Biden is Brewing a National Crisis


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden is Brewing a National Crisis​

6 Oct 2021 ~~ By J. Robert Smith
Have we ever had a president who in mere months made so many dumb, intemperate decisions, thereby precipitating major crises? You’d think that the Afghanistan and border fiascos would suffice for one four-year term. But the smart money is that we haven’t seen the last of Biden-manufactured crises. Biden is a nightmare version of Pig-Pen of the Peanuts comic strip. A perpetual cloud of incompetence, conceits, corruption, and shabby political motives swirls around him.
Per Richard Fernandez at PJ Media, September 27:
As Niall Stanage of the Hill put it, “President Biden’s biggest vulnerability isn’t any single issue. It’s the risk that he could be seen as losing control of events.”​
The dissolution of the landscape means the Biden administration isn’t plagued by any one malady anymore but by multiple organ failure.​
What’s perilous to the nation isn’t likely any one crisis, as Fernandez and Stanage alluded to, but some combination. Afghanistan and the border crises aren’t that combination -- at least not yet. But both do threaten to be part of a toxic mix leading to greater crisis during Biden’s term.
Other potential areas ripe for trouble are the economy, a new round of COVID lockdowns, the 2022 midterm elections, and leftist instigated unrest. An economic downturn would be a big domino falling, setting off a chain reaction. The other three areas are likely intertwined. More in a moment.
Afghanistan wasn’t a one-off, in that what happened there stays there. Afghanistan again becomes a staging area for Islamic terrorism, which threatens the homeland. Biden’s surrender there promises to spin off threats to American interests and national security elsewhere.
Lastly, Antifa and BLM stoked urban riots in blue cities last year. Unrest in 2022 would again create a national atmosphere of fear and tension. As Democrats hoped last year, they’d hope again next year: That “protests against racial injustice” would damage GOP election chances. Or, if not that, some other excuse to foment unrest.
Should a national crisis emerge, the culprits are likely a convergence of crises. When has the nation been confronted by so many threats in so many different ways simultaneously?
“These are the times that try men’s souls,” wrote Thomas Paine. “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
Are we ready to stand?

Looking back to January 20th, America was energy independent, economically stable and on the way to recovering from the Wuhan Covid virus..
Nine months later we find the opposite in America... We see fuel shortages, higher costs for food, fuel, our national security being tested by the immigration crisis. WE also see China’s economy collapsing, global food, energy and material shortages, instability in Taiwan, Ukraine and the Middle East while the US bumbles Afghanistan.
There is a collapse coming. China will use that as an excuse to invade Taiwan and Russia invading the Ukraine. Meanwhile the US and EU will use the situation to sweep away individual liberty and capitalism to usher in the "New World Order" as being seen in Australia.
What looks like disaster to many Americans is actually the stunning success to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie Left. On a scale of objective versus achievement using primarily executive power, Biden is the most successful President. Think how much more successful he could be if he didn't have such slim Congressional majorities.
America is in its death throws and no amount of whining by the right is going to change that. And Yes!, We Americans deserve that because they won't resist or fight.
Our forefathers warned us, we have refused to heed their warnings and have surrendered the Republic, our Liberty and freedoms.
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Biden is Brewing a National Crisis​

6 Oct 2021 ~~ By J. Robert Smith
Have we ever had a president who in mere months made so many dumb, intemperate decisions, thereby precipitating major crises? You’d think that the Afghanistan and border fiascos would suffice for one four-year term. But the smart money is that we haven’t seen the last of Biden-manufactured crises. Biden is a nightmare version of Pig-Pen of the Peanuts comic strip. A perpetual cloud of incompetence, conceits, corruption, and shabby political motives swirls around him.
Per Richard Fernandez at PJ Media, September 27:
As Niall Stanage of the Hill put it, “President Biden’s biggest vulnerability isn’t any single issue. It’s the risk that he could be seen as losing control of events.”​
The dissolution of the landscape means the Biden administration isn’t plagued by any one malady anymore but by multiple organ failure.​
What’s perilous to the nation isn’t likely any one crisis, as Fernandez and Stanage alluded to, but some combination. Afghanistan and the border crises aren’t that combination -- at least not yet. But both do threaten to be part of a toxic mix leading to greater crisis during Biden’s term.
Other potential areas ripe for trouble are the economy, a new round of COVID lockdowns, the 2022 midterm elections, and leftist instigated unrest. An economic downturn would be a big domino falling, setting off a chain reaction. The other three areas are likely intertwined. More in a moment.
Afghanistan wasn’t a one-off, in that what happened there stays there. Afghanistan again becomes a staging area for Islamic terrorism, which threatens the homeland. Biden’s surrender there promises to spin off threats to American interests and national security elsewhere.
Lastly, Antifa and BLM stoked urban riots in blue cities last year. Unrest in 2022 would again create a national atmosphere of fear and tension. As Democrats hoped last year, they’d hope again next year: That “protests against racial injustice” would damage GOP election chances. Or, if not that, some other excuse to foment unrest.
Should a national crisis emerge, the culprits are likely a convergence of crises. When has the nation been confronted by so many threats in so many different ways simultaneously?
“These are the times that try men’s souls,” wrote Thomas Paine. “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
Are we ready to stand?

Looking back to January 20th, America was energy independent, economically stable and on the way to recovering from the Wuhan Covid virus..
Nine months later we find the opposite in America... We see fuel shortages, higher costs for food, fuel, our national security being tested by the immigration crisis. WE also see China’s economy collapsing, global food, energy and material shortages, instability in Taiwan, Ukraine and the Middle East while the US bumbles Afghanistan.
There is a collapse coming. China will use that as an excuse to invade Taiwan and Russia invading the Ukraine. Meanwhile the US and EU will use the situation to sweep away individual liberty and capitalism to usher in the "New World Order" as being seen in Australia.
What looks like disaster to many Americans is actually the stunning success to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie Left. On a scale of objective versus achievement using primarily executive power, Biden is the most successful President. Think how much more successful he could be if he didn't have such slim Congressional majorities.
America is in its death throws and no amount of whining by the right is going to change that. And Yes!, We Americans deserve that because they won't resist or fight.
Our forefathers warned us, we have refused to heed their warnings and have surrendered the Republic, our Liberty and freedoms.
The tRumplings from American thinker don't like president Joe?

What a surprise.

Biden is Brewing a National Crisis​

6 Oct 2021 ~~ By J. Robert Smith
Have we ever had a president who in mere months made so many dumb, intemperate decisions, thereby precipitating major crises? You’d think that the Afghanistan and border fiascos would suffice for one four-year term. But the smart money is that we haven’t seen the last of Biden-manufactured crises. Biden is a nightmare version of Pig-Pen of the Peanuts comic strip. A perpetual cloud of incompetence, conceits, corruption, and shabby political motives swirls around him.
Per Richard Fernandez at PJ Media, September 27:
As Niall Stanage of the Hill put it, “President Biden’s biggest vulnerability isn’t any single issue. It’s the risk that he could be seen as losing control of events.”​
The dissolution of the landscape means the Biden administration isn’t plagued by any one malady anymore but by multiple organ failure.​
What’s perilous to the nation isn’t likely any one crisis, as Fernandez and Stanage alluded to, but some combination. Afghanistan and the border crises aren’t that combination -- at least not yet. But both do threaten to be part of a toxic mix leading to greater crisis during Biden’s term.
Other potential areas ripe for trouble are the economy, a new round of COVID lockdowns, the 2022 midterm elections, and leftist instigated unrest. An economic downturn would be a big domino falling, setting off a chain reaction. The other three areas are likely intertwined. More in a moment.
Afghanistan wasn’t a one-off, in that what happened there stays there. Afghanistan again becomes a staging area for Islamic terrorism, which threatens the homeland. Biden’s surrender there promises to spin off threats to American interests and national security elsewhere.
Lastly, Antifa and BLM stoked urban riots in blue cities last year. Unrest in 2022 would again create a national atmosphere of fear and tension. As Democrats hoped last year, they’d hope again next year: That “protests against racial injustice” would damage GOP election chances. Or, if not that, some other excuse to foment unrest.
Should a national crisis emerge, the culprits are likely a convergence of crises. When has the nation been confronted by so many threats in so many different ways simultaneously?
“These are the times that try men’s souls,” wrote Thomas Paine. “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
Are we ready to stand?

Looking back to January 20th, America was energy independent, economically stable and on the way to recovering from the Wuhan Covid virus..
Nine months later we find the opposite in America... We see fuel shortages, higher costs for food, fuel, our national security being tested by the immigration crisis. WE also see China’s economy collapsing, global food, energy and material shortages, instability in Taiwan, Ukraine and the Middle East while the US bumbles Afghanistan.
There is a collapse coming. China will use that as an excuse to invade Taiwan and Russia invading the Ukraine. Meanwhile the US and EU will use the situation to sweep away individual liberty and capitalism to usher in the "New World Order" as being seen in Australia.
What looks like disaster to many Americans is actually the stunning success to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie Left. On a scale of objective versus achievement using primarily executive power, Biden is the most successful President. Think how much more successful he could be if he didn't have such slim Congressional majorities.
America is in its death throws and no amount of whining by the right is going to change that. And Yes!, We Americans deserve that because they won't resist or fight.
Our forefathers warned us, we have refused to heed their warnings and have surrendered the Republic, our Liberty and freedoms.
If America is in its death throes, we can thank Tump and his cult followers for it. Tump followers
supported the most divisive president this country has had, and his policies and behavior during and after his term are having a disastrous effect on our economy, democracy., and standing in the free world.

At least with the meat puppet faggot obozo we had an assclown that was cognizant of just how few people actually approved of his policies, and he kept his agenda hidden. Obozo didn't go full Lefts Syndrome Retard until after 2012. Thank God the party of token resistance held the line as best as they could be forced to by the public after 2010.

With the potato puppet pervert we've got demented trailer trash that seems to believe crowds hollering "FUCK JOE BIDEN" love his dumbass so much they want to get sniffed and have sex with him. The potato's handlers are going to try and ram as much regressive shit through as fast as they can, and the potato will not even know WTF is going on.

If America is in its death throes, we can thank Tump and his cult followers for it. Tump followers
supported the most divisive president this country has had, and his policies and behavior during and after his term are having a disastrous effect on our economy, democracy., and standing in the free world.

Biden is Brewing a National Crisis​

6 Oct 2021 ~~ By J. Robert Smith
Have we ever had a president who in mere months made so many dumb, intemperate decisions, thereby precipitating major crises? You’d think that the Afghanistan and border fiascos would suffice for one four-year term. But the smart money is that we haven’t seen the last of Biden-manufactured crises. Biden is a nightmare version of Pig-Pen of the Peanuts comic strip. A perpetual cloud of incompetence, conceits, corruption, and shabby political motives swirls around him.
Per Richard Fernandez at PJ Media, September 27:
As Niall Stanage of the Hill put it, “President Biden’s biggest vulnerability isn’t any single issue. It’s the risk that he could be seen as losing control of events.”​
The dissolution of the landscape means the Biden administration isn’t plagued by any one malady anymore but by multiple organ failure.​
What’s perilous to the nation isn’t likely any one crisis, as Fernandez and Stanage alluded to, but some combination. Afghanistan and the border crises aren’t that combination -- at least not yet. But both do threaten to be part of a toxic mix leading to greater crisis during Biden’s term.
Other potential areas ripe for trouble are the economy, a new round of COVID lockdowns, the 2022 midterm elections, and leftist instigated unrest. An economic downturn would be a big domino falling, setting off a chain reaction. The other three areas are likely intertwined. More in a moment.
Afghanistan wasn’t a one-off, in that what happened there stays there. Afghanistan again becomes a staging area for Islamic terrorism, which threatens the homeland. Biden’s surrender there promises to spin off threats to American interests and national security elsewhere.
Lastly, Antifa and BLM stoked urban riots in blue cities last year. Unrest in 2022 would again create a national atmosphere of fear and tension. As Democrats hoped last year, they’d hope again next year: That “protests against racial injustice” would damage GOP election chances. Or, if not that, some other excuse to foment unrest.
Should a national crisis emerge, the culprits are likely a convergence of crises. When has the nation been confronted by so many threats in so many different ways simultaneously?
“These are the times that try men’s souls,” wrote Thomas Paine. “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
Are we ready to stand?

Looking back to January 20th, America was energy independent, economically stable and on the way to recovering from the Wuhan Covid virus..
Nine months later we find the opposite in America... We see fuel shortages, higher costs for food, fuel, our national security being tested by the immigration crisis. WE also see China’s economy collapsing, global food, energy and material shortages, instability in Taiwan, Ukraine and the Middle East while the US bumbles Afghanistan.
There is a collapse coming. China will use that as an excuse to invade Taiwan and Russia invading the Ukraine. Meanwhile the US and EU will use the situation to sweep away individual liberty and capitalism to usher in the "New World Order" as being seen in Australia.
What looks like disaster to many Americans is actually the stunning success to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie Left. On a scale of objective versus achievement using primarily executive power, Biden is the most successful President. Think how much more successful he could be if he didn't have such slim Congressional majorities.
America is in its death throws and no amount of whining by the right is going to change that. And Yes!, We Americans deserve that because they won't resist or fight.
Our forefathers warned us, we have refused to heed their warnings and have surrendered the Republic, our Liberty and freedoms.
Absolutely, even Flipping a coin gives u a 50/50 chance of getting something right. This administration is wrong on everything benefitting the U.S.A. thats no coincidence.
A National Crisis because Trumpers don't like Joe?

Gimmee a break
A National Crisis because Trumpers don't like Joe?
Gimmee a break
OK, you need a list of Xiden's failures in 9-months in the WH?
Everything Xiden touches turns to shit, here's a partial list:
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT
The French pulled their ambassador
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline
He sold us out to Putin by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $millions the Moscow Mayor's wife sent the Bidens
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
The southern border is another Xiden catastrophe after Trump had it SOLVED
Runaway inflation will just get worse if the dems pass their "infrastructure" bills, that will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs.
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans behind, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI to arrest parents who ask questions at school board meetings.
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe
I agree. He's done nothing for America or Americans. He's let another million illegals into the country. Illegals that cost us billions each year. He made a mess of the Stan withdrawal and his infrastructure bill is one big mess.

Only 45% of it is for actual infrastructure. The rest is a hodge podge of green shit and more social programs which we don't need.

Bidung is a disaster and I can't wait for 2022 and 2024.
If America is in its death throes, we can thank Tump and his cult followers for it. Tump followers
supported the most divisive president this country has had, and his policies and behavior during and after his term are having a disastrous effect on our economy, democracy., and standing in the free world.


Quinnipiac poll: Devastating for Joe Biden​

From Quinnipiac University:
  • response to Covid: 50% disapprove
  • handling of economy: 55% disapprove
  • performance as Commander in Chief: 58% disapprove
  • taxes: 54% disapprove
  • foreign policy: 58% disapprove
  • immigration: 67% disapprove
  • Mexican border: 67% disapprove

Quinnipiac poll: Devastating for Joe Biden​

From Quinnipiac University:
  • response to Covid: 50% disapprove
  • handling of economy: 55% disapprove
  • performance as Commander in Chief: 58% disapprove
  • taxes: 54% disapprove
  • foreign policy: 58% disapprove
  • immigration: 67% disapprove
  • Mexican border: 67% disapprove
You are not on subject. What the public thinks is predictable at this stage, as Biden and congress do battle.
The tRumplings from American thinker don't like president Joe?

What a surprise.
Idiot... Biden's at 38%. A sane, rational person might think that's a reflection of the concerns of more than Trump supporters. BTW, how much damage to America WOULD IT TAKE to make you stop supporting him and his party? Is there ANY level of damage that would cause you to turn against the Democrats in DC?
Idiot... Biden's at 38%. A sane, rational person might think that's a reflection of the concerns of more than Trump supporters. BTW, how much damage to America WOULD IT TAKE to make you stop supporting him and his party? Is there ANY level of damage that would cause you to turn against the Democrats in DC?

Independents are a good bellweather!

Only 38% of them want bigger Gov't at this point!!

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