Better than Bulgaria but not as nice as Cuba: how did the US become such an awful place to live?

You were the empire. Unlike past ones you were not the worst ones oppressing other nations into pure slavery. Even though that existed. The people in those nations were not the best to their own and Britain actually improved conditions in many of them. You stagnated and had rudimentary socialism in the 19th century. You also had first generation industrialization. Being a world ruler and growing social issues at home weakened you. Even if your citizens lived better than most on the planet. the problem for us all is that utopia does not exist and even in the richest nations there are people who will live in poverty.
I am sure that the US is wonderful; I've heard so much about it, but the UK also is fantastic...I have lived there. Europe is fantastic what I have seen of it, and I love Bulgaria (yes; going through a redevelopment from the CCCP days; my dad's place of birth); but as is the case here in Oz; it is all made possible by a Free Market Economy with mostly sensible regulations (and yes; some dumb ones).

So wtf Tommy is spewing is beyond me.

NO!! Thats not true. The UK is right wings.

Wait, wut? The UK is right wings?

First of all, this makes no sense.

Secondly, when debating you need to do more than say that was not true.

You need actual brain function to try and refute a claim that has obvious truth.
you cant expect that out of a die hard party person....

Grim reading. I look around the UK and I see the effects of this every day. We live in an unequal society where the game is rigged in favour of the elites and the poor are invited to pay for it.

In the UK I trace it all back to thatcherism and the discredited trickle down economics. Unfortunately this is about to be exacerbated by our thicck as shit PM who believes in this nonsense.

Luckily for the US President Biden has rubbished this theory and has this whacky idea that Govt should help people who arent millionaires.

Of course these surveys do not capture everything but the shitness of modern America is a constant theme on here. So they must be on to something.

Grim reading. I look around the UK and I see the effects of this every day. We live in an unequal society where the game is rigged in favour of the elites and the poor are invited to pay for it.

In the UK I trace it all back to thatcherism and the discredited trickle down economics. Unfortunately this is about to be exacerbated by our thicck as shit PM who believes in this nonsense.

Luckily for the US President Biden has rubbished this theory and has this whacky idea that Govt should help people who arent millionaires.

Of course these surveys do not capture everything but the shitness of modern America is a constant theme on here. So they must be on to something.

Leftist douchbags turning this country into yet another third world shithole.
I would say that its because our politicians are bought and paid for and they repay that by passing laws that benefit the rich.
You can add that to the rampant inequality in the world. A starving african will make it cheaper than you can.
And the richer nations have further to fall.

thats pretty much the root of it.

Ah, so you do admit there is a political class. So why do you support them?

Why do you constantly spread your ass cheeks and submit to yet another round of abuse?

Grim reading. I look around the UK and I see the effects of this every day. We live in an unequal society where the game is rigged in favour of the elites and the poor are invited to pay for it.

In the UK I trace it all back to thatcherism and the discredited trickle down economics. Unfortunately this is about to be exacerbated by our thicck as shit PM who believes in this nonsense.

Luckily for the US President Biden has rubbished this theory and has this whacky idea that Govt should help people who arent millionaires.

Of course these surveys do not capture everything but the shitness of modern America is a constant theme on here. So they must be on to something.

You live in the trailer park of Europe, fatboy.
As nice as Cuba? Cuba is he place to find old cars because there isn't enough money in the country to afford anything but a junker or a mule since Russia stopped supporting the crooked regime. Try entering Cuba without papers.
The U.S. is led by a blundering old fool but Biden is just a glitch in history. There isn't much to brag about in the U.K. except a dead queen. Maybe we should consider sending a couple of thousand illegal aliens to England and see how it works out.

Grim reading. I look around the UK and I see the effects of this every day. We live in an unequal society where the game is rigged in favour of the elites and the poor are invited to pay for it.

In the UK I trace it all back to thatcherism and the discredited trickle down economics. Unfortunately this is about to be exacerbated by our thicck as shit PM who believes in this nonsense.

Luckily for the US President Biden has rubbished this theory and has this whacky idea that Govt should help people who arent millionaires.

Of course these surveys do not capture everything but the shitness of modern America is a constant theme on here. So they must be on to something.
america is so shitty that millions are swarming across our borders to share in the misery...

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