Biden Campaign's Latest Approach: A Vote for Biden is a Vote to Save Democracy. How will it play?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

Not too good, I wouldn't think. For two reasons, one very obvious, and one maybe more subtle.

The first and obvious reason is that no matter how they spin Jan 6th as a Trump led attack on Democracy, it is clearly the Democrats who are attempting to thwart democracy by literally indicting and arresting the opposition party's strongest candidate, and now attempting to remove him from the ballot to make it a one candidate race. That is Soviet-style "democracy," and it doesn't take a very smart person to see it.

The second more subtle reason is that Biden is specifically touting American democracy. He is a living example of why that does not alway slead to good results. So was the 2020 choice American democracy gave us between Trump and Biden, the 2016 choice between Hillary and Trump, the 2012 choice between Biden and (was it Romney?), etc.

I get that they cannot run on Bidenomics, or Bidenborder, Bidencrimefight, nor Bidenenergy. The theme for the Biden campaign, assuming they want to win by getting the most votes, should be "we know we've made mistakes, and we are going to make changes," leaving the media to speculate on the wonderful and effective changes that he might be talking about.
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Biden and the Crazy Democrat Cult are not saving Democracy.
They are attempting to create a one-party hegemony where no-one can stop their corruption.
It is tyranny, not "democracy".
The mouth breather Dem Voters will gobble up Biden's BS.

Not too good, I wouldn't think. For two reasons, one very obvious, and one maybe more subtle.

The first and obvious reason is that no matter how they spin Jan 6th as a Trump led attack on Democracy, it is clearly the Democrats who are attempting to thwart democracy by literally indicting and arresting the opposition party's strongest candidate, and now attempting to remove him from the ballot to make it a one candidate race. That is Soviet-style "democracy," and it doesn't take a very smart person to see it.

The second more subtle reason is that Biden is specifically touting American democracy. He is a living example of why that does not alway slead to good results. So was the 2020 choice American democracy gave us between Trump and Biden, the 2016 choice between Hillary and Trump, the 2012 choice between Biden and (was it Romney?), etc.

I get that they cannot run on Bidenomics, or Bidenborder, Bidencrimefight, nor Bidenenergy. The theme for the Biden campaign, assuming they want to win by getting the most votes, should be "we know we've made mistakes, and we are going to make changes," leaving the media to speculate on the wonderful and effective changes that he might be talking about.

This is another Psy Ops campaign from the Democrat Regime. They've shredded the Constitution, totally corrupted the DOJ and the FBI, and for the first time in our history incarcerated political prisoners for 10 to 20 years.
This is another Psy Ops campaign from the Democrat Regime. They've shredded the Constitution, totally corrupted the DOJ and the FBI, and for the first time in our history incarcerated political prisoners for 10 to 20 years.

Page one of the Democrat playbook: Accuse others of what you are most guilty of.

Not too good, I wouldn't think. For two reasons, one very obvious, and one maybe more subtle.

The first and obvious reason is that no matter how they spin Jan 6th as a Trump led attack on Democracy, it is clearly the Democrats who are attempting to thwart democracy by literally indicting and arresting the opposition party's strongest candidate, and now attempting to remove him from the ballot to make it a one candidate race. That is Soviet-style "democracy," and it doesn't take a very smart person to see it.

The second more subtle reason is that Biden is specifically touting American democracy. He is a living example of why that does not alway slead to good results. So was the 2020 choice American democracy gave us between Trump and Biden, the 2016 choice between Hillary and Trump, the 2012 choice between Biden and (was it Romney?), etc.

I get that they cannot run on Bidenomics, or Bidenborder, Bidencrimefight, nor Bidenenergy. The theme for the Biden campaign, assuming they want to win by getting the most votes, should be "we know we've made mistakes, and we are going to make changes," leaving the media to speculate on the wonderful and effective changes that he might be talking about.

the dem party isnt even giving their voters a choice on who to vote even though the majority of dems would rather run someone other than Biden .

By trying to jail your opponent is saving democracy?.... he must be trippin if he thinks we will fall for that gibberish....

Not too good, I wouldn't think. For two reasons, one very obvious, and one maybe more subtle.

The first and obvious reason is that no matter how they spin Jan 6th as a Trump led attack on Democracy, it is clearly the Democrats who are attempting to thwart democracy by literally indicting and arresting the opposition party's strongest candidate, and now attempting to remove him from the ballot to make it a one candidate race. That is Soviet-style "democracy," and it doesn't take a very smart person to see it.

The second more subtle reason is that Biden is specifically touting American democracy. He is a living example of why that does not alway slead to good results. So was the 2020 choice American democracy gave us between Trump and Biden, the 2016 choice between Hillary and Trump, the 2012 choice between Biden and (was it Romney?), etc.

I get that they cannot run on Bidenomics, or Bidenborder, Bidencrimefight, nor Bidenenergy. The theme for the Biden campaign, assuming they want to win by getting the most votes, should be "we know we've made mistakes, and we are going to make changes," leaving the media to speculate on the wonderful and effective changes that he might be talking about.

"If you don't vote for me, you hate democracy"

It'll work on liberal idiots. The ones who would already vote for him.

Biden Campaign's Latest Approach: A Vote for Biden is a Vote to Save Democracy. How will it play?​

Well, lessee, it was not their first nor best choice. They poll tested these first but they just didn't fly:
  1. A vote for Biden is a vote for lower food prices.
  2. A vote for Biden is a vote for affordable gas, housing and utilities.
  3. A vote for Biden is a vote for less crime.
  4. A vote for Biden is a vote for a secure border.
  5. A vote for Biden is a vote for world peace.
  6. A vote for Biden is a vote for less intrusive government.
And Joe can't run on gaying up government, military and the schools nor falling down, for ruining the dollar, nor being the laughing stock of the world, so all they have left is a vote for Biden is a vote to save Earth from the impending doom asteroid Donald Trump.
A pause .
Followed by growing laughter .
Ridicule .
Worst loss in history .
The fact that the best America can come up with to run for POTUS is Trump vs Biden II shows that we are done as a country
In a bourgeois state, politicians express the interests of the bourgeoisie. The pedophile bourgeoisie has appropriate representatives.

Not too good, I wouldn't think. For two reasons, one very obvious, and one maybe more subtle.

The first and obvious reason is that no matter how they spin Jan 6th as a Trump led attack on Democracy, it is clearly the Democrats who are attempting to thwart democracy by literally indicting and arresting the opposition party's strongest candidate, and now attempting to remove him from the ballot to make it a one candidate race. That is Soviet-style "democracy," and it doesn't take a very smart person to see it.

The second more subtle reason is that Biden is specifically touting American democracy. He is a living example of why that does not alway slead to good results. So was the 2020 choice American democracy gave us between Trump and Biden, the 2016 choice between Hillary and Trump, the 2012 choice between Biden and (was it Romney?), etc.

I get that they cannot run on Bidenomics, or Bidenborder, Bidencrimefight, nor Bidenenergy. The theme for the Biden campaign, assuming they want to win by getting the most votes, should be "we know we've made mistakes, and we are going to make changes," leaving the media to speculate on the wonderful and effective changes that he might be talking about.

After three years of pushing Marxism, communism, and through his and the Democrat Party's multiple breaches against the Anti-Communist Act of 1954?

Eh, at least Biden is consistent when he pushes his false narratives before the elections, and changes his mind when his staff and every Democrat on the Hill gets a negative batch of phone calls including serious threats.

His phone is already ringing about Cartel Drug Fentanyl that has killed 300,000 Americans (at the rate of 100,000 deaths per year for Americans whose unlucky day was doing business with Cartel salespersons who promise them the ride of their lives. Instead of ecstacy the "ride" of their life is more like the "end" of it. And Joe Biden shrugs it off and blames President Trump for his breach of his Oath of Office as if he had his fingers crossed behind his back and anything he does is okay. :rolleyes-41: Big headache for the Tex-Mex border towns this side of the Rio Grande River. And Latino parents send their children with criminal sex traffickers who put on their best Mr. Rogers act imaginable.

For those who never saw Mr Rogers, here he is:

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Not too good, I wouldn't think. For two reasons, one very obvious, and one maybe more subtle.

The first and obvious reason is that no matter how they spin Jan 6th as a Trump led attack on Democracy, it is clearly the Democrats who are attempting to thwart democracy by literally indicting and arresting the opposition party's strongest candidate, and now attempting to remove him from the ballot to make it a one candidate race. That is Soviet-style "democracy," and it doesn't take a very smart person to see it.

The second more subtle reason is that Biden is specifically touting American democracy. He is a living example of why that does not alway slead to good results. So was the 2020 choice American democracy gave us between Trump and Biden, the 2016 choice between Hillary and Trump, the 2012 choice between Biden and (was it Romney?), etc.

I get that they cannot run on Bidenomics, or Bidenborder, Bidencrimefight, nor Bidenenergy. The theme for the Biden campaign, assuming they want to win by getting the most votes, should be "we know we've made mistakes, and we are going to make changes," leaving the media to speculate on the wonderful and effective changes that he might be talking about.

I agree with you, and in addition, it seems to me President Biden was projecting just a wee little bit, considering he knocked out not only the nearly closed border, and numerous other good things that were done in previous presidencies. That kind of operation doesn't set well with a lot of people, and you'd think he'd learn to accept the good things that other presidents did, but seems it was a scorch the earth on other Presidents deal. The moral of this story is if you show disrespect to predecessors' good outcomes for the American people, the ill will could boomerang and smack ya in tha nose.

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