Biden indefinitely blocks millions of acres of land, water from future oil drilling

Biden talks a lot of this and then big oil laughs all the way to the bank at his stupid ass.
Truth is... President can veryindirect effect the global price of Oil...

Trump did his best to drive it upwards... And he drove it from $22 a barrel on April '20 to $58 a barrel when he left office...

That was far bigger increase than Biden did... Took Biden a year to turn around that trend...
I think this move to block land nobody wants to drill on was done to appease them for opening that land on the North Slope

My read as well, and then he'll unblock it once he needs to refill SPR. Not that he can take it out of the ground and put it on the market right away, but this is to reassure big energy that he's not their enemy. I think they know this already, but they really enjoyed having a president who had zero fucks to give about the environment a lot better than this guy.

I think Biden's energy policy is fucked - not in the sense that he's wrong policy-wise, but in the sense that there's only so much he can do to keep energy prices down.

* He can't really stop the war in Ukraine without forcing Zelenskyy to be a surrender monkey.

* He got off on the wrong side of OPEC (Saudi Arabia in particular) with his human rights shit and, knowing that one half of the country tried to violently stop his inauguration and lives in the MAGAverse, they sense weakness and are basically laughing at him to his face, knowing that one half of voters will blame him no matter what they do.

* He can't stop China's reopening, which is going to spike global demand.

He's president in an age of multiple crises and his weakness, and America's weakening position, is being exposed.
My read as well, and then he'll unblock it once he needs to refill SPR.

There is no reason to unblock it. Even when they tried to sell leases nobody wanted it. It is not commercially viable right now.

I think Biden's energy policy is fucked - not in the sense that he's wrong policy-wise, but in the sense that there's only so much he can do to keep energy prices down.

* He can't really stop the war in Ukraine without forcing Zelenskyy to be a surrender monkey.

* He got off on the wrong side of OPEC (Saudi Arabia in particular) with his human rights shit and, knowing that one half of the country tried to violently stop his inauguration and lived in the MAGAverse, they sense weakness and are basically laughing at him to his face, knowing that one half of voters will blame him no matter what they do.

* He can't stop China's reopening, which is going to spike global demand.

He's president in an age of multiple crises and his weakness, and America's weakening position, is being exposed.

I do not disagree with this in general. The rest of the world is not close to getting back to where they were in 2019 as far as oil production goes. The US is pretty close and will be there soon, but we cannot make up for the lost production in the rest of the world.
What is sad, is that you think Biden releasing or not releasing land affects the the global price of oil...
I mean how stupid are ye...
BTW, why aren't you blaming Trump for cutting the global supply of oil so it could push prices up...
What was the price of gas under Trump? Dumbass

Trump pumped more oil than Biden. Liar.

Ever hear of the Law of Supply and Demand? Probably not. You must be one of those Low-IQ democrats
Biden's "war on energy" continues.
My electric rate just doubled under Biden!!! (they were steady for many years before Biden)
If people keep democrats in power in 2024 they deserve what happens.
People have become what they vote for in 2nd and 3rd world nations now.
Biden's "war on energy" continues.
My electric rate just doubled under Biden!!! (they were steady for many years befMyore Biden)
If people keep democrats in power in 2024 they deserve what happens.

Aren't your electrical companies privately owned???? How does Biden control prices charged by private companies?

You blamed Biden for inflation, which was worldwide, and then said nothing abut American corporations booking record profits.

My electricity rates doubled too, and we have a Conservative government who campaigned on lowering the prices for electrical power. And they own the utility company.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly you blame a Democratic President for everything. Biden was responsible for the baby formula shortage. 0nly in communist economy where the state controls production, would the government be responsible for such a shortage. And then you blame Biden for not jumping into a privately owned industry and taking control.

That's not a capitalist approach at all. You have to decide whether you want capitalism because this idea that you can have total government control of production and prices, isn't capitalism at all.
Bat shit crazy Environmental Wackos calling the shots in this stupid Administration. Great example of why we need to get rid of the Democrats.

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