Biden In Video Embraces Fear Mongering & Attempts To Label Americans Opposed To His Re-Election / Democtat Agenda


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Biden administration and Democrats have tried to label parents who opposed the Democrat agenda of sexualizing, transgender confusing, LGBTQ indoctrinating, and mutilating of childrens' genitals as 'domestic terrorists'.

De.ivrays have branded i dependent thinking blacks as 'Uncle Toms'.

Joe Biden himself even told blacks 'You ain't black' if you don't vote for me / Democrats.

The Drmocrats' favorite label they have historically used more than any other is 'Racist', but it began being so overused they switched to 'white supremacist'.

Democrats have proven themselves to be an extremely divisive party that loves to engage in fear-mongering and labeling with derogatory, racist names anyone who opposes their agendas or failed policies

Joe Biden stuck to the same old, tired, traditional script of fear-mongeering and labeling of anyone who opposes him, his re-election, the Democrats, or their failed policies and agendas.

After 7 years of trying and continuously FAILING to 'Get Trump', Biden went after Conservatives and the Trump supporters who have elevated the former President over Niden in revent polls, labeling them 'Maga Extremists'.

Biden and Democrats have not only been trying to Destroy Trump, he has been trying to destroy Trump's supporters and Consetvatives, too.

The zpresident has been abusing the power of his office and the power of his federal agencies by having them target, bully, threaten, and punish Conservatives while withholding protection of Conservatives, Conservative and religious groups, and Trump supporters

The Biden administration and Democrats have tried to label parents who opposed the Democrat agenda of sexualizing, transgender confusing, LGBTQ indoctrinating, and mutilating of childrens' genitals as 'domestic terrorists'.

De.ivrays have branded i dependent thinking blacks as 'Uncle Toms'.

Joe Biden himself even told blacks 'You ain't black' if you don't vote for me / Democrats.

The Drmocrats' favorite label they have historically used more than any other is 'Racist', but it began being so overused they switched to 'white supremacist'.

Democrats have proven themselves to be an extremely divisive party that loves to engage in fear-mongering and labeling with derogatory, racist names anyone who opposes their agendas or failed policies

Joe Biden stuck to the same old, tired, traditional script of fear-mongeering and labeling of anyone who opposes him, his re-election, the Democrats, or their failed policies and agendas.

After 7 years of trying and continuously FAILING to 'Get Trump', Biden went after Conservatives and the Trump supporters who have elevated the former President over Niden in revent polls, labeling them 'Maga Extremists'.

Biden and Democrats have not only been trying to Destroy Trump, he has been trying to destroy Trump's supporters and Consetvatives, too.

The zpresident has been abusing the power of his office and the power of his federal agencies by having them target, bully, threaten, and punish Conservatives while withholding protection of Conservatives, Conservative and religious groups, and Trump supporters

Biden is destroying our country with his far-left policies and he wants to "finish the job".
His speech was the usual Left-Wing hate and fear mongering, racism and the usual Democrat lies.
To me, Biden is a pawn of the communist party in America. His handlers send him out to read their communist hatred. At this point, their near term goal is to cause as much chaos as possible to tear down our society of God fearing people. Then, they can become our gods and further destroy individual rights and freedoms including destroying what women, blacks and LGBTQs have gained. That's the real sad part is that these groups are holding on to those that will soon destroy them.
I realize that most here don't believe in the Bible or give it much heed. But this is one of many verses that relate to what we're seeing today:

Isaiah 5:20, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

This IS where we're at in biblical prophecy! Evil, today, is considered good. From the left's perspective ... mental illness is considered sane and normal while sane people are vilified for "wrong think."

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