Beware of the Dragon Redux


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
On January 8th of this year, this was part of a post I put up...

" The life's-blood of our society is electricity. A primary target will be the electrical grids, and the Internet. There are those who attribute the 2003 blackout that hit eight states and parts of Canada, and some 55 million people, to Chinese hackers who managed to get into the US electrical power system, and installed software called Trojan horses, which they activated. A test for future attacks. "if there is a significant failure in the power grid caused by the attack, massive power outages could result, crippling industry, defense, medicine, and all other areas of life." real surprise to find this on Drudge today....

1. "...government thinks China could take down the power grid

2. Washington (CNN) -- China and "probably one or two other" countries have the capacity to shut down the nation's power grid and other critical infrastructure through a cyber attack,...

3. ....United States has detected malware from China and elsewhere on U.S. computers systems that affect the daily lives of every American.

4. ....hackers working on behalf of the Chinese government were able to penetrate American public utility systems that service everything from power generation, to the movement of water and fuel across the country.

5. The testimony also comes in the wake of a report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project that cited a prediction by technology experts that a catastrophic cyber-attack that causes significant losses in life and financial damage would occur by 2025.

6. "It is only a matter of the when, not the if, that we are going to see something traumatic." he said."
Govt China could take down U.S. power grid -

7. "Gum-chewing, limo-eschewing Obama riles some Chinese"
Gum-chewing limo-eschewing Obama riles some Chinese

Uh, oh....

Maybe he should stick to bowing.....
I was in a store on Y2K when all of the computers went down due to a lack of electricity.
Every nation that doesn't rely on camp fires for survival, relies on a complicated network of software programs which unfortunately, are easily hacked or subject to espionage. Score one for the preppers if the shit ever hits the fan and a foreign enemy shuts down the grid. The problem is that China or Russia doesn't want to invade the US anymore than the US wants to invade them so any grid shutdown will probably be of the temporary nature engineered by hate filled radicals. The problem with that is that the hate filled radicals really want to kill us and while we are fiddling with the grid they will no doubt move in really bad stuff.

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