Biden document discovery is proof Dems ‘overplayed their hand’ on Trump

having them the way he did was for sure illegal,, not like he found them laying on the street,,
You and by extention those on the right are nothing if not consistent. I asked you... twice now if you are willing to agree that both Trump AND Biden should fave reprocussions if it is established that they screwed around with classified documents?

You simply refuse to answer that. Why is that? My theory bordering on the certain is that you are perfectly aware that Trump did and is.
You and by extention those on the right are nothing if not consistent. I asked you... twice now if you are willing to agree that both Trump AND Biden should fave reprocussions if it is established that they screwed around with classified documents?

You simply refuse to answer that. Why is that? My theory bordering on the certain is that you are perfectly aware that Trump did and is.

Your cult lies, cheats and steals and this is the reason no one believes a word you say.
You know it and are terrified.

Worse (for democrats) Biden's discovery just landed them a big FAIL in any hope now of nailing Trump for any supposed "crimes" he may have committed.

Hey, you trying to say "THEY REALLY REALLY DON'T HAVE HIM THIS TIME???????"

You're just mean.
its one thing for the president to have classified documents found in his files it is a horse of a different color when the Vice president is caught with them 6 years after the fact. That is a national Security risk. Wat was Biden doin wit te ily classified material? What were these files doing in a think tank organization funded by the Chinese?
Obviously, the Quisling media will collectively stay busy looking at their fingernails instead of investigating and loudly bloviating about the national security crisis that Biden is the root cause of by having these classified documents.
Which of course should never have left the VPs D.C. Office.
It is much more illegal and suspicious for a Vice President to have these docs than a former president.
IMO, it was blatantly unconstitutional political misconduct but what do I know.
When will the FBI raid Biden's Delaware homes? When questioned in Mexico to comment, Biden smirking with his eyes DOWN along with his ne'er-do-wells, Garland and Mayorkas, had no comment.
Majority of Quisling news outlets will be silent Is this America?

Except no one was actually looking for these documents, in fact Biden's attorney's self-reported they had them when could have just run them through a shredder with no one being the wiser.

Trump openly defied requests to return documents, lied on subpeona claiming he had returned them all.
Except no one was actually looking for these documents, in fact Biden's attorney's self-reported they had them when could have just run them through a shredder with no one being the wiser.

Trump openly defied requests to return documents, lied on subpeona claiming he had returned them all.
In and of itself, it's a crime. Biden should have had classified material when he wasn't in office. I hope they do take him out for a walk on this because this shouldn't happen. Whomever/whatever security apparatus we have in place needs to be drastically overhauled if classified material can be missing for years and nobody know where it is. One would think this stuff should be audited more aggressively.

As for the politics of it...the right wingers blew their load on Trump (as they always do) and it's funny watching them try to gin up some scandal when their blob committed a much more egregious crime of the same nature and fought to keep top secret documents even after they were discovered missing.
In and of itself, it's a crime. Biden should have had classified material when he wasn't in office. I hope they do take him out for a walk on this because this shouldn't happen. Whomever/whatever security apparatus we have in place needs to be drastically overhauled if classified material can be missing for years and nobody know where it is. One would think this stuff should be audited more aggressively.

As for the politics of it...the right wingers blew their load on Trump (as they always do) and it's funny watching them try to gin up some scandal when their blob committed a much more egregious crime of the same nature and fought to keep top secret documents even after they were discovered missing.

If you really believed that, you might be dangerous.

First of all. The media who you claim is "looking at their fingernails" where the first to report this. (it broke on CBS) Every news outlet I've seen is reporting this. So no their is no bias in play here.

Second. I know why you guys want to tout this as some great opportunity to paint this as a whataboutism. But this will only work outside the court. There is a big difference between having secret documents that you voluntarily give to NARA. That they weren't even aware they were missing until The White House themselves told them. Making trying to paint it as a fiendish plot kind of hard. I've never seen a plot were the plotter says "hey this is what I did" without prompting.

And fighting with NARA to the point it results in a search warrant in order to NOT give the documents.

Thirdly. The absolute most you can hope for is "two wrongs make a right", something that is a problem with whataboutisms and something that any responsible person tells any 5 year old is a wrong way to look at things.

So please keep up the handwringing. The only thing you are doing is committing 2 logical fallacies. A false equivalancy in order to make an appeal to hypocrisy.
Are you paid for your posts by post or in lump sum? Let me help you the difference is BIDEN HAD NO RIGHT TO HAVE SAID DOCUMENTS, EVER.

Your cult lies, cheats and steals and this is the reason no one believes a word you say.
You know it and are terrified.

Terrified? Of what? As I said I have absolutely no problem with the DOJ investigating this. None whatsoever. On the other hand. When faced in OP accusing the left of hypocrisy by someone on the left willing to face an investigation of Biden, asking people on the right if they are willing to face the same of Trump, the only thing I hear is crickets.

One of us is terrified. I'm pretty sure it's people like you, who are terrified to take any position on principle, because you have none.
First of all. The media who you claim is "looking at their fingernails" where the first to report this. (it broke on CBS) Every news outlet I've seen is reporting this. So no their is no bias in play here.

Second. I know why you guys want to tout this as some great opportunity to paint this as a whataboutism. But this will only work outside the court. There is a big difference between having secret documents that you voluntarily give to NARA. That they weren't even aware they were missing until The White House themselves told them. Making trying to paint it as a fiendish plot kind of hard. I've never seen a plot were the plotter says "hey this is what I did" without prompting.

And fighting with NARA to the point it results in a search warrant in order to NOT give the documents.

Thirdly. The absolute most you can hope for is "two wrongs make a right", something that is a problem with whataboutisms and something that any responsible person tells any 5 year old is a wrong way to look at things.

So please keep up the handwringing. The only thing you are doing is committing 2 logical fallacies. A false equivalancy in order to make an appeal to hypocrisy.

So they can just claim ignorance and all is forgiven. Who knew it could be so easy to skirt a felony charge?
Terrified? Of what? As I said I have absolutely no problem with the DOJ investigating this. None whatsoever. On the other hand. When faced in OP accusing the left of hypocrisy by someone on the left willing to face an investigation of Biden, asking people on the right if they are willing to face the same of Trump, the only thing I hear is crickets.

One of us is terrified. I'm pretty sure it's people like you, who are terrified to take any position on principle, because you have none.
The hand was not overplayed with Trump. The Democrats will be hypocritical when it comes to one of their own though.

Once again it gives me the opportunity to note that neither Trump or Biden was worthy of the highest office in the country.

Biden document discovery is proof Dems ‘overplayed their hand’ on Trump

10 Jan 2023 ~~ By Mark Moore

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said Democrats “overplayed their hand” in how they criticized former President Donald Trump for keeping classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida in light of a report that sensitive records were found at a DC institute where President Biden once had an office.
“I just think it goes to prove what they tried to do to President Trump overplayed their hand on that,” McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters Monday after the news broke about the documents discovered at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.
“They’ve been around even longer,” McCarthy said, referring to Biden’s staffers. “President Trump had never been in office before and had just left, came out. Here’s an individual who spent his last 40 years in office.”
“It just shows that they were trying to be political with
Attorney General Merrick Garland announced in November that he appointed Jack Smith, a former federal prosecutor, as special counsel to look into Trump’s classified documents.
In the Biden case, Garland tapped Chicago US Attorney John Lausch, a Trump appointee, to review the materials.

its one thing for the president to have classified documents found in his files it is a horse of a different color when the Vice president is caught with them 6 years after the fact. That is a national Security risk. Wat was Biden doin wit te ily classified material? What were these files doing in a think tank organization funded by the Chinese?
Obviously, the Quisling media will collectively stay busy looking at their fingernails instead of investigating and loudly bloviating about the national security crisis that Biden is the root cause of by having these classified documents.
Which of course should never have left the VPs D.C. Office.
It is much more illegal and suspicious for a Vice President to have these docs than a former president.
IMO, it was blatantly unconstitutional political misconduct but what do I know.
When will the FBI raid Biden's Delaware homes? When questioned in Mexico to comment, Biden smirking with his eyes DOWN along with his ne'er-do-wells, Garland and Mayorkas, had no comment.
Majority of Quisling news outlets will be silent Is this America?

Several differences.

1) When asked for the documents back, Biden gave them back, Trump fucked people around
2) We don't know what documents Biden had, yet.
So they can just claim ignorance and all is forgiven. Who knew it could be so easy to skirt a felony charge?
In court yea, sure. The object would be to convince an entire jury that it wasn't in order to get convicted. Practically, no. As I said in my first post. Even if they were ignorant, it doesn't change the fact that someone fucked up. Otherwise, these documents would be in the National Archives about 6 years. The question is who fucked up. Until the investigation is done nobody knows. When they find out, this person depending on severity should face appropriate consequences.

By the way. The amount of people working FOR and on the behest of Trump that have been charged and convicted and for which actions Trump has claimed ignorance is stellar. Just ask Cohen, Manafort, Weisselberg, Rhodes, Meggs etc. etc.

It's a really good thing that ignorance is an actual valid defense strategy, or he would have been sent to prison a long time ago.
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