Bernie Sanders urges superdelegates to abandon Hillary Rodham Clinton

Bernie Sanders Needs 57 Percent of the Remaining Vote to Win
And?....That post reminds me of Kasich's statement after winning his home state that "there are over 1,000 delegates available. This isn't over because the people have not spoken( to me) yet"....Given the fact that Kasich has about 10% of the delegates, for him to win the nomination, Trump and Cruz would have to drop out of the race.
if this scandal is true with Cruz, which I have much doubt, but if it turns out to be true, he might have to drop out, then Kasich has a chance in a contested convention, IF Mr. Trump does not reach the winning delegate count before the convention...
I guess I shouldn't expect any class from an uninformed, education-shunning republican bimbo.

It's hardly a surprise that you can dish it out but can't take it.
Please tell us, how many super delegates has Hillary won? You cum guzzling bimbo whore?

You must be mistaking me for someone else.

Now, tell us how many dill pickles you've shoved up your anus today?
The correct answer is zero. You lose again.

You Sad Sack of Sophistry. Clearly, you don't grok the first rule of holes.
Put the bottle down and go to bed.
she hasn't WON

ANY of the Super Delegates yet.... none, zip, zero

BECAUSE............... the super/ unpledged delegates HAVE NOT VOTED yet, whereas the Pledged delegates coming from the state elections/primaries HAVE voted.
Please try to keep up.....The democrat race is already decided.
Bernie Sanders Needs 57 Percent of the Remaining Vote to Win
And?....That post reminds me of Kasich's statement after winning his home state that "there are over 1,000 delegates available. This isn't over because the people have not spoken( to me) yet"....Given the fact that Kasich has about 10% of the delegates, for him to win the nomination, Trump and Cruz would have to drop out of the race.
if this scandal is true with Cruz, which I have much doubt, but if it turns out to be true, he might have to drop out, then Kasich has a chance in a contested convention, IF Mr. Trump does not reach the winning delegate count before the convention...
it's the freakin Enquirer.....If this were to have any validity, the credible news organizations would have been all over the story.
Not a word
It is about time he did that, but it will not work. The Democratic elite want HilIary as much as the Republican elite do not want Trump. Seems both parties have their own agenda and it has nothing to do with what the people want.
you can't say that yet.... unlike Mr.Trump, Mr Sanders has not garnered more votes from the voters than Mr. Trump has.....on the RNC side....

The very concept of Super Delegates belies that.
When they created them, yes.

However, the Super delegates since they were created have always moved towards the candidate with the most popular votes..... 2008 was harder than all other years because Obama and Hillary were in a virtual tie nearly the entire primary...

Then please explain how hiLIARy wins the Super Delegates in states where Bernie won the popular vote?
She hasn't WON any of the super delegate's votes, the super delegates do not vote until the convention and change their minds right up to that point....

Hillary had super delegates on her side in 2008 all up until the convention, and then at the convention they switched and voted for Obama...
LOL....Are you implying that the long reach of politics does not or will not have an effect on those delegates?
They have careers and funding to consider. A "wrong" vote could cost them their standing with the democrat party.
The very concept of Super Delegates belies that.
When they created them, yes.

However, the Super delegates since they were created have always moved towards the candidate with the most popular votes..... 2008 was harder than all other years because Obama and Hillary were in a virtual tie nearly the entire primary...

Then please explain how hiLIARy wins the Super Delegates in states where Bernie won the popular vote?
She hasn't WON any of the super delegate's votes, the super delegates do not vote until the convention and change their minds right up to that point....

Hillary had super delegates on her side in 2008 all up until the convention, and then at the convention they switched and voted for Obama...

Then please explain why the Superdelegate votes have already been added to her totals?
Only your rube sources have added them to her figures.
Rube sources?
I get it. Shoot the messenger.....
Bernie Sanders Needs 57 Percent of the Remaining Vote to Win
And?....That post reminds me of Kasich's statement after winning his home state that "there are over 1,000 delegates available. This isn't over because the people have not spoken( to me) yet"....Given the fact that Kasich has about 10% of the delegates, for him to win the nomination, Trump and Cruz would have to drop out of the race.
if this scandal is true with Cruz, which I have much doubt, but if it turns out to be true, he might have to drop out, then Kasich has a chance in a contested convention, IF Mr. Trump does not reach the winning delegate count before the convention...
it's the freakin Enquirer.....If this were to have any validity, the credible news organizations would have been all over the story.
Not a word
The Inquirer was the first to report John Edwards scandal, Jesse Jackson's, they ended Anthony Weiner's career with women's underwear photos...

Cruz is cooked. Where there's smoke there's fire.
When they created them, yes.

However, the Super delegates since they were created have always moved towards the candidate with the most popular votes..... 2008 was harder than all other years because Obama and Hillary were in a virtual tie nearly the entire primary...

Then please explain how hiLIARy wins the Super Delegates in states where Bernie won the popular vote?
She hasn't WON any of the super delegate's votes, the super delegates do not vote until the convention and change their minds right up to that point....

Hillary had super delegates on her side in 2008 all up until the convention, and then at the convention they switched and voted for Obama...

Then please explain why the Superdelegate votes have already been added to her totals?
Only your rube sources have added them to her figures.
Rube sources?
I get it. Shoot the messenger.....
Tell me, how many super delegates has Hillary won?
The very concept of Super Delegates belies that.
When they created them, yes.

However, the Super delegates since they were created have always moved towards the candidate with the most popular votes..... 2008 was harder than all other years because Obama and Hillary were in a virtual tie nearly the entire primary...

Then please explain how hiLIARy wins the Super Delegates in states where Bernie won the popular vote?
Hillary has not won any super delegates. They can vote whoever they want. That's why they are super delegates. Tune in to some real news sometime.
Oh you are another uninformed rube?
Yes...anyone who does not depend upon the same sources as you is a rube....Fine.
Then please explain how hiLIARy wins the Super Delegates in states where Bernie won the popular vote?
She hasn't WON any of the super delegate's votes, the super delegates do not vote until the convention and change their minds right up to that point....

Hillary had super delegates on her side in 2008 all up until the convention, and then at the convention they switched and voted for Obama...

Then please explain why the Superdelegate votes have already been added to her totals?
Only your rube sources have added them to her figures.
Rube sources?
I get it. Shoot the messenger.....
Tell me, how many super delegates has Hillary won?

Deflection, you blind booby. hiLIARy doesn't have to win them...she buys them with promises of political favors. Duh.
She hasn't WON any of the super delegate's votes, the super delegates do not vote until the convention and change their minds right up to that point....

Hillary had super delegates on her side in 2008 all up until the convention, and then at the convention they switched and voted for Obama...

Then please explain why the Superdelegate votes have already been added to her totals?
Only your rube sources have added them to her figures.
Rube sources?
I get it. Shoot the messenger.....
Tell me, how many super delegates has Hillary won?

Deflection, you blind booby. hiLIARy doesn't have to win them...she buys them with promises of political favors. Duh.
The majority of them will go to whoever wins the majority vote. Stop your wild speculation, put down the bottle, and go to bed.
Then please explain why the Superdelegate votes have already been added to her totals?
Only your rube sources have added them to her figures.
Rube sources?
I get it. Shoot the messenger.....
Tell me, how many super delegates has Hillary won?

Deflection, you blind booby. hiLIARy doesn't have to win them...she buys them with promises of political favors. Duh.
The majority of them will go to whoever wins the majority vote. Stop your wild speculation, put down the bottle, and go to bed.

Could you possibly be a bigger moron? If the delegates are that uncommitted, then why do MSM propaganda organs such as NYT/MSNBC/CBS/ABC etc. count most of the superdelegates as hiLIARy's when Bernie has won more pledged delegates? The Popular Support theory would cause them to have switched sides by now.
Bernie Sanders Needs 57 Percent of the Remaining Vote to Win
And?....That post reminds me of Kasich's statement after winning his home state that "there are over 1,000 delegates available. This isn't over because the people have not spoken( to me) yet"....Given the fact that Kasich has about 10% of the delegates, for him to win the nomination, Trump and Cruz would have to drop out of the race.
if this scandal is true with Cruz, which I have much doubt, but if it turns out to be true, he might have to drop out, then Kasich has a chance in a contested convention, IF Mr. Trump does not reach the winning delegate count before the convention...
it's the freakin Enquirer.....If this were to have any validity, the credible news organizations would have been all over the story.
Not a word
The Inquirer was the first to report John Edwards scandal, Jesse Jackson's, they ended Anthony Weiner's career with women's underwear photos...

Cruz is cooked. Where there's smoke there's fire.
Yeah yeah yeah......The thing is we live in a 'what have done in the last 5 minutes world"...
Again, the main stream news sources have not been anywhere near this.
"where there is smoke there is fire"...Unless of course the one smoldering is a liberal. Then its " he/she did nothing wrong until there is proof"....Sort of like how you people are circling the wagons around Clinton regarding the Benghazi and email scandals.
In her case instead of the smoke and fire thing, with you people its "nothing to see here"...
Cut the crap...
BTW, I have no dog in Cruz's fight. I don't care about his alleged indiscretions. I would not vote for him anyway.
Only your rube sources have added them to her figures.
Rube sources?
I get it. Shoot the messenger.....
Tell me, how many super delegates has Hillary won?

Deflection, you blind booby. hiLIARy doesn't have to win them...she buys them with promises of political favors. Duh.
The majority of them will go to whoever wins the majority vote. Stop your wild speculation, put down the bottle, and go to bed.

Could you possibly be a bigger moron? If the delegates are that uncommitted, then why do MSM propaganda organs such as NYT/MSNBC/CBS/ABC etc. count most of the superdelegates as hiLIARy's when Bernie has won more pledged delegates? The Popular Support theory would cause them to have switched sides by now.
Who has the majority of the votes? Christ you're dense...
Bernie Sanders Needs 57 Percent of the Remaining Vote to Win
And?....That post reminds me of Kasich's statement after winning his home state that "there are over 1,000 delegates available. This isn't over because the people have not spoken( to me) yet"....Given the fact that Kasich has about 10% of the delegates, for him to win the nomination, Trump and Cruz would have to drop out of the race.
if this scandal is true with Cruz, which I have much doubt, but if it turns out to be true, he might have to drop out, then Kasich has a chance in a contested convention, IF Mr. Trump does not reach the winning delegate count before the convention...
it's the freakin Enquirer.....If this were to have any validity, the credible news organizations would have been all over the story.
Not a word
The Inquirer was the first to report John Edwards scandal, Jesse Jackson's, they ended Anthony Weiner's career with women's underwear photos...

Cruz is cooked. Where there's smoke there's fire.
Yeah yeah yeah......The thing is we live in a 'what have done in the last 5 minutes world"...
Again, the main stream news sources have not been anywhere near this.
"where there is smoke there is fire"...Unless of course the one smoldering is a liberal. Then its " he/she did nothing wrong until there is proof"....Sort of like how you people are circling the wagons around Clinton regarding the Benghazi and email scandals.
In her case instead of the smoke and fire thing, with you people its "nothing to see here"...
Cut the crap...
BTW, I have no dog in Cruz's fight. I don't care about his alleged indiscretions. I would not vote for him anyway.
You wouldn't vote for Cruz? Then you are one of the smartest republicans in the country.
Bernie Sanders Needs 57 Percent of the Remaining Vote to Win
And?....That post reminds me of Kasich's statement after winning his home state that "there are over 1,000 delegates available. This isn't over because the people have not spoken( to me) yet"....Given the fact that Kasich has about 10% of the delegates, for him to win the nomination, Trump and Cruz would have to drop out of the race.
if this scandal is true with Cruz, which I have much doubt, but if it turns out to be true, he might have to drop out, then Kasich has a chance in a contested convention, IF Mr. Trump does not reach the winning delegate count before the convention...
it's the freakin Enquirer.....If this were to have any validity, the credible news organizations would have been all over the story.
Not a word
I's the Enquirer...that's why I have much doubt....though a broken clock is right, twice a day...

some of the main stream media hit on it last night, but very slightly.... I believe they have decided to let the inner politics in the RNC, vet the truth and don't want to be any part of this nastiness and back stabbing because it could hurt their views, their ratings....

there are a few reasons, I am not certain if any of this is true.... one, because of the relationship the head at the National Enquirer has with Mr. Trump, and because he told his reporters or scandal writers, NOT to run ANYTHING negative about Mr. Trump..... I find the timing of this, after Mr. Trump's tweeting on or implying such and the dropping of this article, too coincidental....and truly, Mr. Trump could be working this whole scandal, the way he kept mentioning the National Enquirer in all of his interviews about it, making certain EVERYONE Nationally knew where to go to read the article....this was MAJOR help in promoting the scandal and major financial benefits for his buddy at the National Enquirer....a nice little token of "thank you" for the National Enquirer...

HOWEVER, some other things have come to light, that have made me wonder.... like the Anonymous ad, and something called Avenger, site which claimed to have had a detective hunt down the prostitute that he allegedly regularly visited....beginning in 2004....

turns out, Heidi quit her job for the Bush Admin in 2005 abruptly, and moved back home to Texas, and one day shortly after arriving home, she was found sitting on the grass on the edge of a highway there sobbing with her head in her hands etc...the cops had her admitted in to the hospital, they thought she was suicidal....major depression.....

so it could be, that she quit her job in DC, because he was philandering and their marriage could not withstand the separation while working jobs in different States...ala, she found out about it and quit and came home to be with him to try to work things out....and this could be why she was "out of it" on the side of the highway....this is all speculation, but with some sound reasoning.

And the other thing that seems odd and suspicious, IF IT IS TRUE, is that Cruz and one of the alleged mistresses, got a tattoo on Winston Churchill on the same day...and even if it wasn't the same day, it seems odd that they both would get one of the same man.....
And?....That post reminds me of Kasich's statement after winning his home state that "there are over 1,000 delegates available. This isn't over because the people have not spoken( to me) yet"....Given the fact that Kasich has about 10% of the delegates, for him to win the nomination, Trump and Cruz would have to drop out of the race.
if this scandal is true with Cruz, which I have much doubt, but if it turns out to be true, he might have to drop out, then Kasich has a chance in a contested convention, IF Mr. Trump does not reach the winning delegate count before the convention...
it's the freakin Enquirer.....If this were to have any validity, the credible news organizations would have been all over the story.
Not a word
The Inquirer was the first to report John Edwards scandal, Jesse Jackson's, they ended Anthony Weiner's career with women's underwear photos...

Cruz is cooked. Where there's smoke there's fire.
Yeah yeah yeah......The thing is we live in a 'what have done in the last 5 minutes world"...
Again, the main stream news sources have not been anywhere near this.
"where there is smoke there is fire"...Unless of course the one smoldering is a liberal. Then its " he/she did nothing wrong until there is proof"....Sort of like how you people are circling the wagons around Clinton regarding the Benghazi and email scandals.
In her case instead of the smoke and fire thing, with you people its "nothing to see here"...
Cut the crap...
BTW, I have no dog in Cruz's fight. I don't care about his alleged indiscretions. I would not vote for him anyway.
You wouldn't vote for Cruz? Then you are one of the smartest republicans in the country.
I think he's too attached to the far right wing evangelical constituency.
These are those Bible thumping single issue closed minded take my ball and go home knuckleheads that have all their eggs in the Roe v Wade basket.
these people do not have a conscience. They have beliefs. Some of which are irrationally tied to their church.
That said, main stream conservatives want nothing to do with the right wing evangelical fringe. Each election cycle we have to work to marginalize these people to keep them from screwing up any chance the GOP has of winning the White House. These evangelicals are the same people that due to their narrow view of religious beliefs could not bear the thought of voting for a "heathen"( Mormon) for POTUS, so they stayed home in 2012. That was the 3 million GOP votes that MC Cain got and Romney did not....Those 3 million votes may have given Romney the White House.
Quite frankly, the any candidate aligning themselves with the Bible vote has no chance of wining a national election.
I'm not interested in the far right wing church people with their hands anywhere near the controls.
As much as I liked Reagan, when douche bags like Jerry Falwell were on TV every 5 minutes bleating about how they ( born again Christians, evangelicals and pentecostals) had "their guy" in the White House, it was a chore.
Fortunately Reagan was able to placate these people and keep them tranquilized just enough to keep them voting.
Yeah,. I was one of those with the bumper sticker that said "the moral majority is neither".....
Look, Realistically, this country is in general fiscally conservative and on the social side, right leaning moderate.
Looking forward, I don't think, or least I'd like to believe that hard line liberals nor hard line conservatives have a shot at the White House anymore....
Bernie Sanders Needs 57 Percent of the Remaining Vote to Win
And?....That post reminds me of Kasich's statement after winning his home state that "there are over 1,000 delegates available. This isn't over because the people have not spoken( to me) yet"....Given the fact that Kasich has about 10% of the delegates, for him to win the nomination, Trump and Cruz would have to drop out of the race.
if this scandal is true with Cruz, which I have much doubt, but if it turns out to be true, he might have to drop out, then Kasich has a chance in a contested convention, IF Mr. Trump does not reach the winning delegate count before the convention...
it's the freakin Enquirer.....If this were to have any validity, the credible news organizations would have been all over the story.
Not a word
I's the Enquirer...that's why I have much doubt....though a broken clock is right, twice a day...

some of the main stream media hit on it last night, but very slightly.... I believe they have decided to let the inner politics in the RNC, vet the truth and don't want to be any part of this nastiness and back stabbing because it could hurt their views, their ratings....

there are a few reasons, I am not certain if any of this is true.... one, because of the relationship the head at the National Enquirer has with Mr. Trump, and because he told his reporters or scandal writers, NOT to run ANYTHING negative about Mr. Trump..... I find the timing of this, after Mr. Trump's tweeting on or implying such and the dropping of this article, too coincidental....and truly, Mr. Trump could be working this whole scandal, the way he kept mentioning the National Enquirer in all of his interviews about it, making certain EVERYONE Nationally knew where to go to read the article....this was MAJOR help in promoting the scandal and major financial benefits for his buddy at the National Enquirer....a nice little token of "thank you" for the National Enquirer...

HOWEVER, some other things have come to light, that have made me wonder.... like the Anonymous ad, and something called Avenger, site which claimed to have had a detective hunt down the prostitute that he allegedly regularly visited....beginning in 2004....

turns out, Heidi quit her job for the Bush Admin in 2005 abruptly, and moved back home to Texas, and one day shortly after arriving home, she was found sitting on the grass on the edge of a highway there sobbing with her head in her hands etc...the cops had her admitted in to the hospital, they thought she was suicidal....major depression.....

so it could be, that she quit her job in DC, because he was philandering and their marriage could not withstand the separation while working jobs in different States...ala, she found out about it and quit and came home to be with him to try to work things out....and this could be why she was "out of it" on the side of the highway....this is all speculation, but with some sound reasoning.

And the other thing that seems odd and suspicious, IF IT IS TRUE, is that Cruz and one of the alleged mistresses, got a tattoo on Winston Churchill on the same day...and even if it wasn't the same day, it seems odd that they both would get one of the same man.....
Rather than the story itself, I think Cruz's major meltdown blaming Trump for the piece in the Enquirer will contribute to the weakening of his chances.
Trump's camp has categorically denied having anything to do with the piece on Cruz.....Ya know what? I believe least until irrefutable evidence to the contrary is produced.

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