Biden claims he convinced Strom Thurmond to vote for the Civil Rights Act. A few problems with this story…

The main problem being that every claim, every story Biden has told in his entire life was a lie and bullshit.

A White House spokesperson confirmed the president misspoke in his remarks. He said Biden intended to refer to his efforts in the 1980s to get Thurmond and other Senate Republicans to vote for legislation renewing the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Not really. The media hate machine did it's job. They created so much hate towards Trump that many morons took to mean a change would be better. Instead, they got the cream of the Democrat crop, Joe Biden, and everything is now worse.
What are you saying? That the election wasn't stollen from Trump but that people were too dumb to vote for him?
Please clarify
Just think, he is the best you folks could offer with a packed field. That says something.
Don't you realize why?
Someone with some brains, that wanted to act as president, would not let all the strings be pulled and decisions made by someone else. The DNC needed someone who just wanted to run his illegal scams and tell grand lies. Bribery Biden is perfect.
Joe Biden is afraid of telling the truth. After a life of lies, he's afraid a bolt of lightening would strike him. He lies more than LBJ ever did.

I doubt Biden even knows what the truth is. He's delusional and dreams this shit up and believes it to be the truth. But there's no way that man should be the President of the United States. He is not mentally fit for the job.
Nobody triggers MAGAs better than Biden.
Joe is a serial liar. And has been his whole life. Politics is a nasty business. Joe is the perfect example of a man who was never taken to task for anything and changes his views on whims and when needed. This makes people like what you may have views on feel better. Understand that men like Joe who change their views on whims would put you in a concentration camp. We do not live with integrity in D.C. with the worst of the political class. Let us consider separating the nation into a loose confederation. This will reduce the strife.
A White House spokesperson confirmed the president misspoke in his remarks. He said Biden intended to refer to his efforts in the 1980s to get Thurmond and other Senate Republicans to vote for legislation renewing the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
That’s some weak spin. Are they paying those clowns?
That sonofabitch lies and has delusions about everything so his credibility is non existent.

He tells these Negroes and stupid pathetic White Guilt pukes what he thinks they they want to hear so they will love him. They fall for it every time.

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