Biden administration gearing up for conflict with Iran.

It must have been rough for the war mongering Democrats to have to site through so much peace, prosperity and unity during the Trump era. First the leftists manufacture racial animosity. Then they sabotage the economy and steal the election. Now, they want to resume the Bush/Obama wars in the Middle East.

Biden War Mongering Iran Already! - YouTube
The only conflict Biden has with Iran is they want payments over time and Biden wants to give them the whole treasury tomorrow.
It must have been rough for the war mongering Democrats to have to site through so much peace, prosperity and unity during the Trump era. First the leftists manufacture racial animosity. Then they sabotage the economy and steal the election. Now, they want to resume the Bush/Obama wars in the Middle East.

Biden War Mongering Iran Already! - YouTube
The only conflict Biden has with Iran is they want payments over time and Biden wants to give them the whole treasury tomorrow.
If not the entire US Treasury, at least another 747 load of cash, or two.
It must have been rough for the war mongering Democrats to have to site through so much peace, prosperity and unity during the Trump era. First the leftists manufacture racial animosity. Then they sabotage the economy and steal the election. Now, they want to resume the Bush/Obama wars in the Middle East.

Biden War Mongering Iran Already! - YouTube

Its not my intention to derail your thread, but it looks like Blinken and Biden have their work cut out for them..
And meanwhile, Iranians are sneaking in here to get on the dole and get more free shit...

Border Agents Arrest Group of Iranians Illegally Crossing from Mexico - Conservative Daily News

YUMA, Ariz. – Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a group of 11 Iranian citizens who illegally crossed the border into the United States Monday evening.

At approximately 6 p.m., BP agents encountered the group near San Luis, Arizona, on a bridge near County 21st Street and the Salinity Canal. Agents determined the group had illegally crossed the international border into the U.S. The group was arrested and taken to Yuma Station for processing. The five females and six males are were all from Iran, a Special Interest Country.

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