Bernie, the DNC, the corrupt media and the Dean Scream...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
We know without doubt that the fix was in for Hillary against Bernie in the last Democratic Primary. And that the corrupt media was in on it.

So I'm watching one of those "Videos that ruined peoples careers in seconds" on Youtube while eating lunch, and at number 2 or 3... there is the Dean Scream.

I'll admit, at the time, as a Bush supporter, I jumped right on that bandwagon.

But with the clarity of hindsight, and the knowledge of the propaganda campaign and insider undermining of the Sander campaign...I can't help but wonder if the Howard Dean campaign, very similar in substance to Bernie's right down to both being Vermont politicians...may very well have been the focus of the same collusion to rig the election in favor of the insider's choice of John Kerry.

Hard to disagree that the Dean Scream was a big nothing, built into something and pushed by the huge megaphone of the left leaning MSM.

Agree, disagree...discuss...
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We know without doubt that the fix was in for Hillary against Bernie in the last Democratic Primary. And that the corrupt media was in on it.

So I'm watching one of those "Videos that ruined peoples careers in seconds" on Youtube while eating lunch, and at number 2 or 3... there is the Dean Scream.

I'll admit, at the time, as a Bush supporter, I jumped right on that bandwagon.

But with the clarity of hindsight, and the knowledge of the propaganda campaign and insider undermining of the Sander campaign...I can't help but wonder if the Howard Dean campaign, very similar in substance to Bernie's right down to both being Vermont politicians...may very well have been the focus of the same collusion to rig the election in favor of the insider's choice of John Kerry.

Hard to disagree that the Dean Scream was a big nothing, built into something and pushed by the huge megaphone of the left leaning MSM.

Agree, disagree...discuss...

Agree, the idea of a "scream" or cracking voice or whatever the frick it was supposed to be, is on no planet a basis for or against a political candidate. I have yet to see a Presidential debate won or lost on the basis of which participant does the best Johnny Weismuller impression. That anyone anywhere for a moment treated it as a serious issue is less a product of MSM and more one of the internetistic Echobubble. With a supporting role by Fox Noise, which has never shied away from bullshit issues (see e.g. Alan Colmes' "Hillary's Southern accent" charade).

As a former Vermonter though I have to say there's no comparison between Sanders and Dean. Dean was an empty suit in the Governor's office. Frankly when he did that run he was an entirely different person than we saw in Montpelier.
Agree, the idea of a "scream" or cracking voice or whatever the frick it was supposed to be, is on no planet a basis for or against a political candidate. I have yet to see a Presidential debate won or lost on the basis of which participant does the best Johnny Weismuller impression. That anyone anywhere for a moment treated it as a serious issue is less a product of MSM and more one of the internetistic Echobubble. With a supporting role by Fox Noise, which has never shied away from bullshit issues (see e.g. Alan Colmes' "Hillary's Southern accent" charade).
I'm sure I didn't have FoxNews at the time...this was the MSM pushing this narrative.

As a former Vermonter though I have to say there's no comparison between Sanders and Dean. Dean was an empty suit in the Governor's office. Frankly when he did that run he was an entirely different person than we saw in Montpelier.

I can't speak to that, but campaign messaging was similar.

Both were the leading progressive candidates up against more centrist contenders that prevailing wisdom among insiders dictated were more electable.

Kerry was an outspoken critic of Vietnam at a time when the anti-Iraq War narrative was thought to be the winning issue on the left.

The question that came to me was, was there a concerted effort to undermine Dean for the same reason there was a concerted effort to undermine Sanders by both the DNC & the MSM?

That the powers that be in both institutions decided to put their fingers on the scales of public opinion to tip the election to their preferred candidate instead of remaining neutral and allowing the people to decide.
Agree, the idea of a "scream" or cracking voice or whatever the frick it was supposed to be, is on no planet a basis for or against a political candidate. I have yet to see a Presidential debate won or lost on the basis of which participant does the best Johnny Weismuller impression. That anyone anywhere for a moment treated it as a serious issue is less a product of MSM and more one of the internetistic Echobubble. With a supporting role by Fox Noise, which has never shied away from bullshit issues (see e.g. Alan Colmes' "Hillary's Southern accent" charade).
I'm sure I didn't have FoxNews at the time...this was the MSM pushing this narrative.

As a former Vermonter though I have to say there's no comparison between Sanders and Dean. Dean was an empty suit in the Governor's office. Frankly when he did that run he was an entirely different person than we saw in Montpelier.

I can't speak to that, but campaign messaging was similar.

Somewhat. I'm just noting that Howard Dean the Governor was nothing at all like Howard Dean the Prez candy. He reinvented himself for that. Grew some balls. Matter of fact when I first heard he was running and getting support, I was scratching my head as to why, because the Governor showed none of that.

Both were the leading progressive candidates up against more centrist contenders that prevailing wisdom among insiders dictated were more electable.

Kerry was an outspoken critic of Vietnam at a time when the anti-Iraq War narrative was thought to be the winning issue on the left.

The question that came to me was, was there a concerted effort to undermine Dean for the same reason there was a concerted effort to undermine Sanders by both the DNC & the MSM?

That the powers that be in both institutions decided to put their fingers on the scales of public opinion to tip the election to their preferred candidate instead of remaining neutral and allowing the people to decide.

Intriguing thought. One glaring argument to the contrary though, is that Bernie had never been a Democrat while Howie always had. One was a team player, the other not. As I understand it that's the basis for the Bernie sabotage. I think that carries a lot more weight than ideologies.

After all if ideology were that influential Donald Rump would never have gotten a nomination.

Sadly the bottom line for political parties isn't 'what the people want' --- it's "what the party hierarchy thinks will sell". That's all they care about; both parties made that clear last round.
Both parties collude with the media to undermine candidates that get in the way of the hand picked establishment candidate. Trump was the first to ever survive this onslaught, well maybe Reagan also.

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