Best 2008 Candidates for GOP & Dems?

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
I think not, but I think Hillary and McCain are going to be the choices of the liberal press. Get prepared to see McCain hyped at every opportunity in the coming months.

Is This The Race For 2008?
By Karen Tumulty, Time Magazine
August 21, 2005

...the buzz that greets Clinton and McCain these days tells you something about what's increasingly apparent in real-world politics: the 2008 race is already taking shape, and the shape it is taking looks very much like these two potential rivals. Should McCain and Clinton each decide to make a bid--and most people around them expect it--both would become their party's instant front runner, which is not an entirely good thing.

In an open field without an incumbent President or Vice President, as both parties will have for the first time in more than a half-century, it's perilous to be the one upon whom everyone else is training fire. McCain and Clinton would be running against not only a crop of other party rivals but also the perceptions and expectations that voters already have of them. "The other people running for President get to introduce themselves," says Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel, who worked as a top aide in the Clinton White House. "That's not true for her, and that's not true for McCain."

Clinton's and McCain's story lines would be set and would even have a synchronicity to them. Clinton would be declared unstoppable in her party's primary but doomed in the general election. For McCain, that bet would be made in reverse. Clinton would have the money; McCain would have the media. Each would be haunted by another President: for her, the one she is married to; for him, the one who beat him the last time he ran. And if it should come to a head-to-head race between them? It could be a close one: a recent Gallup poll showed McCain in front, 50% to 45%.,8816,1096509,00.html
no1tovote4 said:
Tom Tancredo for the GOP!

McCain and Hillary are just MSM fantasies...will never happen...both carry way too much negative baggage to be top contenders...IMO! :scratch:
He sides too often with liberal dems. Hill-baby might make it to the ballot but I kinda doubt it. She is just too polarizing a personality. But hey what do I know about dems, 'cept I used to be one eons ago when some sanity prevailed. Let her get the nomination. I will relish voting for a rep with glee and await with delight her heartfelt defeat speech. Perhaps that will close the door forever on perhaps the worst, most enormously failed, era in dem history, the Clintonista Age.
The GOP candidate will not be McCain or Giuliani, they are both far too liberal to appeal to the far right that controls their party. Sen. Bill Frist of Tennessee is the front-runner, he will get the Bush endorsement. My personal choices for a Democratic candidate would be Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana, Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa, or Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas. Hillary Clinton is not a good choice because she is already to divisive. My three candidates are moderates. Sen. Bayh has been re-elected by huge margins in a GOP controlled state, and Gov. Sebelius is a Democratic governor in the most heavily Republican state in the Union. The right moderate Democrat will defeat any of the major GOP candidates that are acceptable to the party's right-wing base.

Who's cares if the candidate is ideologically pure for the right. The religious right doesn't have to be pleased all the time. We need some who can win the majority. The majority of America is sligtly liberal, so they would agree with McCain more than Frist. McCain would cream Clinton more than Frist would.
I really don't care who it is so long as they are economically conservative. I don't think we can take the spending spree that the Liberals and "Compassionate Conservatives" seem to generate for much longer.

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