Bernie Sanders briefed by U.S. officials that Russia is trying to help his presidential campaign

Hilarious. You’re Dream was real. That’s why no charges against Trump working with Putin. The Democrats let him off!
The Russians interfered in our 2016 election, in favor of getting Trump elected.... Trump and his campaign used the Russian stolen DNC and Podesta emails to advance Trump's election odds...

the Mueller report notes this as FACT.

Whether a law was broken that the prosecutors had enough evidence to charge Trump's team, is a whole nuther ball game.

Vladimir Putin stated when asked in Helsinki, that 'YES, YES HE DID TELL ALL OF HIS OPERATIVES TO SUPPORT TRUMP'S ELECTION.'

SO, PLEASE STOP your lying... Russia DID interfere in 2016's election.

I heard on the news yesterday that Bloomberg spent 400 million to get up to 15% of the
democrat vote.
Now with what little "the Russians" spent in the 2016 election cycle, just how much
of an impact did they have, Care? Get real, because it's really getting old with
your fear mongering. People are not as stupid as you think they are.

You ARE Stupid as people think you are. Get over yourself. gramps

And you're a doody head!

Nope. Your Putin POTUS is Pissing on the USA. Bitches like you voted and enabled this POS with Conservative Christians to praise the Theocarcy.

So this person doesn't like our national motto, "In God we trust." Fine, why don't ya try and change it politically?
Hilarious. You’re Dream was real. That’s why no charges against Trump working with Putin. The Democrats let him off!
The Russians interfered in our 2016 election, in favor of getting Trump elected.... Trump and his campaign used the Russian stolen DNC and Podesta emails to advance Trump's election odds...

the Mueller report notes this as FACT.

Whether a law was broken that the prosecutors had enough evidence to charge Trump's team, is a whole nuther ball game.

Vladimir Putin stated when asked in Helsinki, that 'YES, YES HE DID TELL ALL OF HIS OPERATIVES TO SUPPORT TRUMP'S ELECTION.'

SO, PLEASE STOP your lying... Russia DID interfere in 2016's election.

I heard on the news yesterday that Bloomberg spent 400 million to get up to 15% of the
democrat vote.
Now with what little "the Russians" spent in the 2016 election cycle, just how much
of an impact did they have, Care? Get real, because it's really getting old with
your fear mongering. People are not as stupid as you think they are.

You ARE Stupid as people think you are. Get over yourself. gramps

And you're a doody head!

Nope. Your Putin POTUS is Pissing on the USA. Bitches like you voted and enabled this POS with Conservative Christians to praise the Theocarcy.

Thank God for that!
What the Russians have done doesn't amount to an ant pissing into the wind.
You understand Russia gave the hacked material to Wikileaks for them to release, right? And you know there was a tremendous amount of resentment among Bernie supporters about what they perceived to be unfair treatment by the DNC as a result of what Wikileaks published, right? And you know Russian bot activity on Facebook alone reached over 120M Americans, right?
Sorry, turd, but there's no evidence of that. It's just a DNC talking point. Wikileaks has said repeatedly that Russia did not proved them with Hillary's emails.

Bot's reached 120 million Americans? That's a meaningless claim. Can they prove that 120 people even saw any messages from these "bots?"

Russia spent about $100,000 meddling in our election. Bloomberg just spend $460 million, and he only managed to win 15% support in the latest poll.
Not. You really must be a Foux News Beotch.
What the Russians have done doesn't amount to an ant pissing into the wind.
You understand Russia gave the hacked material to Wikileaks for them to release, right? And you know there was a tremendous amount of resentment among Bernie supporters about what they perceived to be unfair treatment by the DNC as a result of what Wikileaks published, right? And you know Russian bot activity on Facebook alone reached over 120M Americans, right?
Sorry, turd, but there's no evidence of that. It's just a DNC talking point. Wikileaks has said repeatedly that Russia did not proved them with Hillary's emails.

Bot's reached 120 million Americans? That's a meaningless claim. Can they prove that 120 people even saw any messages from these "bots?"

Russia spent about $100,000 meddling in our election. Bloomberg just spend $460 million, and he only managed to win 15% support in the latest poll.
Not. You really must be a Foux News Beotch.
Hilarious. You’re Dream was real. That’s why no charges against Trump working with Putin. The Democrats let him off!
The Russians interfered in our 2016 election, in favor of getting Trump elected.... Trump and his campaign used the Russian stolen DNC and Podesta emails to advance Trump's election odds...

the Mueller report notes this as FACT.

Whether a law was broken that the prosecutors had enough evidence to charge Trump's team, is a whole nuther ball game.

Vladimir Putin stated when asked in Helsinki, that 'YES, YES HE DID TELL ALL OF HIS OPERATIVES TO SUPPORT TRUMP'S ELECTION.'

SO, PLEASE STOP your lying... Russia DID interfere in 2016's election.

I heard on the news yesterday that Bloomberg spent 400 million to get up to 15% of the
democrat vote.
Now with what little "the Russians" spent in the 2016 election cycle, just how much
of an impact did they have, Care? Get real, because it's really getting old with
your fear mongering. People are not as stupid as you think they are.

You ARE Stupid as people think you are. Get over yourself. gramps

And you're a doody head!

Nope. Your Putin POTUS is Pissing on the USA. Bitches like you voted and enabled this POS with Conservative Christians to praise the Theocarcy.

Just 5 more years to go!
What the Russians have done doesn't amount to an ant pissing into the wind.
You understand Russia gave the hacked material to Wikileaks for them to release, right? And you know there was a tremendous amount of resentment among Bernie supporters about what they perceived to be unfair treatment by the DNC as a result of what Wikileaks published, right? And you know Russian bot activity on Facebook alone reached over 120M Americans, right?
Sorry, turd, but there's no evidence of that. It's just a DNC talking point. Wikileaks has said repeatedly that Russia did not proved them with Hillary's emails.

Bot's reached 120 million Americans? That's a meaningless claim. Can they prove that 120 people even saw any messages from these "bots?"

Russia spent about $100,000 meddling in our election. Bloomberg just spend $460 million, and he only managed to win 15% support in the latest poll.
Not. You really must be a Foux News Beotch.
Which one is you?
The Dims are responsible for all the "Shenanigans" of 2016. That was a hoax, and this is a hoax, and you're a fucking douchebag promoting the hoax.
Actually you are being an ostrich with his head in the ground....

none of it was a hoax... zip, zero, nada, not any of it was a hoax...

you are just being a dummy, repeating your master's LIE. :)
Hilarious. You’re Dream was real. That’s why no charges against Trump working with Putin. The Democrats let him off!
The Russians interfered in our 2016 election, in favor of getting Trump elected.... Trump and his campaign used the Russian stolen DNC and Podesta emails to advance Trump's election odds...

the Mueller report notes this as FACT.

Whether a law was broken that the prosecutors had enough evidence to charge Trump's team, is a whole nuther ball game.

Vladimir Putin stated when asked in Helsinki, that 'YES, YES HE DID TELL ALL OF HIS OPERATIVES TO SUPPORT TRUMP'S ELECTION.'

SO, PLEASE STOP your lying... Russia DID interfere in 2016's election.

I heard on the news yesterday that Bloomberg spent 400 million to get up to 15% of the
democrat vote.
Now with what little "the Russians" spent in the 2016 election cycle, just how much
of an impact did they have, Care? Get real, because it's really getting old with
your fear mongering. People are not as stupid as you think they are.

You ARE Stupid as people think you are. Get over yourself. gramps

Stay stupid, Chester. That's just the way your masters want you.
Schiff would be proud of you.
What the Russians have done doesn't amount to an ant pissing into the wind.
You understand Russia gave the hacked material to Wikileaks for them to release, right? And you know there was a tremendous amount of resentment among Bernie supporters about what they perceived to be unfair treatment by the DNC as a result of what Wikileaks published, right? And you know Russian bot activity on Facebook alone reached over 120M Americans, right?
Sorry, turd, but there's no evidence of that. It's just a DNC talking point. Wikileaks has said repeatedly that Russia did not proved them with Hillary's emails.

Bot's reached 120 million Americans? That's a meaningless claim. Can they prove that 120 people even saw any messages from these "bots?"

Russia spent about $100,000 meddling in our election. Bloomberg just spend $460 million, and he only managed to win 15% support in the latest poll.
Not. You really must be a Foux News Beotch.
Which one is you?
This is a hoax, so why shouldn't he blame the messenger? There is nothing to this other than a bogus message.
Of course he should blame the messenger. He's Individual1 after all, that's what he does. Just as Bernie, like most adults, didn't blame the messenger but dealt with the message.
Help me Vlade, help me! We want to be just like YOU! That evil bast**d Trump wants to stop me.

Help me; your loyal subject BERNARD, spin this-)
This is a hoax, so why shouldn't he blame the messenger? There is nothing to this other than a bogus message.
Of course he should blame the messenger. He's Individual1 after all, that's what he does. Just as Bernie, like most adults, didn't blame the messenger but dealt with the message.
The message is a lie, so the messenger earned the blame, shit for brains.
You'll have to excuse me if I don't accept your opinion on how Trump behaves or how "adults" behave. On thing they don't do is run around regurgitating obvious lies
Which is how it is easy to determine Individual1 does not behave as an adult as he regurgitates obvious lies. His inauguration crowd for example. Bernie, on the other hand, when briefed by US officials, behaved as an adult. The IMPOTUS was not able to do so when others were briefed by US officials.
He's not trying to make Bernie president silly one!

He's trying to make him the Democratic candidate for president.... there is a huge difference.....

Putin is trying to make Donald Trump president again, and the best way to do that, is making Bernie win the primary for Democrats.... so Russia and Trump think.

Russia is also sowing discord again, between Bernie voters and other candidates n supporters...

we are reliving the shenanigans of 2016 all over again.... :eek:
The Dims are responsible for all the "Shenanigans" of 2016. That was a hoax, and this is a hoax, and you're a fucking douchebag promoting the hoax.
Actually you are being an ostrich with his head in the ground....

none of it was a hoax... zip, zero, nada, not any of it was a hoax...

you are just being a dummy, repeating your master's LIE. :)
Hilarious. You’re Dream was real. That’s why no charges against Trump working with Putin. The Democrats let him off!
The Russians interfered in our 2016 election, in favor of getting Trump elected.... Trump and his campaign used the Russian stolen DNC and Podesta emails to advance Trump's election odds...

the Mueller report notes this as FACT.

Whether a law was broken that the prosecutors had enough evidence to charge Trump's team, is a whole nuther ball game.

Vladimir Putin stated when asked in Helsinki, that 'YES, YES HE DID TELL ALL OF HIS OPERATIVES TO SUPPORT TRUMP'S ELECTION.'

SO, PLEASE STOP your lying... Russia DID interfere in 2016's election.

I heard on the news yesterday that Bloomberg spent 400 million to get up to 15% of the
democrat vote.
Now with what little "the Russians" spent in the 2016 election cycle, just how much
of an impact did they have, Care? Get real, because it's really getting old with
your fear mongering. People are not as stupid as you think they are.

it's hard debating with people that have never read the Mueller, never followed the prosecutions or the evidence presented in the indictments of the 12 Russians....

you do not need a lot of money.... facebook got very little money in rubles, but those ads reached 120 MILLION users, with their bots spreading them out, and some dirty shenanigans with cambridge analitica capturing friends and friends of friends to share them with... over 200 million saw the ads on all of social media and that was their low estimate...

then you have the stolen emails that were fed to the trump team ahead of their drops, with pre written articles by Russian english speaking propaganda sites that were also given a heads up and views of the emails ahead of time, having their articles giving their distorted and false opinions of what the emails mean put out there as they dropped then shared with all their right wing news and blogger media...

then they had posters on message boards just like this one posing as Americans, working to also divide bernie supporters from Hillary voters... all the way from St Petersburg Russia, Convincing some Americans to rally and burn a Hillary effigy...

and they planned the first stolen email dump w/articles just a couple of days before the democratic primary to cause enmity between the sanders and clinton voters..... hoping to keep sanders supporters home or voting for trump...

then there was Manafort and Gates giving the Russians Trump's INSIDE and private polling data, specifically for the 3 democratic leaning states that Trump barely won the electors which gave him the win... what was THAT all about?

and you have trump mentioning the wikileaks stolen emails 160 times in the month of October/1st week of November, in his rallies etc...

I think out of ignorance only, can you make your claim of the Russians not mattering in the 2016 election....

Would Trump have won without the Russians? LIKELY not....imho... where would Trump have been without the stolen DNC emails.... by the Russian Intelligence operatives? And all the right wing media spreading the garbage?

And honestly, that ain't even the half of it.... it was a systematic attack by the Russians from all angles.... possible....

the trump team accepted that help... with open arms... that too is in the Mueller report.... trump's team didn't do the theft, didn't commit the crime, but they sure as heck used it to their advantage....
The Dims are responsible for all the "Shenanigans" of 2016. That was a hoax, and this is a hoax, and you're a fucking douchebag promoting the hoax.
Actually you are being an ostrich with his head in the ground....

none of it was a hoax... zip, zero, nada, not any of it was a hoax...

you are just being a dummy, repeating your master's LIE. :)
Hilarious. You’re Dream was real. That’s why no charges against Trump working with Putin. The Democrats let him off!
The Russians interfered in our 2016 election, in favor of getting Trump elected.... Trump and his campaign used the Russian stolen DNC and Podesta emails to advance Trump's election odds...

the Mueller report notes this as FACT.

Whether a law was broken that the prosecutors had enough evidence to charge Trump's team, is a whole nuther ball game.

Vladimir Putin stated when asked in Helsinki, that 'YES, YES HE DID TELL ALL OF HIS OPERATIVES TO SUPPORT TRUMP'S ELECTION.'

SO, PLEASE STOP your lying... Russia DID interfere in 2016's election.

I heard on the news yesterday that Bloomberg spent 400 million to get up to 15% of the
democrat vote.
Now with what little "the Russians" spent in the 2016 election cycle, just how much
of an impact did they have, Care? Get real, because it's really getting old with
your fear mongering. People are not as stupid as you think they are.

it's hard debating with people that have never read the Mueller, never followed the prosecutions or the evidence presented in the indictments of the 12 Russians....

you do not need a lot of money.... facebook got very little money in rubles, but those ads reached 120 MILLION users, with their bots spreading them out, and some dirty shenanigans with cambridge analitica capturing friends and friends of friends to share them with... over 200 million saw the ads on all of social media and that was their low estimate...

then you have the stolen emails that were fed to the trump team ahead of their drops, with pre written articles by Russian english speaking propaganda sites that were also given a heads up and views of the emails ahead of time, having their articles giving their distorted and false opinions of what the emails mean put out there as they dropped then shared with all their right wing news and blogger media...

then they had posters on message boards just like this one posing as Americans, working to also divide bernie supporters from Hillary voters... all the way from St Petersburg Russia, Convincing some Americans to rally and burn a Hillary effigy...

and they planned the first stolen email dump w/articles just a couple of days before the democratic primary to cause enmity between the sanders and clinton voters..... hoping to keep sanders supporters home or voting for trump...

then there was Manafort and Gates giving the Russians Trump's INSIDE and private polling data, specifically for the 3 democratic leaning states that Trump barely won the electors which gave him the win... what was THAT all about?

and you have trump mentioning the wikileaks stolen emails 160 times in the month of October/1st week of November, in his rallies etc...

I think out of ignorance only, can you make your claim of the Russians not mattering in the 2016 election....

Would Trump have won without the Russians? LIKELY not....imho... where would Trump have been without the stolen DNC emails.... by the Russian Intelligence operatives? And all the right wing media spreading the garbage?

And honestly, that ain't even the half of it.... it was a systematic attack by the Russians from all angles.... possible....

the trump team accepted that help... with open arms... that too is in the Mueller report.... trump's team didn't do the theft, didn't commit the crime, but they sure as heck used it to their advantage....

Thank Allah Obama ordered the stand down into Russia interference in the 16 election!

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