Benghazi: Several questions we're overlooking


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
An American citizen has been arrested, ostensibly because he produced a video, that nobody saw, which supposedly caused rioting in north Africa...Which we now know is a lie.

Who is this man?

What, if anything, has he been charged with?

Why hasn't he yet had an arraignment and bond hearing?

If we now know that the embassy attack was planned and deliberate, rather than because of his obscure video, why is he still being detained?

Is he being held under the NDAA indefinite detention provisions, that Dear Leader promised he wouldn't employ?

Is there still not a 1st Amendment in America?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) is going on here?
well breaking parole and bank fraud doesn't help your OP, but hey whatever. Seems you are mimicking Rush in your opinion. Shocking.
An American citizen has been arrested, ostensibly because he produced a video, that nobody saw, which supposedly caused rioting in north Africa...Which we now know is a lie.

Who is this man?

What, if anything, has he been charged with?

Why hasn't he yet had an arraignment and bond hearing?

If we now know that the embassy attack was planned and deliberate, rather than because of his obscure video, why is he still being detained?

Is he being held under the NDAA indefinite detention provisions, that Dear Leader promised he wouldn't employ?

Is there still not a 1st Amendment in America?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) is going on here?

The guy was arrested for violating his probation.....that most likely wouldn't have happened unless "someone" turned him in....which happened to be right after the terrorist attack in Benghazi....

Nakoula Basseley the man behind the controversial anti-Muslim film which has sparked a wave of violent protest and days of rioting in several Arab countries has been taken into federal custody on suspicion of violating terms of his probation from a 2010 bank fraud case,
[ame=]Anti-Muslim film maker arrested over violating probation - YouTube[/ame]
An American citizen has been arrested, ostensibly because he produced a video, that nobody saw, which supposedly caused rioting in north Africa...Which we now know is a lie.

Who is this man?

What, if anything, has he been charged with?

Why hasn't he yet had an arraignment and bond hearing?

If we now know that the embassy attack was planned and deliberate, rather than because of his obscure video, why is he still being detained?

Is he being held under the NDAA indefinite detention provisions, that Dear Leader promised he wouldn't employ?

Is there still not a 1st Amendment in America?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) is going on here?

The guy was arrested for violating his probation...
Didn't know that...Really.

Regardless, with the way today's media jackals are, you'd swear that the guy's name and picture would be splashed all over the place.

Shit, we knew who Tim McVeigh was within 48 hours of OKC...We knew who Mohammed Atta was before sunset on 9/11/2001...Yet we know nothing about the video producer.

Something just doesn't pass the smell test. :dunno:
well breaking parole and bank fraud doesn't help your OP, but hey whatever. Seems you are mimicking Rush in your opinion. Shocking.
Parole or probation?

And if that's the case, why hasn't he had an arraignment and bond hearing yet?

You know, that old "innocent unless proved guilty" loophole.....

have you googled to see?

And probation....
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He is a road kill victim that was just a bump in the road for the Obamination bandwagon.
An American citizen has been arrested, ostensibly because he produced a video, that nobody saw, which supposedly caused rioting in north Africa...Which we now know is a lie.

Who is this man?

What, if anything, has he been charged with?

Why hasn't he yet had an arraignment and bond hearing?

If we now know that the embassy attack was planned and deliberate, rather than because of his obscure video, why is he still being detained?

Is he being held under the NDAA indefinite detention provisions, that Dear Leader promised he wouldn't employ?

Is there still not a 1st Amendment in America?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) is going on here?

Here is my question, Oddy......

...our installation is attacked, the administration follows it in real time....

"It wasn't a copycat. It was a sustained attack that lasted for six or eight hours,..."
Althouse: After the Benghazi attack: "We're going through a mission accomplished moment."

...and there is no rapid-response team sent????

No air cover????
An American citizen has been arrested, ostensibly because he produced a video, that nobody saw, which supposedly caused rioting in north Africa...Which we now know is a lie.

Who is this man?

What, if anything, has he been charged with?

Why hasn't he yet had an arraignment and bond hearing?

If we now know that the embassy attack was planned and deliberate, rather than because of his obscure video, why is he still being detained?

Is he being held under the NDAA indefinite detention provisions, that Dear Leader promised he wouldn't employ?

Is there still not a 1st Amendment in America?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) is going on here?

All we need to know is he pizzed the A Rabs off we are told and that just can't be tolerated.
The Obama don't like that shit.
As far as them responding and killing our people...
If it's the video...we need to apologize which was done.
And if it was a planned terrorist attack....
Well then we blame it on the video and throw the guy in jail so these people get happy
and they don't go on a friggin rampage.
He is a road kill victim that was just a bump in the road for the Obamination bandwagon.

well breaking parole and bank fraud doesn't help your OP, but hey whatever. Seems you are mimicking Rush in your opinion. Shocking.
Parole or probation?

And if that's the case, why hasn't he had an arraignment and bond hearing yet?

You know, that old "innocent unless proved guilty" loophole.....
1) He has already been found guilty of a crime and that is why he is on parole/probation.

2) When you violate your parole/ probation you don't get an arraignment or bond hearing because you are already a ward of the state. :cool:
The amazing thing is how little liberals think of Muslims. They sure were quick to attack Muslims using the video no one has seen. Hell there are lots and lots of videos on the Internet attacking every religion. But the liberal left is sure hell bent on throwing Muslims under the bus for their political advantage. Of course they do that to all minorities, it comes naturally from their slave master roots.
An American citizen has been arrested, ostensibly because he produced a video, that nobody saw, which supposedly caused rioting in north Africa...Which we now know is a lie.

Who is this man?

What, if anything, has he been charged with?

Why hasn't he yet had an arraignment and bond hearing?

If we now know that the embassy attack was planned and deliberate, rather than because of his obscure video, why is he still being detained?

Is he being held under the NDAA indefinite detention provisions, that Dear Leader promised he wouldn't employ?

Is there still not a 1st Amendment in America?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) is going on here?

Here is my question, Oddy......

...our installation is attacked, the administration follows it in real time....

"It wasn't a copycat. It was a sustained attack that lasted for six or eight hours,..."
Althouse: After the Benghazi attack: "We're going through a mission accomplished moment."

...and there is no rapid-response team sent????

No air cover????

Damn good question!! Not only did they not want to send in requested security beforehand, they didn't want to get involved at any stage. No protection, no help in their time of need and no concern after the murders. No investigators were sent for a couple weeks. We have other embassies and I'd like to know who our people can call for help if they are threatened or attacked. Or are those who willingly take positions as ambassadors on suicide missions?

Seems al Qaeda members have found homes now that the Muslim Brotherhood and other radicals are now the leaders of many Arab countries. This is the end result of Obama's foreign policies.
An American citizen has been arrested, ostensibly because he produced a video, that nobody saw, which supposedly caused rioting in north Africa...Which we now know is a lie.
No, he was arrested for violating probation.

Who is this man?
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What, if anything, has he been charged with?
Violating probation.

Why hasn't he yet had an arraignment and bond hearing?
He had one on September 27th. He was denied bail.
Judge jails 'Innocence of Muslims' filmmaker -

If we now know that the embassy attack was planned and deliberate, rather than because of his obscure video, why is he still being detained?
Because making the video was not why he was arrested.

Is he being held under the NDAA indefinite detention provisions, that Dear Leader promised he wouldn't employ?

Is there still not a 1st Amendment in America?
There is.

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) is going on here?
A few minutes of googling could have answered all of these questions.
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An American citizen has been arrested, ostensibly because he produced a video, that nobody saw, which supposedly caused rioting in north Africa...Which we now know is a lie.

Who is this man?

What, if anything, has he been charged with?

Why hasn't he yet had an arraignment and bond hearing?

If we now know that the embassy attack was planned and deliberate, rather than because of his obscure video, why is he still being detained?

Is he being held under the NDAA indefinite detention provisions, that Dear Leader promised he wouldn't employ?

Is there still not a 1st Amendment in America?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) is going on here?

I ask the same questions.

I also ask was this guy someone who was part of the cover up of the obama administrations epic fail? :dunno:

Just a curiosity
An American citizen has been arrested, ostensibly because he produced a video, that nobody saw, which supposedly caused rioting in north Africa...Which we now know is a lie.

Who is this man?

What, if anything, has he been charged with?

Why hasn't he yet had an arraignment and bond hearing?

If we now know that the embassy attack was planned and deliberate, rather than because of his obscure video, why is he still being detained?

Is he being held under the NDAA indefinite detention provisions, that Dear Leader promised he wouldn't employ?

Is there still not a 1st Amendment in America?

What in the name of Sam Hill (who was a real person) is going on here?

I ask the same questions.

I also ask was this guy someone who was part of the cover up of the obama administrations epic fail? :dunno:

Just a curiosity

All of those questions are easily answerable with a few minutes of Google searches. See post #17.

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