Beto O'Rouke Blows up Press Conference on Texas Shooting

I'm nowhere in his league and with a 5 shot .41 can put 25 accurate shots on target in 1 minute.
If some life-changing crisis or even something like dementia engulfs this man’s sensibilities he can put those five shots into the heads of five 10-year-old child. So what what is your point?

Different strokes for different folks;

Dylann Storm Roof[1] (born April 3, 1994) is an American white supremacist, neo-Nazi, mass murderer, and domestic terroristconvicted for perpetrating the Charleston church shooting on June 17, 2015, in the U.S. state of South Carolina.[2][3] During a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Roof killed nine people, all African Americans, including senior pastor and state senator Clementa C. Pinckney, and injured one other person. After several people identified Roof as the main suspect, he became the center of a manhunt that ended the morning after the shooting with his arrest in Shelby, North Carolina. He later confessed that he committed the shooting in hopes of igniting a race war.[4] Roof's actions in Charleston have been widely described as domestic terrorism.[5]

Dylann Roof
Dylann Roof mugshot.jpg
Mugshot of Roof taken by the Charleston County Sheriff's Office, June 18, 2015
I guess you don’t realize that you were already disarmed if you plan on overthrowing the federal government with your toys. You get along given your consent that you cannot on weapons to match the fire power of the US military and all the law-enforcement in the entire country. If you’re armed to defend your homes and protect yourself and hunt varmints dinner By all means, God bless you and stay safe. But if you arming up to help another DJT try to pull off another coup attempt, you are leaning fascist and should not be considered “trusted” to be law-abiding citizens anymore.

Hell no. You are just a liar. You don’t know that

You are paranoid. A Trumpflake. Behave yourselves and keep your stupid guns. There’s no reason to take away guns from people that already have them. Absolutely no reason.

You you already know Everything. So what do you want me to tell you.

So let’s just not let anybody who turns 18 walking to the store with some cash and walk out legally with two assault rifles, 30 round clips, ready for combat with no questions asked what are you going to do with it. What if one of these birthday boy loners but himself a shiny new assault rifle one bunch of rounds of ammunition was out to his pick up truck loads it up turns around and walks back in Shoots the guy or people that sold to him just to test it out. The timing of this purchase so close to this massacre makes you think the usual NRA preferred response - thoughts and prayers - wait till we bury the dead and then we’ll discuss maybe doing something about it - or not is not going to happen.

Yeah, I mean it's not like goat herders in Afghanistan with 1% the weapons we do brought the US Military to their knees.

oh, wait,,,,


Fucking Nazis
Oh you mean this guy?

LEFTY RIOTER - during the CHAUVIN protest on May30 Martin J. Engelhart looted stores, and took part in a beating

View attachment 651624

Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison, was charged July 16 with looting two shoe stores at East Towne Mall and taking part in beating a man who had tried to stop the looting of a State Street shop earlier the same night.​
Keeping track: Over 50 people facing felony charges in vandalism, looting, violence during protests

A criminal complaint charges Engelhart with substantial battery as party to a crime, two counts of burglary as party to a crime and one count of attempted burglary as party to a crime, all felonies, for events he is accused of taking part in May 30, the first night of protests that began Downtown. He was also charged with criminal damage to property a party to a crime and bail jumping, both misdemeanors.​
On Aug. 5, he was charged in a separate complaint with another count of felony burglary as party to a crime.​
I am sure the above referenced criminal acted alone. But if you have a link where he was ‘attacking the Nation’ As a member of the Democratic party or BLM please please please fill us in

VERY unusual for any of the democrat Brown Shirts to be prosecuted. Ultimately it is your party which is behind the Kristallnacht.

No idea what your paywalled link says, but Chinese State Media says he was part of a large group of rioters who attacked the store employees and beat them. Only two of the democrats were apprehended.

Let's see if a Soros DA dropped the charges....

Oh look, 3 months probation...

So called assault rifles don't kill anyone, they don't accept clips either.

If he'd been armed solely with revolvers he could have killed and wounded the exact same number of people in the exact same amount of time.

This is a 75yo man with a revolver.

12 accurately placed shots in under 3 seconds.

I'm nowhere in his league and with a 5 shot .41 can put 25 accurate shots on target in 1 minute.

Like most on this subject you are clueless.

Fastest shooting I've every seen was a man with a single shot, break action 20 gauge. Pouch of shells, the man was amazing.
He certainly did not act alone, he was acting as part of a mob.

And was sentenced to 3 months probation once they thought people weren't looking.
I guess you don’t realize that you were already disarmed if you plan on overthrowing the federal government with your toys. You get along given your consent that you cannot on weapons to match the fire power of the US military and all the law-enforcement in the entire country. If you’re armed to defend your homes and protect yourself and hunt varmints dinner By all means, God bless you and stay safe. But if you arming up to help another DJT try to pull off another coup attempt, you are leaning fascist and should not be considered “trusted” to be law-abiding citizens anymore.

Hell no. You are just a liar. You don’t know that

You are paranoid. A Trumpflake. Behave yourselves and keep your stupid guns. There’s no reason to take away guns from people that already have them. Absolutely no reason.

You you already know Everything. So what do you want me to tell you.

So let’s just not let anybody who turns 18 walking to the store with some cash and walk out legally with two assault rifles, 30 round clips, ready for combat with no questions asked what are you going to do with it. What if one of these birthday boy loners but himself a shiny new assault rifle one bunch of rounds of ammunition was out to his pick up truck loads it up turns around and walks back in Shoots the guy or people that sold to him just to test it out. The timing of this purchase so close to this massacre makes you think the usual NRA preferred response - thoughts and prayers - wait till we bury the dead and then we’ll discuss maybe doing something about it - or not is not going to happen.
Satanic Statists

Our degenerate ruling class breeds these creeps through its creation of a toxic jungle-noise culture. So eliminate the cause and we won't have these thrill-killers around.
Promoting easy access to guns to anybody that wants one such as an 18 yr old birthday boy who is planning to celebrate by shooting his grandmother and second graders with a couple of AR15s with 30 round clips just goes out and buys one.

When he got to the kids / one little girl survived the initial attack - she smeared the blood of her classmate on her chest pretended to be shot and dead . Ten years old and you FUCKING people are still more concerned about the be 2nd Amendment right to own the weapon that provided the pool of blood so that little girl could pretend to be dead. Thank you NRA from the next class room shooter.
Ok, nice unhinged rant.

Now, show me a connection to the NRA.

Why do you erase them from the Constitution. The framers put “A well regulated Militia,” in the SA. Why do you think the framers were not referring to the poeple’s right to keep “a well regulated Militia,” shall not be infringed in the language instead of the right to buy an AR15 to shoot 2nd graders to death. Was it a typo?

I have never erased them from the Constituion. A well regulated militia isn't the same as "the people", which is why they are separated by a comma. Two different groups, Dumbass.
It is not fascism to participate in elections by voting for representatives of your choice.

It is fascism for a sitting president of the United States to try and undo the will of 88 million people and disenfranchise every single one of those votes against him.

Rational sane people in this country have not been given a chance to reduce mass shootings because the evil corrupt National Rifle Association President lll on the United States Senate through the filibuster. They only way to find out if America can resolve the mass shooting epidemic as the majority sees it to stop evil dark NRA Money from owning at least ten US SENATORS that are doing their evil “easy gun acces to wackos whoever want to buy assault weapons and ammo without a realistic background check, psychological testing and training and licensing us to fire them from the US Senate.
My only hope is that the NRA pushes for more “good guys with guns”. The police and SWAT teams were just as helpless as the children dialing 911 furiously trying to get help. God knows what bureaucrats were holding the police back. It was fortunate that two off duty Border Patrol agents jumped to action.

Keep up your assault on the NRA. The wackos are going to get guns. Between your side defunding and hamstringing the police and grabbing guns from lawful citizens, we will be completely fucked.
Rightwinger EvilCat Breath stands firmly in support for Salvador Ramos right to buy militarized assault rifles to kill ten year olds in a class room when he turns 18. That right cannot be infringed.

Left-winger NotfooledbyW stands firmly for fucking Salvador Ramos to never get near a fucking gun until he spends two years in some kind of on line social media training session to prove why he needs to have an assault rifle like Rambo uses, better yet ban the fucking things snd melt the existing ones.

Tell my why right wingers who now try to blame the left are not morally responsible for the deaths of 19 ten year olds,
He was one of yours, a cross-dressing leftist nutbag.
We are not coming for your stupid guns and we are not strapping on stupid guns while we stil have a Democracy. We are coming for your NRA owned Senators. Ten of them replaced. When that happens we’ll see if you are still a law abiding citizen with a gun.
So you are predicting 10 Republican Senators will be voted out this year? Which ten, and.....................wanna bet?
Of course it doesn’t as I read the Constitution. But Salvador Ramos was not in a well regulated militia. Why did he have a constitutional right to by a military style assault rifle to mass murder ten year old kids in part thanks to you who has his back on the right to own it.
Define "military style assault rifle. Be specific.
End the proliferation and end the glorification of a human killing tool. Start the glorification of little kids being safe in schools.
Do you classify vans as a "human killing tool"? After all, that's what the black guy used to mow down a parade of kids and old ladies.
I am criticizing an American Taliban gun dream belonging to Big Bend Texas of taking over the United States government by force against the US military with their 300 million guns and bazillion rounds of ammo from Fort Mar-a-Lago. I guess with Jesus all things are possible even for the American Taliban.
All the King's Horses and All the King's Men Will Dump Humpty Biden

Don't put much faith in your Rainbow Army. The traditional warriors in the military will join the MAGA side against the government; your girlyman, trannie and dyke forces will run for their lives. An unreliable military has let down incompetent or oppressive rulers throughout history.
The NRA is evil, A filibuster proof Senate will extinguish its power and the dark money and the white Christian nationalism that feeds it. But keep your stupid guns.
Dark money? They are required to report their donations. They avg about 3 million per year in donations, the AFL-CIO averages 3 times that.

Any complaints about their 'dark money", Moron?

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