Best New Year EVAH!


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
I can't remember ever having a New Year's Eve Midnight quite like this.

It's 13 degrees out. An icy snow has been falling for hours. Internet has been out until less than an hour ago. Everybody's isolated, nobody but nobody is going out except to grab another log for the fire.

As a result what happened at midnight was...........


No firecrackers, no guns shooting into dark sky, no car horns, ZERO. Not even a dog barking -- absolutely silent.
If you weren't looking at a clock you'd have no idea.

That's how it should be, dammit. Time moves the same speed tonight as any other night. Midnight turns over a new day literally every day. There's nothing in there to "celebrate". Did we think midnight wasn't gonna happen:? :wtf:

Dammit, this is the way it should be.
Take a pic of the icy dark outside. Wanna see what NYE is supposed to look like, lol.
I can't remember ever having a New Year's Eve Midnight quite like this.

It's 13 degrees out. An icy snow has been falling for hours. Internet has been out until less than an hour ago. Everybody's isolated, nobody but nobody is going out except to grab another log for the fire.

As a result what happened at midnight was...........

No firecrackers, no guns shooting into dark sky, no car horns, ZERO. Not even a dog barking -- absolutely silent
Oddly enough, I keep hearing gun fire in my small white town. Almost feels like Detroit or Chicago right now.
I know what you mean, pogo. I just went outside and it was COLD!!! I had to put on a long sleeve shirt. Damn! I doubt if it's over 60 degrees out there.
Take a pic of the icy dark outside. Wanna see what NYE is supposed to look like, lol.

If I take a pic I'll need a flash. If I flash it won't be dark. :uhh:

It's all about the aural scene. It's so quiet sometimes I can literally hear the snowflakes fall. Prolly could right now but it's friggin' 13 degrees, so no.

Actually it is kind of light because the moon above the clouds is one day from full. Not enough for a pic though.

I dig that that kind of serenity exists, and when it's left uninterrupted for no good reason, it's perfection.
I can't remember ever having a New Year's Eve Midnight quite like this.

It's 13 degrees out. An icy snow has been falling for hours. Internet has been out until less than an hour ago. Everybody's isolated, nobody but nobody is going out except to grab another log for the fire.

As a result what happened at midnight was...........

No firecrackers, no guns shooting into dark sky, no car horns, ZERO. Not even a dog barking -- absolutely silent
Oddly enough, I keep hearing gun fire in my small white town. Almost feels like Detroit or Chicago right now.

Even out here in the forest primeval, I usually hear some clown setting off explosions on this date, and it's a holler surrounded by higher mountains so the sound echoes forever.

Not this year though. All ya need is a big chill and some nice icy snow.
What a party pooper.......any day you wake up still breathin is a day to celebrate and that goes double for holidays.

I do agree about the quiet & serenity, but that can happen another day.
I know what you mean, pogo. I just went outside and it was COLD!!! I had to put on a long sleeve shirt. Damn! I doubt if it's over 60 degrees out there.

I'm shocked that you own a shirt that has sleeves on it. :eek:

Shocked I tell you.
I can't remember ever having a New Year's Eve Midnight quite like this.

It's 13 degrees out. An icy snow has been falling for hours. Internet has been out until less than an hour ago. Everybody's isolated, nobody but nobody is going out except to grab another log for the fire.

As a result what happened at midnight was...........

No firecrackers, no guns shooting into dark sky, no car horns, ZERO. Not even a dog barking -- absolutely silent
Oddly enough, I keep hearing gun fire in my small white town. Almost feels like Detroit or Chicago right now.
I'm hearing them too. But this small town is rednecks. Straight outta duck dynasty, lol.
What a party pooper.......any day you wake up still breathin is a day to celebrate and that goes double for holidays.

I do agree about the quiet & serenity, but that can happen another day.

Parties have to have a reason though. You win the big game, you land the big job, you climb the big mountain, that's a party. The clock ticks like it always does on a day you arbitrarily reset the calendar, that's normality.
[Verse 1]
There's no time for us
There's no place for us

What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us
Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever?
There's no chance for us
It's all decided for us
This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever
Who dares to love forever
When love must die

[Verse 2]
But touch my tears with your lips
Touch my world with your fingertips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever

Forever is our today
Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever
Forever is our today
Who waits forever anyway?
What a party pooper.......any day you wake up still breathin is a day to celebrate and that goes double for holidays.

I do agree about the quiet & serenity, but that can happen another day.

Parties have to have a reason though. You win the big game, you land the big job, you climb the big mountain, that's a party. The clock ticks like it always does on a day you arbitrarily reset the calendar, that's normality.

saying goodbye to the old and looking forward to the new can be reason enough to can't tell me you've never partied just for the heck of it???
What a party pooper.......any day you wake up still breathin is a day to celebrate and that goes double for holidays.

I do agree about the quiet & serenity, but that can happen another day.

Parties have to have a reason though. You win the big game, you land the big job, you climb the big mountain, that's a party. The clock ticks like it always does on a day you arbitrarily reset the calendar, that's normality.

saying goodbye to the old and looking forward to the new can be reason enough to can't tell me you've never partied just for the heck of it???

I've heard taxi drivers party just for the hack of it!
What a party pooper.......any day you wake up still breathin is a day to celebrate and that goes double for holidays.

I do agree about the quiet & serenity, but that can happen another day.

Parties have to have a reason though. You win the big game, you land the big job, you climb the big mountain, that's a party. The clock ticks like it always does on a day you arbitrarily reset the calendar, that's normality.

saying goodbye to the old and looking forward to the new can be reason enough to can't tell me you've never partied just for the heck of it???

I've heard taxi drivers party just for the hack of it!

I dunno about that, but seems to me Pogo 's neighbors must be wuss's to not party because of the cold......... but to each their own I guess
If Trump and the white hats are able to follow through on a plan (that was fomented 25 years ago) to rid this country of luciferian worshipping pedophiles? 2018 is going to be a tremendous year for mankind..........while I am not doing victory laps just yet? I have seen enough evidence that the white hats are winning.

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