Biden calls for war crimes trial after Bucha images surface

Biden and his asshole protectors in the media are way too late coming to this conclusion. A real leader would have acted a month ago and possibly prevented this massacre from happening. Putin privately laughs when Biden talks.
any link ? mainstream media of cos
Try googling nazi youth Soros-----------he was robbing houses of deported Jews. Where do you think he got start up money? Do you even know about how the Nazis operated with turning in robbing Jews and giving REWARDS to those that turned them in?
There won't be any trial.
Those Russian billionaires, that are having their mansions, bank accounts, and yachts seized, will have Putin taken out.

“Could humans really do this?”: Stories of civilians killed in Bucha, Ukraine | 60 Minutes. In the Kyiv suburb of Bucha, a mass grave was dug to hold the bodies of the victims of moscow’s war in Ukraine. Scott Pelley reports from Bucha with some of their stories.​


“Could humans really do this?”: Stories of civilians killed in Bucha, Ukraine | 60 Minutes. In the Kyiv suburb of Bucha, a mass grave was dug to hold the bodies of the victims of moscow’s war in Ukraine. Scott Pelley reports from Bucha with some of their stories.​

Where are your dead Azov buddies?
Every single step Pootler has taken in the war has been a failure. He's like Sideshow Bob when he stepped on all those rakes

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