Biden Has To Win By About 3.25%

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
in order to have a 50/50 shot at becoming president over Trump, assuming they are both the nominees. I did some research and some fuzzy math, which I admit is filled with many variables, and came to this conclusion. It simplifies down to this:

Hillary beat Trump in 2016 by 2.1% and lost the electoral vote 306-232.

Biden beat Trump in 2020 by 4.4% and won the electoral vote 306-232.

So, in order to have an electoral count of 269-269 Biden would have to beat Trump by 3.25%. Anything less than that and Trump probably wins the electoral vote.

The latest poll I saw showed Trump up by 1% over Biden. Anyway, due to how the electoral college seems to benefit Republicans more, Biden would have to win the popular vote over Trump by about 3.25% just in order to have an electoral tie. Of course it goes state by state so this is an oversimplification but even those on the left should know that it takes more to win the presidency than just the popular vote.
in order to have a 50/50 shot at becoming president over Trump, assuming they are both the nominees. I did some research and some fuzzy math, which I admit is filled with many variables, and came to this conclusion. It simplifies down to this:

Hillary beat Trump in 2016 by 2.1% and lost the electoral vote 306-232.

Biden beat Trump in 2020 by 4.4% and won the electoral vote 306-232.

So, in order to have an electoral count of 269-269 Biden would have to beat Trump by 3.25%. Anything less than that and Trump probably wins the electoral vote.

The latest poll I saw showed Trump up by 1% over Biden. Anyway, due to how the electoral college seems to benefit Republicans more, Biden would have to win the popular vote over Trump by about 3.25% just in order to have an electoral tie. Of course it goes state by state so this is an oversimplification but even those on the left should know that it takes more to win the presidency than just the popular vote.
If the GOP makes Trump President while losing the popular vote by millions again, things are going to get really bad. The only party trying to continue our system of government, Democrats, will stop doing so.
Given the magnitude of Republican cheating, Biden probably needs a little more.

Not that he'll have any trouble getting it, given how much the nation hates Trump. 2024 will be a blue wave year.
Impossible. The 2020 election was the most secure and cheat free in our nation's history. At least, that's what I've been told every time someone asks a question about irregularities that popped up.
Many Trump supporters have left the building. He had a better shot at reelection in '20 than he'll ever have in the future.
If the GOP makes Trump President while losing the popular vote by millions again, things are going to get really bad. The only party trying to continue our system of government, Democrats, will stop doing so.
LOL. Seriously? You mean democrats will do an insurrection? That's not news. They've already been doing that through their abuse of power for years. So, you're saying that insurrections are actually a good thing? Have you changed your mind all of a sudden?
in order to have a 50/50 shot at becoming president over Trump, assuming they are both the nominees. I did some research and some fuzzy math, which I admit is filled with many variables, and came to this conclusion. It simplifies down to this:

Hillary beat Trump in 2016 by 2.1% and lost the electoral vote 306-232.

Biden beat Trump in 2020 by 4.4% and won the electoral vote 306-232.

So, in order to have an electoral count of 269-269 Biden would have to beat Trump by 3.25%. Anything less than that and Trump probably wins the electoral vote.

The latest poll I saw showed Trump up by 1% over Biden. Anyway, due to how the electoral college seems to benefit Republicans more, Biden would have to win the popular vote over Trump by about 3.25% just in order to have an electoral tie. Of course it goes state by state so this is an oversimplification but even those on the left should know that it takes more to win the presidency than just the popular vote.
Lol. Nobody taught it to Shrillary. 😁
Nice fantasy. Try to come up with something original
Let's do a thought experiment. In the wee hours of the morning after election day, multiple vote counting locations shut down with some excuse or other with Quid Pro Joe solidly in the lead. A few hours later, they reopen and immediately TRUMP! shoots into the lead and never looks back. When questioned, the vote counters explain that they found a large cache of ballots that were 100% marked for TRUMP!.

What is the response of those who have been complaining about Republican cheating? Go.
in order to have a 50/50 shot at becoming president over Trump, assuming they are both the nominees. I did some research and some fuzzy math, which I admit is filled with many variables, and came to this conclusion. It simplifies down to this:

Hillary beat Trump in 2016 by 2.1% and lost the electoral vote 306-232.

Biden beat Trump in 2020 by 4.4% and won the electoral vote 306-232.

So, in order to have an electoral count of 269-269 Biden would have to beat Trump by 3.25%. Anything less than that and Trump probably wins the electoral vote.

The latest poll I saw showed Trump up by 1% over Biden. Anyway, due to how the electoral college seems to benefit Republicans more, Biden would have to win the popular vote over Trump by about 3.25% just in order to have an electoral tie. Of course it goes state by state so this is an oversimplification but even those on the left should know that it takes more to win the presidency than just the popular vote.
Trump didn’t get 306 electoral votes
Aw your little crybaby, snowflake self made something up to make yourself feel better :itsok:
So, you don't agree that the electoral college favors Republicans, therefore, demos need more popular votes in order to keep up? I guess that means you're fine with the electoral college then.

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