Beta.Why Are They Propping Him Up?He Talks Like A Typical Los Angeles Surfer.Jeff Spicoli/Sean Penn?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:dunno: :eek-52: :iyfyus.jpg: We have heard him speak by now. and odds are we are all reacting in the same manner. Pretty Much "What The F------K?",,this guy is running for President? Beta sounds like a typical modern day 20 year old, who's dialogue consists of the standard, "So Like",,"Totally",,"Whattup Dude",,etc. etc.
Whenever I hear him speak, I always say,,"Who The Hell Talks Like That"?
Even on Fox News, they are nailing him on this. His manner of speech is a current issue of discussion, and even they cannot figure out what anyone sees in him.
He has no accomplishments, no plans on how to improve America, and for some reason needs to keep talking with his hands moving constantly as if he were dancing in some punk rock night club.
:hyper: :huh1: :laughing0301:
:dunno: :eek-52: :iyfyus.jpg: We have heard him speak by now. and odds are we are all reacting in the same manner. Pretty Much "What The F------K?",,this guy is running for President? Beta sounds like a typical modern day 20 year old, who's dialogue consists of the standard, "So Like",,"Totally",,"Whattup Dude",,etc. etc.
Whenever I hear him speak, I always say,,"Who The Hell Talks Like That"?
Even on Fox News, they are nailing him on this. His manner of speech is a current issue of discussion, and even they cannot figure out what anyone sees in him.
He has no accomplishments, no plans on how to improve America, and for some reason needs to keep talking with his hands moving constantly as if he were dancing in some punk rock night club.
:hyper: :huh1: :laughing0301:

Strictly because he’s a ‘Weaner’ (White Beaner) from Texas. The Party Of Filth needs him to motivate wetbacks and move Texans out from underneath the Republican umbrella.
maybe he can create his own new dance? he's got the gay hand movements
I think that they know they're going to get their asses kicked, so they're pushing the most ludicrous candidate possible to blame it on.
Big Bird could run for President and he would get the same treatment from the MSM

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