Besides pro-genocide Islamic states, almost no one supports South Africa's fake "genocide" case (aided by racist "Palestinian" Authority)


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
The trick with the fake genocide case is to send a non Muslim country to head it as being the "face." But it's all Islamic bigots behind it.

Al Jazeera lists the countries which have officially backed the South African case before the ICJ claiming Israel is engaged in "genocide."

It starts with the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC). And then it lists three countries - Malaysia, Jordan and Turkey - which all happen to be members of the OIC themselves. (If those countries calling out their support separately is significant, then one must wonder why the other 54 members of the OIC have not.)

The only other country that publicly backs the case is Bolivia, which has a pretty poor human rights record itself.
Simply put.

If Islamic countries wouldn't be pro genocide-Gaza-regime, they would protest "Palestinian" leaders using their population.

Child executed and beheaded: chilling evidence of Hamas crimes in heart of Hague case.
Shooting, stabbing, choking, beheading and burning: hours before Israel presents its defense at The Hague, new harrowing testimonies of Hamas' monstrosities come to light..
Simply put.

If Islamic countries wouldn't be pro genocide-Gaza-regime, they would protest "Palestinian" leaders using their population.

Arab countries don't support Hamas.. because they are Muslim Brotherhood and only hurt the Palestinians. Only Israel supports Hamas.

This is just more of the same.... kill them or expell them as far back as Ben Gurion.
Arab countries don't support Hamas.. because they are Muslim Brotherhood and only hurt the Palestinians. Only Israel supports Hamas.

This is just more of the same.... kill them or expell them as far back as Ben Gurion.
But Palestinians overwhelmingly support Hamas, even after Oct. 7. So fuck’em.
Nope. Only Israel and Iran support Hamas.
Ha ha ha. What a fucking idiot. Do you really think you’re fooling anyone, scum?


Arab countries don't support Hamas.. because they are Muslim Brotherhood and only hurt the Palestinians. Only Israel supports Hamas.

This is just more of the same.... kill them or expell them as far back as Ben Gurion.
You are being deceptive and are only telling half a story….Iran and Turkey both support Hamas in many ways .. It is true these countries are not Arab but they are Muslim … Egypt when they elected the Muslim brotherhood also supported Hamas but truthfully who is to say that some Arab countries are not secretly funding Hamas as well through other means we are not privy too…
The Forum Outcasts are huddled here now, humiliated and embarrassed to see the Israeli terrorists running home to their Mummies because they are tired and have suffered huge losses .
Evil Nazi Nutty withdrew five Brigades for those very reasons

The self chosen ones are now the Detested Ones across the world .

Israel has chosen to be more Nazi than the Germans were, and this conflict showing us their Evil will never be forgotten or forgiven .

May the true God shine down on the Freedom Fighters , Houthi and Hezbollah for taking on the world bullies and followers of evil Ethnic Cleansing .
Decent people loathe Women and Child Killers .

OUT , Forum Outcasts for following the Evil Ones
The trick with the fake genocide case is to send a non Muslim country to head it as being the "face." But it's all Islamic bigots behind it.

Al Jazeera lists the countries which have officially backed the South African case before the ICJ claiming Israel is engaged in "genocide."

It starts with the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC). And then it lists three countries - Malaysia, Jordan and Turkey - which all happen to be members of the OIC themselves. (If those countries calling out their support separately is significant, then one must wonder why the other 54 members of the OIC have not.)

The only other country that publicly backs the case is Bolivia, which has a pretty poor human rights record itself.

January 8, 2024, at 6:53 AM:

...against insane [sic] Judaism...



You are being deceptive and are only telling half a story….Iran and Turkey both support Hamas in many ways .. It is true these countries are not Arab but they are Muslim … Egypt when they elected the Muslim brotherhood also supported Hamas but truthfully who is to say that some Arab countries are not secretly funding Hamas as well through other means we are not privy too…

Secretly? Arab Christians and Muslims were very vocal in objecting to the formation of Hamas in the mid 1980s. It's the stuff of history.
Great to see the Israeli terrorists running out of equipment and ammunition .
No wonder so many of the young Ethnic Cleansers are running back home to their Mums .

Looks like the self appointed Chosen Ones need to find a better God . Their local Sky God is letting them down yet again .

If they had not killed that odd chap Jesus , they might have fared different . He always promised that the last would be first and other magical nonsense . Try him Pasta Jelly .
You are being deceptive and are only telling half a story….Iran and Turkey both support Hamas in many ways .. It is true these countries are not Arab but they are Muslim … Egypt when they elected the Muslim brotherhood also supported Hamas but truthfully who is to say that some Arab countries are not secretly funding Hamas as well through other means we are not privy too…

Don't you know the history of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt?

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