Biden isnt going to run for POTUS again .


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
he isnt ... Bidens mental state is rapidly declining ... and i'm not making fun of the man because we all know people who have suffered from dementia .. as a matter of fact i doubt Biden will complete his term ... if he continues to worsen he will step down soon .
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he isnt ... Bidens mental state is rapidly declining ... i i'm not making fun of the man because we all know people who have suffered from dementia .. as a matter of fact i doubt Biden will complete his term ... if he continues to worsen he will step down soon .
Hunter can stand by his side and field/interpret any and all questions. As you know Hunter is the smartest man Joe knows.
he isnt ... Bidens mental state is rapidly declining ... i i'm not making fun of the man because we all know people who have suffered from dementia .. as a matter of fact i doubt Biden will complete his term ... if he continues to worsen he will step down soon .

I can't see Biden stepping down at all, or under any circumstances.

The Democrat Party is well familiar with the classic film "Weekend at Bernie's" and even Sleepy Joe's demise won't stop his reign.
I can't see Biden stepping down at all, or under any circumstances.

The Democrat Party is well familiar with the classic film "Weekend at Bernie's" and even Sleepy Joe's demise won't stop his reign.
Exactly .. what does he have to lose? He's craved presidency his entire 50+ years in federal politics, he already becoming fossilized and really doesn't care about outcomes anymore. He'll just die and make it the next guys problem.
Exactly .. what does he have to lose? He's craved presidency his entire 50+ years in federal politics, he already becoming fossilized and really doesn't care about outcomes anymore. He'll just die and make it the next guys problem.

And its not just Joe. Jill loves being 1st Lady, Hunter digs being 1st Son. Those two see themselves as the modern versions of Jackie O and John-John.
Never thought he really would. Think he camapigned as a one termer at one point. He just doesn't want to be officially stamped lame duck yet as then nobody would give AF about him.
he isnt ... Bidens mental state is rapidly declining ... i i'm not making fun of the man because we all know people who have suffered from dementia .. as a matter of fact i doubt Biden will complete his term ... if he continues to worsen he will step down soon .
TBH, I really believed that al the amphetamines that thy have him pumped up with, just so he can marginally function, would have killed him by now.
Has nothing to do with what Piss Pants himself or the Munchausen by Proxy wife wants.
Events in the very short term will guarantee he goes , whatever reason they use to try and explain it .
Once the petrodollar and the dollar itself implode , the game is up for everybody not just the Puppet Pervert .
I can't see Biden stepping down at all, or under any circumstances.

The Democrat Party is well familiar with the classic film "Weekend at Bernie's" and even Sleepy Joe's demise won't stop his reign.
they've been trying to hide it but his condition is getting to bad to cover for much longer .. he hasnt had a press conference in months and he very rarely takes questions from even the friendly press .. no... he's going to be asked to reseign by his own party behind the scenes .
I hope he runs .. he already has two challengers in the primaries .. and as an intentional, officially registered democrat who votes republican, I'll vote for the competition.
he is no longer able to withstand a debate ... even if they use the same basement tactics to campaign like they did in 2020 he's declined so much since then that even that strategy is no longer viable .
TBH, I really believed that al the amphetamines that thy have him pumped up with, just so he can marginally function, would have killed him by now.
the meds [whatever they maybe ] may help him but the decline is still continuing ... noticeably so .
he isnt ... Bidens mental state is rapidly declining ... and i'm not making fun of the man because we all know people who have suffered from dementia .. as a matter of fact i doubt Biden will complete his term ... if he continues to worsen he will step down soon .
Possible but more likely that he will be kept out of the public eye. This sort of presidential war is not transferable on account of it's scale of risk of world war.

Biden's stepping down will come very late and likely within just a few months of the elections, on account of a feigned health excuse. I see that as the most probable, unless the war is ended in the summer or fall as Ritter predicts.

I only worry that Ritter doesn't appreciate the need for America to win this war. It's sure to be the last opportunity to stop China/Russia!
Some of us have always thought it is planned that he step down so that the selected Vice President become the incumbent.
The VP or whoever steps in to replace Biden will only need to be totally and completely devoted to winning the war against Russia.
There is no war against "Russia"; there is conflict initiated and maintained by Putin and the "mafia" he represents. The resources of Russia have been hijacked by yet another sociopath criminal.
he is no longer able to withstand a debate ... even if they use the same basement tactics to campaign like they did in 2020 he's declined so much since then that even that strategy is no longer viable .
It's the 'ol want to .. vs. reality. He has to run, as the Democrats don't have a viable auxiliary candidate. Who would they select? Kamala Harris? (lol) ... Eric Stallwell? Gavin Newsom?

They have nobody

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