xi & Kamaltoe Commie Harris have a new plan------from now on when you go to any gas station or any where else----you will need to be able to speak SPANISH!!!!!
From what I hear-----Aside from having to carry around our CDC Vaccine Card------We will also have to carry around a card that says--fluent in Spanish! :abgg2q.jpg:

Your rhetoric on the matter is indeed "astounding". On January 31 the covid was in its early stages around the world and the blob was simply slapping China for its exporting policies. You do remember that the blob stated that there would be little or no spread of the virus here since he had it under control. He obviously had nothing under control.
Now we have a grave situation due to the unfettered spread of the covid in India and Biden is certainly doing the right thing in this case. So give him credit rather than look for ways to denigrate this very capable president.

Biden is not a capable president..he's a senile crook selling out america. Virus came from china----it makes sense to stop their people from traveling here spreading it.....

If the vaccine works why so afraid of the Indians? The virus has spread everywhere in the US----but Biden fears the Indians? What does it matter on top of this with biden letting the illegals who are infected flood into the US?

There was no vaccine for the Indians, son. Many Americans like you have refused to get the vaccine, and why tempt fate by taking the chance that the virus would not come here? Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Those children on the other side of the border would spread the virus here anyway
because the border is only an imaginary line and they had to be vaccinated whether here or there. Let's not forget their suffering.
Relative to Biden--He is hardly senile and is saving America from the chaos and
hatred that Trump, a true senile if you are listening to his daily rants, has created
in foreign affairs and America with his divisiveness, bluster, and lost trade wars.
Trump is as crooked as they come and does not care about you. A grifter was in the White House.

So wrong on so many items------I am not a son. I refuse to get vaccinated--true. I've had the virus and see the vaccine which aren't true vaccines as unknown and dangerous at this point. They certainly offer me no benefit at this point but provide risk. Pawns go first-------especially when having the virus already offers me some protection. The Virus is coming here------banning the Indians at this point won't stop this or slow this down-----------banning the chinese when the first original virus came slowed down the spread. Banning the indians does nothing but make Bidens puppet masters the chinese happy as they want to own the US. Banning the indians will save on welfare though so its not all bad.

Biden is most certainly fucking blaringly senile. This is a fact. Keeping the illegals out stops the spread of many diseases..TB is back in the US thanks to the illegals. the illegals are trash that offer nothing to the US other than more welfare, more crime and more disease. The solution is to stop them from coming over as Trump had done.....Trump made the world a safer place and in every metric in foreign policy Trump improved the US's standing...its a lie to pretend otherwise. The world under Trump was a much safer place.......Trump despite your empty rhetoric made the Us a much better place bringing back jobs and our economy-------------stopping the flood of illegals-------wiping out ISIS for the most part along with other terrorists----and stopping the expansion of the evil communist chinese that own BIDEN. Biden is purposely bankrupting the US, instituting policies that will help criminals and terrorists alike, along with allowing the chi-communists to seize more power in the US and thusly the world. Higher taxes with an economy now based on government spending trillions which can not last---as we are already seeing hyper inflation setting in.

You are so off the wall that I don't know where to start enlightening you, so I won't get into much detail.
Under Trump, the illegals were given a number to come and appear before the 3 immigration judges ----3. They piled up on the other side of the border in squalor
and many just moved to open spaces to cross over.
Trump has made the world a tinder box waiting to explode with his bullying and bluster. He has abandoned our allies, causing death to many people and resulting in other countries making trade deals with China, et al.
ISIS is hardly wiped out and is repositioning itself elsewhere.
Biden is doing what should have been done many years ago with our infrastructure.
The higher taxes consists of eliminating the ridiculous and unnecessary tax reduction (increasing the deficit by trillions) that Trump gave to the super-wealthy who cheerfully invested it in the stock market. Killing environmental regulations only hurts your health and increases the wealth of corporations as they continue to pollute. They were adjusting nicely to those regulations.
Trump's managing of the pandemic was obscene.
Higher inflation is setting in due to Trump's trade wars which he lost. The pandemic has created more demand than supply.
Banning the Chinese did nothing to slow down the virus from entering as it was only a vindictive act by Trump. He neglected to close the East coast and guess what happened?
So wrong on so many items.

Under Trump---------the number of illegals getting in Dropped like a rock-----I could care a less that they live in squalor across the border--the illegals have always lived in squalor even before attempt to invade us. Many move to open spaces to sneak in? What type of shit are you trying to spin-----under Trump the number of illegals getting in dropped like a rock. Trump made the world a safer place you lying ass--------terrorism and invasions dropped under Trump as our enemies became afraid of attacking knowing that Trump would thump their asses. As it is now, many around the world are living in fear as the chinsese, russians, terrorists, iran again go on the attack because Trump is no longer there to thump the bad guys. How Donald Trump Won The War On Terror – Partially Politics

You seriously want to talk infrastructure spending? After Obama and biden took all those trillions for shovel ready jobs for infrastructure that produced shit? Same will happen now under biden's spending scam..the money will just disappear AGAIN.

Higher taxes do what idiot? Higher taxes harm the economy and produce nothing...just again allowing the swamp to spend spend spend. Its not rich who pay the higher taxes you ignorant fool--------the rich who buy dems the billionaires simply buy loopholes like going offshore to get out of the taxes, while the higher spending from the government mysteriously makes its way into the billionaire dems pockets...SEE BUFFETT BRAGGING OF THE STIMULUS MONEY allowing idiots to buy buy buy his products at much higher profits for him out this week. The government stealing from taxpayers is making billionaires richer while pushing up prices called inflation---------------the result is that the stimulus money will disappear leaving higher prices for products and goods hurting the poor and middle classes. bidens spending is leading to hype inflation and an asset bubble---there will be consequences to this nonsense...very very painful ones coming....

Under Trump, the actual economy improved along with jobs-------under Biden people aren't working and hyper inflation unlike we have seen before is taking off. We are fucked long term. and all because idiots like yourself think stealing from those who earn their money makes sense to stupid to realize the consequences on inflation and to immoral to grasp that taking from others is evil and done by evil people ---that never leads to good.

OMG you are ignorant. You want to talk pollution? You think Trump cutting taxes, caused pollution? Idiot, over population like allowing illegals to flood over causes pollution, throwing government money at idiots leads to pollution, as idiots still spend on short term nonsense like name brand nikes that do nothing to improve long term. The Gorebull warming scam alone has taken emphasis away from real pollution issues like CLEAN water----------in order to allow more money to be scammed with the nonsense about Carbon credits.....Dems and communists in general are the king of pollution. Trumps policies against CHINA btw------slowed their production of pollution btw--------And let us talk environment regulations since you have no clue. Many of the regulations are nonsense--not meant to help the environment, but to keep competition businesses from starting or expanding which helps the bigger dem contributors who don't get the regulations applied to them because they paid off politicians or they have the money to tie everything up in court allowing them to do whatever---but in whatever case makes the dems contributors rich and really does nothing to help the environment. Take for instance the whole CARBON CREDIT SCAM-------hint since you likely don't know--they do nothing to help the environment but do harm the US while helping CHINA.

Trump did a great job with the pandemic---he slowed the infected chinese travel buying us badly needed time (even with the dems purposely spreading covid in nursing homes to purposely up the death count to create chaos and kill our economy where they hope to be enriched from government spending based on the deaths and to allow for mailed in fraudulent ballots to steal the election----Trump is the one who is behind there even being any vaccines here in the US at this point (which may or may not be a good thing in the long run.) East coast explosion of Covid--you want to know who to blame? Try Cuomo and DEBLASIO who were trying to get the federal government to send them billions that they could funnel into their bank accounts-----their policy of sending the infected into nursing homes where the virus would spread easier and kill more among the elderly and their policy of allowing the infected homeless on subways to live in their filth along with making it illegal for the subway personal to take precautions like masks and cleaning early lead to the spreading of the disease. As did their insistance on allowing travel between china and no bathing jews who were heavily infected into and out of the us. Not to mention that their subsequent draconian lock downs then lead to the infected NY and other dems area people flooding out from their control spreading the disease all over the US.
Who except you, gives a shit where the covid came from?
The left cares very much that china not be blamed for it
Good point. The left didn't want to follow the science, and wanted to ignore the grim reality of the Chinese not to upset their masters in the Chinese Communist Party
Another brilliant uneducated and uninformed deduction from Struth about "grim" realities. Really??
you all supported the chinese travel ban? really? i don’t recall that
Let me refresh your memory about me. I support banning all countries until the covid is under control. I do not support Trump's reason for banning China because he was being vindictive and not productive.
The experts say it was productive...what was he being "vindictive" about? He was in the middle of working out a trade deal with China, one that benefited the USA....
Do the experts say that it was productive? Really? Trump was being vindictive due to China's negotiating tactics and their refusal to bend. He has shown that he is a vindictive guy. His tariffs did not benefit the USA. China made trade deals with some of our allies to their benefit, which gives them influence as our allies benefit. They are now competing favorably with us for world economic influence.
Inflation has taken root due to his trade wars and pandemic.
If we did things the right way to bring back manufacturing, we would get harsh with China. Break up conglomarates allowing newer companies to get into the game. But that would mean we would have to live more within our means. China is fulfilling Nikita Khruschev's spout.. "We will bury you". They have infiltrated our nation with the help of our own and now we are moving towards capitulation while we get the same shriek every election cycle....Democracy!
Fauci and JoeXi are catholic puppets, the former revealed his lack of epidemiological involvement early on so as to position himself in the vaccine-making limelight.
Yes, post #67, we’ve been studying the Ag situation. Certain Americans were getting excited. Even if they were not members of the catholic protection racket and its blatant copulation with the State, dancing their marionettes across the border, we noted certain Americans who would benefit from Chinese Ag deals. These were also democrats, not Republicans. When will U.S. citizens get tired of being forced to buy communist merchandise? When that’s all that is available?

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