Bernie, author of Sanders/Warren bill extending Social Security to 75 years & adding $200 to payments, makes case against GOP cuts to Social Security


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Bernie warns that a default on the debt would lead to a global financial crisis, and that the GOP shouldn't hold seniors hostages by threating to cut social security. i agree!

"Extending" Social Security to 75 years? What does that mean? You can apply for Social Security at 62 today. Two hundred bucks? Is he kidding?
This goes a lot deeper than "could mean cuts to crucial programs like Medicare and Social Security. "
The GOP is trying to force cutting numerous programs to try and reel in the out of control spending.
Of course, the democrats will only bring up a fraction of what is at stake. Lets try and see some transparency
and hear what the GOP is proposing.
Of course,the democrats always use their go to, "Look over here, don't look over there."
From what I've saw, the Republicans have all sorts of cut outs in the budget that must be paid for. Or in other words, they will also continue to add to the debt.
Funding it so that benefits are covered for the next 75 years.
Is that a joke? There is no Social Security locked box. The government started stealing FICA money the day after they passed the law. LBJ made it "legal" when he authorized FICA taxes to be placed in the general fund. Two hundred bucks in benefits? You can't get a meal in a decent restaurant for $200. It's more desperate political posturing from a socialist who ain't got a freaking clue about the real world.
Is that a joke? There is no Social Security locked box. The government started stealing FICA money the day after they passed the law. LBJ made it "legal" when he authorized FICA taxes to be placed in the general fund. Two hundred bucks in benefits? You can't get a meal in a decent restaurant for $200. It's more desperate political posturing from a socialist who ain't got a freaking clue about the real world.

Is that a joke?


There is no Social Security locked box.

I agree.

The government started stealing FICA money the day after they passed the law.


LBJ made it "legal" when he authorized FICA taxes to be placed in the general fund.

A distinction without a difference.
I think Bernie Sanders is right on this. Inflation calls for increase in payments to the retired and disabled. It is the right thing to do.

And we need to make it last for decades and centuries to come. In a civilized society we should never allow our old and disabled to rot.
How did they steal it?
They took it, spent it and gave us worthless IOU's. I'm old enough to remember those assholes (cough) borrowing and spending our SS money. Reagan intended that SS increase contribution money to be set aside to pay future benefits when the boomers retired. Fuckers in congress instead stole the money, spent it and now have no means of paying us back.

So they scheme to screw us out of the benefits. Jack up the retirement age so people die before they can collect a dime. Force me to pay SS tax on all of my income when I'm getting no additional benefits for MY money.

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