Biden is Going to SAVE US!

Beijing biden is the luckiest president of all time
He's going to inherit the Trump vaccine to cure covid
The Trumps economy will really take off and Biden will not have done a dang thing
by mid 2021 this country will be roaring again and xiden just fell into a bucket of crap and came our smelling like a rose

Remember this date and who posted it.

Nah. Once he starts instituting what he wants to do, the American tax payer will be eager for 2024 to get rid of his stupid ass.

I doubt the Dems will hang onto the House in the mid terms once they back Biden and the bull shit he's going to do.

He will get rid of every Trump EO and the economy will land in the toilet. He also wants to try for citizenship for 22 illegal aliens who don't want citizenship. All they want to do is work here illegally and send the money back home. Biden doesn't seem to care that these illegals cost we tax payers billions every year.

Once he institutes his green shit he'll bankrupt the country.
You'll never see the emotional, intense, unconditional, childlike adoration for Biden that you have for Trump.

Biden is just a flawed man who means well and who will do his best. Trump has been an abomination who fooled many.

Thank goodness. What an embarrassment this has been.
Your kind turns gardens into ghettos. Instead of visionaries who create like Elon Musk we get retreads from past destructive ways like Stacey Abrams who is representative of devastation. We have huge debts for reasons. Balancing it will take massive pain.

Neither side will ever address the debt. And we have no idea what will happen because of it.
You'll never see the emotional, intense, unconditional, childlike adoration for Biden that you have for Trump.
We already are from the media.
I suspect hilarity to begin as soon as Joe takes office, as he makes gaffe after gaffe.

Also the corporate media and social networks that did all they could to get him elected, will refuse to report his absurd actions and cover up for him.

Oh, absolutely!

The media will do the opposite to President Biden of what they did to President Trump.

I was feeling rather blue this morning because of the COVID-19 setbacks, but the thread title really gave me a much-needed chuckle.
Biden Fills Economic Posts With Experts on Systemic Racism
Bloomberg 1 day ago
The incoming president tapped Mehrsa Baradaran, whose book “The Color of Money” is a key reference on the racial wealth gap, to prepare the Treasury Department for the transition.
Professor Baradaran represents the Rodeo Drive-Americans of Color community.
The evidence is from MSNBC-


Yes he is going to save Democracy!! from an autocrat!
You'll never see the emotional, intense, unconditional, childlike adoration for Biden that you have for Trump.

Biden is just a flawed man who means well and who will do his best. Trump has been an abomination who fooled many.

Thank goodness. What an embarrassment this has been.
Your kind turns gardens into ghettos. Instead of visionaries who create like Elon Musk we get retreads from past destructive ways like Stacey Abrams who is representative of devastation. We have huge debts for reasons. Balancing it will take massive pain.

Neither side will ever address the debt. And we have no idea what will happen because of it.

The debt will be chunked and a digital currency will be given to everyone......for a price.
You'll never see the emotional, intense, unconditional, childlike adoration for Biden that you have for Trump.
We already are from the media.
I suspect hilarity to begin as soon as Joe takes office, as he makes gaffe after gaffe.

Also the corporate media and social networks that did all they could to get him elected, will refuse to report his absurd actions and cover up for him.

Oh, absolutely!

The media will do the opposite to President Biden of what they did to President Trump.

I was feeling rather blue this morning because of the COVID-19 setbacks, but the thread title really gave me a much-needed chuckle.

Dont feel blue. We still have covid 21, 22, 23 coming.
Biden Fills Economic Posts With Experts on Systemic Racism
Bloomberg 1 day ago
The incoming president tapped Mehrsa Baradaran, whose book “The Color of Money” is a key reference on the racial wealth gap, to prepare the Treasury Department for the transition.
Professor Baradaran represents the Rodeo Drive-Americans of Color community.
The evidence is from MSNBC-


Yes he is going to save Democracy!! from an autocrat!
How’s that again? Biden IS an autocrat.
I think there is a good chance that the MSN and the Democrat establishment will turn on Biden if he keeps going down Dementia Road. Nancy P. has already hinted that the 25th amendment may be used and Joe is a prime candidate for that. The Dems would love to be able to swear in K. Harris as the first female president and being a "woman of color" is icing on the cake.

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