Bernie Sanders' illegitimate son...

Levi has always been an integral part of Bernie Sanders' life, as have his stepchildren, Heather, Carina, and David.


Why do so many Rightists feel compelled to lie?
Bernie couldn't earn enough money to live that's why his first wife divorced him after 18 months.

His love child Levi, also suffered because Bernie could not earn a living.

His second wife is from a rich family. And like Kerry he married her and became a politician. He's a loser in life there is no way he can run a country.
You just post whatever pops into your head. His second wife was not from a rich family.

Bernie Sanders and Jane O'Meara grew up fifteen blocks from each other in Brooklyn. Whereas Bernie grew up in an immigrant Jewish family, and spent time on an Israeli kibbutz, Jane went to Catholic parochial school. She was the youngest of Bernadette and Benedict O'Meara's five children, and the only girl. (She is younger than her husband by nine years.) Jane's father suffered from disability in her childhood, she toldthe Burlington Free Press in 1996; “her social consciousness,” the reporter noted, “was born watching how money—or lack of it—affected her father during a chronic illness.” It affected her mother, too: she had to work. Jane told the BFP of her mom, “She convinced the kindergarten to take me at 3 years old. By 4, I was the teacher's assistant. Those years instilled in us the feeling we could get through anything.”

Getting to Know Jane Sanders, Wife of Bernie

She went to college on scholarship. She went into education and was the President of Burlington College for several years. She was not and is not wealthy.

Their net worth was $330,000.00. Sanders Among The Least Wealthy Presidential Candidates

Any more lies you care to have shot down?
(I remember when Reagan ran for President as a divorcee with a gay son. He was also estranged from another child, yet he ran on family/traditional values. The GOP propaganda machine was silent. He and his anti-religious astrology bride Nancy never went to church until they realized that they needed to win larger portions of the South and Bible Belt to beat Carter. The GOP media machine was silent about Reagan's curiously convenient transformation.

And it was silent when Bush 43 + the GOP congress raised the debt ceiling 4 times. You'd think this would cause the average republican voter to question their information sources, but they never do. Why? Because they are at war. Their goal is not to spread truth, but to destroy the liberal opposition by any means necessary)
If he diverted campaign funds to pay for his illegitimate child, he defrauded his contributors.

Sorry that's not correct. There are at least 40 or 50 politicians who do that regularly and I'm sure you remember Tom DeLay, he paid his family almost a half million and was never charged for that.

If you want to beat Bernie Sanders up over anything, it's the fact that he is always demanding that we get big money out of politics and then does this. But it's not illegal.
So, if you give your candidate $2500 because you want him/her to get elected, then find out he/she used that money to support his love child, you wouldn't feel like your money has been used inappropriately? Sorry, but that's fraud (whether it gets prosecuted or not).
WHERE IN THE WORLD are YOU getting he paid for his illegitimate son's child support with campaign funds?
He didn't pay child support because he was unemployed and had no money.

Levi was 12 when Bernie entered his career in politics.

Little by little information is coming about about Bernie and what a complete loser he is as far as being able to support a family. Without politics he'd be on welfare.

"Since 2000, Sanders has used campaign donations to pay his wife and stepdaughter more than $150,000, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission "

How about a source for all of those wonderful facts?
No, actually I mentioned that part and I said while it wasn't illegal Bernie looks very bad for demanding the end of big money in politics while being a part of it. Go back and see for yourself. Why do you think I gave you that link? And why did I say this? "If you want to beat Bernie Sanders up over anything, it's the fact that he is always demanding that we get big money out of politics and then does this. But it's not illegal."
Where's the Big Money™?

Was the pharmaceutical industry paying Sanders' child support?

Back during the turn of the century (always wanted to say that) Tom DeLay was under fire for paying family members $500,000, turns out Bernie was doing the same but to the tune of $150,000 over 4 years. None of it was illegal, but Bernie is under the gun for demanding big business be out of politics and his hypocrisy is of note.
Bernie Sanders' nepotism has absolutely nothing to do with Big Business or Big Money in politics.

Oh I agree, it was S.J. that needed convincing.
Convincing of what? I never mentioned "big money".

Doesn't make any difference does it? Nepotism, big money, no one cares.
I can't believe they're launching propaganda against Bernie this early. They'd rather run against him than Hillary, so why not use the Fox playbook for 2008, i.e., pump up Hillary's opposition (Obama) until he (Obama) defeats her; then .... (Try to) destroy the person you just pumped up (Obama) because you thought he (Obama) was beatable ....

It's poor strategy to weaken Bernie against Hillary, thus assuring you run against the stronger candidate. The dirt machine never learns....
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So he divorced his first wife and had a kid three years later, in the 60's no less. Paid child support, was by all accounts responsible. So who wants to pass judgment on that?
Except the incest part...

Very European
He never talks about his son ever. Why not?
Maybe their not close? I fail to see why it matters. Not every family relationship is peachy. Honestly it's none of our fucking business tbh
It is if he was unable to earn a living outside of being a career politician.

Honestly if you can't earn a living and provide for your family how can you run a country.
I can't believe they're launching propaganda against Bernie this early. They'd rather run against him than Hillary, so why not use the Fox playbook for 2008, i.e., pump up Hillary's opposition (Obama) until he (Obama) defeats her; then .... (Try to) destroy the person you just pumped up (Obama) because you thought he (Obama) was beatable ....

It's poor strategy to weaken Bernie against Hillary, thus assuring you run against the stronger candidate. The dirt machine never learns....
It's England that started it. If you want to learn the secrets of Americans look to Britain. They are the queens of gossip over there.
Carson and trump have both successful had careers outside of politics

Carson has earned a living saved lives and raised a family all while developing revolutionary techniques in brain surgery.

And trump has been very successful financially and has raised several families.

Being a career politician is a huge turn off for me.
Where's the Big Money™?

Was the pharmaceutical industry paying Sanders' child support?

Back during the turn of the century (always wanted to say that) Tom DeLay was under fire for paying family members $500,000, turns out Bernie was doing the same but to the tune of $150,000 over 4 years. None of it was illegal, but Bernie is under the gun for demanding big business be out of politics and his hypocrisy is of note.
Bernie Sanders' nepotism has absolutely nothing to do with Big Business or Big Money in politics.

Oh I agree, it was S.J. that needed convincing.
Convincing of what? I never mentioned "big money".

Doesn't make any difference does it? Nepotism, big money, no one cares.
No one cares? Then why are you all talking about it?
I can't believe they're launching propaganda against Bernie this early. They'd rather run against him than Hillary, so why not use the Fox playbook for 2008, i.e., pump up Hillary's opposition (Obama) until he (Obama) defeats her; then .... (Try to) destroy the person you just pumped up (Obama) because you thought he (Obama) was beatable ....

It's poor strategy to weaken Bernie against Hillary, thus assuring you run against the stronger candidate. The dirt machine never learns....
Sort of like how you guys went after Trump (and still are) when you claimed you wanted him to be the nominee.
Back during the turn of the century (always wanted to say that) Tom DeLay was under fire for paying family members $500,000, turns out Bernie was doing the same but to the tune of $150,000 over 4 years. None of it was illegal, but Bernie is under the gun for demanding big business be out of politics and his hypocrisy is of note.
Bernie Sanders' nepotism has absolutely nothing to do with Big Business or Big Money in politics.

Oh I agree, it was S.J. that needed convincing.
Convincing of what? I never mentioned "big money".

Doesn't make any difference does it? Nepotism, big money, no one cares.
No one cares? Then why are you all talking about it?

You're the only one that seems to care and I'm the only idiot responding to you.
Maybe this means Bernie would be the first "real" black president

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Bernie Sanders' nepotism has absolutely nothing to do with Big Business or Big Money in politics.

Oh I agree, it was S.J. that needed convincing.
Convincing of what? I never mentioned "big money".

Doesn't make any difference does it? Nepotism, big money, no one cares.
No one cares? Then why are you all talking about it?

You're the only one that seems to care and I'm the only idiot responding to you.
Well, you're half right. You're an idiot.

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