Biden Gives $100 Million To Palestinians With NO Guarantee $ Won't Be Given To Terrorist Hamas...AGAIN

To the victors go the spoils.
Their deeds are as worthless as Confederate dollars.

Since it was all WWII surplus weapons that were essentially state of the art in 1948, that we gave the Zionists, then it was the US that won, not the Zionists.
There was no way the Palestinians could fight against US B-17s, M-4 Sheman tanks, P-51 Mustangs, etc. when they had no planes, tanks, etc.
It was a case of murder and war crimes by the US, against the Palestinian natives.
Man he doesn't know anything about money at all. He just gives it away to other countries, gives it to illegals, want trillions to spend on infrastructure where very little of it actually goes to infrastructure, and wants to raise taxes on middle class people to pay for it and invade our bank accounts.
That is like saying we should not punish bank robbers who get away with murdering the bank guards.

Sadly we do say that in places. Black dope head felon resists arrest and we want to punish the cops, black dude shoots a cop and we want to riot, blacks rob stores in California and no one does a thing to the point stores close.

So that's a bad example because it's actually true. Defending criminals is a real thing.
The Democrat Party is now the Anti-Israel Party,

You have to be so unimaginably dumb to post something like that...


Chuck Schumer
Rupert Murdoch
Dianne Feinstein
Adam Cocksucking Schiff

and of course, "Catholic Joe".....

"Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies."


You "know better" than The Atlanta JEWISH Times does.... THEY think Biden is Jewish, and a TRAITOR, and they are 2 for 2....

Who else is really Jewish?


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