Biden Administration jacked up the 3rd stimulus, badly


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
LAUGHABLE. Surely MSM would never report this, Xiden is our savior.

If you look at the first two public stimulus packages under Trump they were straight forward & crossed medium to low income families. But then PROGS appointed Xiden, and right off the bat they fucked people over with their stimulus, in the most simplest of terms, it's right here in this link.

They put a cap on earnings of 80K, doesn't matter how many dependents you have, so look what the fuck happens, it's pathetic. Scenarios to demonstrate.

You earned 75K and you have ten dependents: Your check is $15,400
You earned 79K and you have ten dependents: Your check is $3,080
You earned $79,999 and you have ten dependents: Your check is $4
You earned $80,000 and you have ten dependents: Your check is ZERO

Only a Demonicrat Admin. could have fuck up the simple on this level.

Meanwhile back in reality...approval rating is much higher than the blob's. Some "jack up".

Candy Corn and Taxman agree the measure of a POTUS is how PROG-polls feel :abgg2q.jpg:

We conservatives tell you guys over and over again you're irrational & emotional, and you guys never cease to prove exactly that.

Yet it was blob supporters who killed a cop and stormed the capitol. I'm sure that was done out of rational behavior and absent of emotion. LOL. You guys never cease to make us all laugh at you.
Think about this a moment, and it's not Xiden's fault by some measure because he has dementia and wouldn't understand anyway.

Problem is our congress are dumb lazy fucks. How it works is Demonicrats ride packed bills with things most would never approve of because it's lunacy. PROGS end up supporting it eventually, but they're PROGS what can you do. So what happens is Republicans though not perfect have to eventually give in for politics, because the left will fuck them over with staging. May have been a dipshit Republican's idea, but end of the day it's primarily Xiden's team.

They're lazy & dumb (literally) because while agree there should be caps it should be on a sliding scale. I mean what the fuck, one set of criteria on a sliding scale? Give me a break. I used ten kids to prove a point, feel free to enter as many as you like, Xiden has low income families bent over.

Stimulus is a scam anyway, we're in training for laziness, more physical, they already attacked mental, right CNN? So the question is WHY?
LAUGHABLE. Surely MSM would never report this, Xiden is our savior.

If you look at the first two public stimulus packages under Trump they were straight forward & crossed medium to low income families. But then PROGS appointed Xiden, and right off the bat they fucked people over with their stimulus, in the most simplest of terms, it's right here in this link.

They put a cap on earnings of 80K, doesn't matter how many dependents you have, so look what the fuck happens, it's pathetic. Scenarios to demonstrate.

You earned 75K and you have ten dependents: Your check is $15,400
You earned 79K and you have ten dependents: Your check is $3,080
You earned $79,999 and you have ten dependents: Your check is $4
You earned $80,000 and you have ten dependents: Your check is ZERO

Only a Demonicrat Admin. could have fuck up the simple on this level.

Any family member that has a Social Security number (SSN) or dependent (regardless of age) can qualify for the third stimulus check. For example, in a household where both parents have ITINs, and their children have SSNs, the children qualify for stimulus checks, even though the parents don’t.

Ask me how I know this? If you haven't done your taxes yet don't fuck this up hopefully you didn't already. My son is going to school full-time and hasn't worked in over a year. Doesn't pay a dime, so I was going to claim him as a dependent. Used to be exemptions, now it's a $500 credit per dependent.

I thought to put the brakes on due Xiden's stimulus, which is a real twist, so I looked it up. The long and short of it is, if I claim my son for 2020 he gets fucked out of Xiden's $1400 stimulus, and that's assuming they don't plan to pay people further not to work. My son couldn't have picked a better time to finish up for a degree, if memory serves me right the interest on his education is currently free.
LAUGHABLE. Surely MSM would never report this, Xiden is our savior.

If you look at the first two public stimulus packages under Trump they were straight forward & crossed medium to low income families. But then PROGS appointed Xiden, and right off the bat they fucked people over with their stimulus, in the most simplest of terms, it's right here in this link.

They put a cap on earnings of 80K, doesn't matter how many dependents you have, so look what the fuck happens, it's pathetic. Scenarios to demonstrate.

You earned 75K and you have ten dependents: Your check is $15,400
You earned 79K and you have ten dependents: Your check is $3,080
You earned $79,999 and you have ten dependents: Your check is $4
You earned $80,000 and you have ten dependents: Your check is ZERO

Only a Demonicrat Admin. could have fuck up the simple on this level.

Any family member that has a Social Security number (SSN) or dependent (regardless of age) can qualify for the third stimulus check. For example, in a household where both parents have ITINs, and their children have SSNs, the children qualify for stimulus checks, even though the parents don’t.

WRONG. And let me see a link where children receive a check. Here's PROG-trickery, they make it sound like it's awesomeness but it's not, that's how PROGS work, evil posing as saviors........

Millions of more Americans are getting their hands on a coronavirus stimulus check for the first time, underscoring the importance of the new crowd staying on top of their $1,400 payment as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) doles out more money by the week.

No longer excluded from stimulus checks are U.S. adults claimed on another taxpayer’s return :abgg2q.jpg: , after President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan widened eligibility Known as “adult dependents,” these individuals are often college students or individuals who recently turned age 18 but are still living under their parent’s roof. ILMAO at recently turned 18, let me see where that's written.

The payment won’t go directly to the adult dependent, but rather to the parent or guardian who claims the individual.

Still, experts say these ramped up payments will be a boon for many hard-hit Americans, with caretakers and families bearing the brunt of the coronavirus crisis’ burden. Right, my son's so hard-hit, nothing like getting paid to finish his education @ no interest. They're dependents because they're dependents, get it? But thanks Joe.

Unlike the first $1,200 stimulus check, adult dependents are eligible for an amount as high as the head of household, meaning families could be eligible for a much larger check this time around.

So in other terms, if the head of household is approaching at or near the 80K cap their dependents get NADA, big fucking zilch.
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There wasn't really a third stimulus, just giving out the rest of the promised 2000 from the second one, which Trump cut to 600 so he could give more money to his business friends.
Here's some fun, taking the OP example......

Family A earned 75K in 2020, ten dependents, $15,400 stimulus.

Family B earned 80K in 2020, ten dependents, Zero stimulus.

Thanks to Uncle Joe, Family A gets $90,400, $15,400 of which is "tax free". Family B is bent over @ their taxable 80K.

Family A wins by $10,400ish even though they earned less.
Using the Kiplinger calculator that was linked to, I came up with way more than $0. In that situation why would somebody file as Single and not as Head of Household?
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Meanwhile back in reality...approval rating is much higher than the blob's. Some "jack up".

Candy Corn and Taxman agree the measure of a POTUS is how PROG-polls feel :abgg2q.jpg:

We conservatives tell you guys over and over again you're irrational & emotional, and you guys never cease to prove exactly that.

Yet it was blob supporters who killed a cop and stormed the capitol. I'm sure that was done out of rational behavior and absent of emotion. LOL. You guys never cease to make us all laugh at you.

Didn’t CNN tell you the cop wasn’t killed, he had a heart attack?
Using the Kiplinger calculator that was linked to, I came up with way more than $0. In that situation why would somebody file as Single and not as Head of Household?
View attachment 485122

Ah shit my error:abgg2q.jpg: You almost literally just put about 2K into my pocket. I'd say a THANKS is in order, thank you.

Fuck, I might have to buy some hubcaps today. Vintage original, a couple just happened to come up & I need two more nice for a set I may never use:p. Talk about "inflation", I bought two new old stock 5 years ago $50 a piece, today they're worth 5x that.

Turbo tax has thrown me into the loop, there's no HOH option. Guess I need to figure this one out;)

Ah, done. TT doesn't allow it but I missed a question.....ha!
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Laugh @ Leftists is my new best friend:p net $4600. And here I thought I was sending a check. I'm going to try and talk my son into remaining unemployed after he graduates this summer;)

The OP is BS, THANKS JOE :abgg2q.jpg:
Meanwhile back in reality...approval rating is much higher than the blob's. Some "jack up".

Candy Corn and Taxman agree the measure of a POTUS is how PROG-polls feel :abgg2q.jpg:

We conservatives tell you guys over and over again you're irrational & emotional, and you guys never cease to prove exactly that.

Yet it was blob supporters who killed a cop and stormed the capitol. I'm sure that was done out of rational behavior and absent of emotion. LOL. You guys never cease to make us all laugh at you.

No cop was killed during the demonstration in the Capitol.

LAUGHABLE. Surely MSM would never report this, Xiden is our savior.

If you look at the first two public stimulus packages under Trump they were straight forward & crossed medium to low income families. But then PROGS appointed Xiden, and right off the bat they fucked people over with their stimulus, in the most simplest of terms, it's right here in this link.

They put a cap on earnings of 80K, doesn't matter how many dependents you have, so look what the fuck happens, it's pathetic. Scenarios to demonstrate.

You earned 75K and you have ten dependents: Your check is $15,400
You earned 79K and you have ten dependents: Your check is $3,080
You earned $79,999 and you have ten dependents: Your check is $4
You earned $80,000 and you have ten dependents: Your check is ZERO

Only a Demonicrat Admin. could have fuck up the simple on this level.

Republicans wanted the income cap at $50k.

Republicans propose $1,000 stimulus checks. Here's who would qualify (

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