Biden is COMPLETELY mishandling COVID, blood on his hands, things like that in PROG language


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
You know, Trump fucked up COVID because people died, stuff like that.

Well, XIDEN and the Democrats opened the gates this year despite there being more cases than one year earlier. Apparently we're just better off if a Democrat is in first chair.

What other explanation would there be besides the Demonicrats exploited COVID for political reasons with another assault on the middle class, small business, and our collective brains? Democrats would never do that (cough).

So speaking in terms of PROGS who declared COVID was Trump's fault, apparently XIDEN didn't learn anything by Trump's "mistakes" and thus we're actually worse off with XIDEN. Blood on XIDEN's hands, in PROG-language.
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Well the left loons blamed Trump for every Chinese virus death while he was POTUS so they can blame Biden for every death since he became POTUS.

Of course its a load of shit.

Once that virus hit our shores it didn't matter who was in the WH. Who said what or did what people were going to die.

Of course that idiot in NY City sure didn't help things by putting those with the virus in with healthy oldsters in nursing homes. He sure deserves the blame for the deaths on his watch.
Well, XIDEN and the Democrats opened the gates this year despite there being more cases than one year earlier. Apparently we're just better off if a Democrat is in first chair.

What other explanation would there be besides the Demonicrats exploited COVID for political reasons with another assault on the middle class, small business, and our collective brains? Democrats would never do that (cough).

So speaking in terms of PROGS who declared COVID was Trump's fault, apparently XIDEN didn't learn anything by Trump's "mistakes" and thus we're actually worse off with XIDEN. Blood on XIDEN's hands, in PROG-language.

Interestingly enough, going to the CDC website, they show that cases actually SHOT UP and got much worse after Joe Biden was elected!

Screen Shot 2021-07-07 at 3.53.06 PM.png
You know, Trump fucked up COVID because people died, stuff like that.

Well, XIDEN and the Democrats opened the gates this year despite there being more cases than one year earlier. Apparently we're just better off if a Democrat is in first chair.

What other explanation would there be besides the Demonicrats exploited COVID for political reasons with another assault on the middle class, small business, and our collective brains? Democrats would never do that (cough).

So speaking in terms of PROGS who declared COVID was Trump's fault, apparently XIDEN didn't learn anything by Trump's "mistakes" and thus we're actually worse off with XIDEN. Blood on XIDEN's hands, in PROG-language.
It's so much worse now. It sends shivers down my spine.
I'm pretty sure that Biden, sending over 1.5 million untested, unvaccinated illegal aliens to every corner of this country, probably has everything to do with the spike in the virus. Whose side is our President on? My guess is China's.
JoeXi has his Catholic sidekick, Fau Chi, who has long known the esoterica coming out of Wuhan. It should be evident that the virus is being used as an anti-Republican venture (= anti-American venture) that is sending untested genuflectors into deadly Florida, as the first-mentioned cocksucker creates and assigns a Long COVID task force for the disabled.
Interestingly enough, going to the CDC website, they show that cases actually SHOT UP and got much worse after Joe Biden was elected!

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Regardless, "cases" is still a meaningless statistic....The lower number of hospitalizations and morbidity from the delta is being covered up, in order to propagate more panic porn.

Speaking of cases, what is the level of "cases" in India, where the dastardly and cunning delta mutation originated?
Well the left loons blamed Trump for every Chinese virus death while he was POTUS so they can blame Biden for every death since he became POTUS.

Of course its a load of shit.

Once that virus hit our shores it didn't matter who was in the WH. Who said what or did what people were going to die.

Of course that idiot in NY City sure didn't help things by putting those with the virus in with healthy oldsters in nursing homes. He sure deserves the blame for the deaths on his watch.
Yes, it would matter who is in the White House because underlying conditions in the American population would lead back to the esoterica of the NIH and Fau Chi’s esoterica knowledge by having funded Wuhan. JoeXi and Fau Chi are both puppet-brothers of the Catholic protection-racket mafia, though JoeXi’s handlers include the CIA.
Regardless, "cases" is still a meaningless statistic....The lower number of hospitalizations and morbidity from the delta is being covered up, in order to propagate more panic porn.
Panic Porn ---- what a wonderful term! Is there any documentation on what I keep hearing that Delta is more infectious, but less likely to lead to hospitalization or death? If so, why aren't we trying to get everyone on board with Delta instead of doing the exact opposite and trying to extend this thing with everyone hiding behind masks? If masks couldn't stop regular Covid, how will they matter to the more infectious Delta strain? It makes no sense.

Speaking of cases, what is the level of "cases" in India, where the dastardly and cunning delta mutation originated?
I'd love to know. Maybe someone has a link to that information.
Panic Porn ---- what a wonderful term! Is there any documentation on what I keep hearing that Delta is more infectious, but less likely to lead to hospitalization or death? If so, why aren't we trying to get everyone on board with Delta instead of doing the exact opposite and trying to extend this thing with everyone hiding behind masks? If masks couldn't stop regular Covid, how will they matter to the more infectious Delta strain? It makes no sense.

I'd love to know. Maybe someone has a link to that information.
If masks couldn't stop regular Covid, how will they matter to the more infectious Delta strain? It makes no sense.

It makes sense when you realize that you're being gaslighted by control freaks.
You know, Trump fucked up COVID because people died, stuff like that.

Well, XIDEN and the Democrats opened the gates this year despite there being more cases than one year earlier. Apparently we're just better off if a Democrat is in first chair.

What other explanation would there be besides the Demonicrats exploited COVID for political reasons with another assault on the middle class, small business, and our collective brains? Democrats would never do that (cough).

So speaking in terms of PROGS who declared COVID was Trump's fault, apparently XIDEN didn't learn anything by Trump's "mistakes" and thus we're actually worse off with XIDEN. Blood on XIDEN's hands, in PROG-language.
Did you get vaccinated?
Regardless, "cases" is still a meaningless statistic....The lower number of hospitalizations and morbidity from the delta is being covered up, in order to propagate more panic porn.

Speaking of cases, what is the level of "cases" in India, where the dastardly and cunning delta mutation originated?
Since delta has a viral load 1000x more, i doubt the hospitalization rate is lower among unvaccinated.

and masks by themsevles were never intended to stop virus spread, its part of other measures such as keeping distance from others indoors.

Since delta has a viral load 1000x more, i doubt the hospitalization rate is lower among unvaccinated.

and masks by themsevles were never intended to stop virus spread, its part of other measures such as keeping distance from others indoors.

High transmissibility ≠ greater mortality...Your "doubt" about hospitalizations is entirely irrelevant to anything.

The masks were panic porn theater, period.

Your pretty colored chart is also irrelevant to anything.

Now go play out on the freeway.
If masks couldn't stop regular Covid, how will they matter to the more infectious Delta strain? It makes no sense.
It makes sense when you realize that you're being gaslighted by control freaks.

I've long known I'm impervious to psychological manipulation for a variety of reasons, but you just made me look up this gaslighting matter:
1. They tell blatant lies.
2. They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof.
3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition.
4. They wear you down over time.
5. Their actions do not match their words.
6. They throw in positive reinforcement to confuse you.
7. They know confusion weakens people.
8. They project.
9. They try to align people against you.
10. They tell you or others that you are crazy.
11. They tell you everyone else is a liar.
Good God, this covers the entire spectrum of everything the Left says and does! And it covers 99% of all the leftwing comments HERE, whether talking about Trump, the election, Covid, or anything. And the only way that would be possible is if the entire progressive political movement both in government, press, and social media was all hot-wired together with organized and distributed talking-points on what to say, when and how, just like the 50 odd leftwing secret organizations who all worked to steal the election.

And since the election, every time I've challenged the integrity and outcome, I've gotten not one legitimate piece of evidence showing the fraud wrong, instead, every argument against me even questioning the election has all been:

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High transmissibility ≠ greater mortality...Your "doubt" about hospitalizations is entirely irrelevant to anything.

The masks were panic porn theater, period.

Your pretty colored chart is also irrelevant to anything.

Now go play out on the freeway.
The Delta variant is rampantly killing while you make up snide online smartass to defend your criminally irreponsible behavior. Get the vaccine, fool. Wear a mask, sociopath. This is a disease, not a political ideology.

You Qtip heads behave like Medieval people. Unbelievable. Don't expect a lot of sympathy for the Trumpolini followers who die from this. Y'all did it to yourselves, and to others, so F you.
I've long known I'm impervious to psychological manipulation for a variety of reasons, but you just made me look up this gaslighting matter:
1. They tell blatant lies.
2. They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof.
3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition.
4. They wear you down over time.
5. Their actions do not match their words.
6. They throw in positive reinforcement to confuse you.
7. They know confusion weakens people.
8. They project.
9. They try to align people against you.
10. They tell you or others that you are crazy.
11. They tell you everyone else is a liar.
Good God, this covers the entire spectrum of everything the Left says and does! And it covers 99% of all the leftwing comments HERE, whether talking about Trump, the election, Covid, or anything. And the only way that would be possible is if the entire progressive political movement both in government, press, and social media was all hot-wired with organized and distributed talking-points on what to say, when and how, just like the 50 odd leftwing secret organizations who all worked to steal the election.

And since the election, every time I've challenged the integrity and outcome, I've gotten not one legitimate piece of evidence showing gthe fraud wrong, instead, every argument against me even questioning the election has all been:

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Your smartass does not substitute for facts, boy. Masks do slow the spread of COVID. They didn't work only because many of you lowlife wouldn't wear them, and insisted on congregating. I am urging YOU now to go to Sturgis, congregate, lick doorknobs, have gay sex with 50 people, then go to an evangelical church and sing very loudly.

Do it for your country.
As long as Trump remains so popular, and no answers are forthcoming about election fraud, the Democrats will keep this 'pandemic' going. If Trump pulls out altogether, COVID restrictions, vaccination mandates and masking will disappear. This is a POLITICAL pandemic.

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