Best historical feminist authory


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
I'm curious if anyone has a choice for a best historical author who is considered part of a "feminist" movement.

I won't be reading any radicals or extremists (like Dworkin, Solanas, any who advocated that "all sex is rape", lesbian separatism, etc), or any who are a part of radical left-wing identitarianism / victimhood nonsense.

One off the top of my head is Virginia Woolf, I have one of her books, but I'd be interested in others; I also have books on influential women like Margaret Thatcher, who I think is a good example of "feminism" in practice, as opposed to all of the degenerate, identarian, victimhood nonsense from the rabble rousers and civilizationarily maladjusted freaks on social media; I'm just hoping they start taking their Zoloft again and f-k off.

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