Best gun salesman in history


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Who is the best gun salesman in history? I would think it would have to be Barak Obama, that is, every time he is elected gun sales go through the roof.

If I did not know any better, I would think that gun corporations are in Obama's back pocket.
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I'm thinking that them more the left makes guns an issue, the more guns and ammo will be sold as the hype scares more and more right wingers.

Pretty funny stuff. :lol:
I'm thinking that them more the left makes guns an issue, the more guns and ammo will be sold as the hype scares more and more right wingers.

Pretty funny stuff. :lol:

Remember the ginned up Chicken Little hysteria on the part of the right in 2008 when, if he were elected, he'd start massive gun control (and even FEMA camps!)?

Sucks that that happened and no one in the country has guns any more.
I'm thinking that them more the left makes guns an issue, the more guns and ammo will be sold as the hype scares more and more right wingers.

Pretty funny stuff. :lol:

Remember the ginned up Chicken Little hysteria on the part of the right in 2008 when, if he were elected, he'd start massive gun control (and even FEMA camps!)?

Sucks that that happened and no one in the country has guns any more.

If you are on the left you must ask what is to be accomplished here. The paranoia is a proven fact of life that sells guns. So if you continue to debate gun ownership and do not plan on taking guns away, all you are really doing is selling more guns onto the streets.

Food for thought.
The best gun salesmen in history are the whacko gun nutters.

You know, I'm getting really fucking tired of this "gun nutter" nonsense. First, owning a gun does not make someone "whacko." Second, this kind of talk is exactly the bullshit that prevents us from addressing the real problems in our society that lead to mass murders like Newton, Columbine, etc. And that is our country's very piss-poor attitudes about mental health and illness. Continuing to demonize and stigmatize mental health issues serves nothing but very damaging purposes. It marginalizes the the importance of mental health and the need to ADDRESS it as opposed to ignoring it, as opposed to expanding access to mental health services so that people can get help if and when they need it. The demonization makes people unwilling to see help. And it contributes to worsening mental health by ostracizing those who need treatment and sending them a giant signal that they are unwanted outsiders.

So shut the Hell up with this kind of rhetoric already. Otherwise, the next mass murder will have its blood on YOUR hands.
W. He lied to the nation that Saddam "had WMD's and we know where they are" Costing the american taxpayer 100's of billions of dollars to bankroll the GOP's weapons contractor cronies.
The best gun salesmen in history are the whacko gun nutters.

You know, I'm getting really fucking tired of this "gun nutter" nonsense. First, owning a gun does not make someone "whacko." Second, this kind of talk is exactly the bullshit that prevents us from addressing the real problems in our society that lead to mass murders like Newton, Columbine, etc. And that is our country's very piss-poor attitudes about mental health and illness. Continuing to demonize and stigmatize mental health issues serves nothing but very damaging purposes. It marginalizes the the importance of mental health and the need to ADDRESS it as opposed to ignoring it, as opposed to expanding access to mental health services so that people can get help if and when they need it. The demonization makes people unwilling to see help. And it contributes to worsening mental health by ostracizing those who need treatment and sending them a giant signal that they are unwanted outsiders.

So shut the Hell up with this kind of rhetoric already. Otherwise, the next mass murder will have its blood on YOUR hands.

I'm a responsible gun owner and hunter and have been all my life. I'm just trying to protect my "responsible" gun ownership from the backlash/blowback that the never-give-an-inch gun nutters are causing with their insane rhetoric. So, no, I won't shut the hell up. I'm trying to protect my "responsible" and "sensible" gun rights.
The best gun salesmen in history are the whacko gun nutters.

You know, I'm getting really fucking tired of this "gun nutter" nonsense. First, owning a gun does not make someone "whacko." Second, this kind of talk is exactly the bullshit that prevents us from addressing the real problems in our society that lead to mass murders like Newton, Columbine, etc. And that is our country's very piss-poor attitudes about mental health and illness. Continuing to demonize and stigmatize mental health issues serves nothing but very damaging purposes. It marginalizes the the importance of mental health and the need to ADDRESS it as opposed to ignoring it, as opposed to expanding access to mental health services so that people can get help if and when they need it. The demonization makes people unwilling to see help. And it contributes to worsening mental health by ostracizing those who need treatment and sending them a giant signal that they are unwanted outsiders.

So shut the Hell up with this kind of rhetoric already. Otherwise, the next mass murder will have its blood on YOUR hands.

if i may. there is a difference between a 'gun owner' and a gun nut. my husband is a 'gun owner'. he has taught our son to shoot. i have no issues with that. but if you ask my husband whether they should close the gun show loophole, tighten up background checks and don't allow clips that hold more than 10 rounds, he'll tell you those are definitely things that should be explored. he does not say.. .'outlaw video games';

a gun nut is someone who hysterically opposes every initiative that might make us a little bit safer.
if i may. there is a difference between a 'gun owner' and a gun nut. my husband is a 'gun owner'. he has taught our son to shoot. i have no issues with that. but if you ask my husband whether they should close the gun show loophole, tighten up background checks and don't allow clips that hold more than 10 rounds, he'll tell you those are definitely things that should be explored. he does not say.. .'outlaw video games';

a gun nut is someone who hysterically opposes every initiative that might make us a little bit safer.

The problem is that the rhetoric by some is being shaped such that the discussion is between two camps: Those who want gun control, and those who are "nutters." Even those who are against looking at gun control measures are not "nutters." For example, I personally feel that looking for new gun control measures is largely a waste of time and a distraction from real alternatives that have a much greater ability to yield improved results. That doesn't make me a "nutter."

I agree that there will always be people on both sides of any issue that are simply unwilling to listen or hear anything that doesn't fall in line with their predetermined beliefs. But insisting that people agree to gun control measures as the solution is no less nutty than insisting that the better solutions are elsewhere to be found.

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