Biden breaks promise to "stay" in Afghanistan until every American is out.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
This guy has single handedly destroyed American credibility with our allies, and made us a laughingstock of every terrorist group in the world.

No need to come with your 'ORANGE MAN BAD' stuff, that deflection no longer works.

Bravo Mr. President. The Americans that stupidly chose not to evacuate despite having 18 months to do so at their leisure will have to hope diplomacy works now. No more dead soldiers for nothing.
not because he’s some principled hero but because he’s a nihilistic chaos agent who believes in nothing.
What's so surprising about that kind of action from the Liar-in-Chief????

He's already brought in enough unvetted Afghans and illegals to replace those Americans thousands of times over, and he knows THEY are sure to vote Democrat!!!!

We can thank the Biden commies for humiliating us with billions of dollars they left terrorists to hang their enemies by the neck in the sky to teach pride and hate to the next generation of terrorists. I bet Nancy Pelosi would get a thrill out of doing this to Trump supporters and anybody who bores AOC with love for this land where our fathers died and Pilgrims could worship as they saw fit without being thrown to the lions. The Democrats have gotten down and filthy dirty with no time for their own states and with all that money they are stealing from the nest five generations of taxpayers while they take joy trips to the Caribbean.
It appears that a lot of our retired flag officers are calling for some resignations over this fiasco...

Trump cult:

"Crap! Biden handled the evac well! That's a disaster for us! We wanted American deaths by the thousands!"

He certainly did, 13 dead and more than 20 wounded not to mention the more than 200 dead and wounded killed in the bombing. That doesn't count the numbers killed in the out lying districts.
This is just the beginning the stench of death will now permeate the air in Afghanistan for some time to come.

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