Benghazi.. connecting the dots to Obama re-election!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
For months this has been the mantra of Obama political campaign.."Osama dead, GM alive".

:doubt: For years.. Obama has forbidden use of the word "terrorism" terrorists"...

Obama administration says goodbye to ‘war on terror’ US defence department seems to confirm use of the bureaucratic phrase ‘overseas contingency operations’
Oliver Burkeman in Washington, Wednesday 25 March 2009 13.40 EDT

:badgrin:So the need to show Terrorism is dead due to Obama's efforts was a main theme in Obama's re-election.

:udaman:Voters perception that Obama was a tough guy was important.

:Boom2:Then 9/11/2012 4 americans murdered by Benghazi terrorists/attackers!

:dance::bsflag:Sep 28, 2012 - Obama blames the video in his UN speech ... calling the Benghazi attack and related assaults acts of ...

The cover story was designed to mislead the American public so that they would not connect those dots. That intervention in Libya, coming with no effort at all to control the outcome on the ground, has made us much less safe, especially in that part of the world.
McClatchy: Obama admin changed story on Benghazi to blame video 3 days after attack « Hot Air

And NOW Petraeus who was to testify resigns over an extra marital affair???
yeah keep trying.

this is as much a non Obama scandal as fast and furious was and bullshit about birth certificates.

its no going to turn into the story you want it to be
I'll agree with Corner BJ Candy for once.

There is no point in pointing out Obama's lies and corruption, going forward.

He is held to a lower standard than past Presidents.
no you just insane.

have you expressed ANY remorse at the fact that Fox lied to you for months about polls and robmoney winning?
I'll agree with Corner BJ Candy for once.

There is no point in pointing out Obama's lies and corruption, going forward.

He is held to a lower standard than past Presidents.

When the GOP gets back into the White House....I have to wonder if your margin for error for the president will be zero then as well? I'm thinking not. Please feel free to weigh in with your worthless opinions but reasoning should be the foundation of it; not just pure hatred. He's going to be the President for the next four years. Come to grips with it. The hatred didn't work...the lies you told didn't work....the innuendo didn't work....the birth certificate hullabaloo didn't work. It isn't because the country overwhelmingly loves Obama; it's because they overwhelmingly despise hyper-partisan shitstains like you.
obama won not by voter suppression but by information suppression. Information about Benghazi is still being suppressed. Iran's firing on our drone was suppressed. Whatever happened with the investigation as to how Iran got the passcodes for the drone they landed safely and copied? Whatever the results, we'll never hear about it.

In a better country, or a country that had a better people, we would be asking what else is the royal regime suppressing. Democrats just want to believe so badly, they'll overlook anything.
I'll agree with Corner BJ Candy for once.

There is no point in pointing out Obama's lies and corruption, going forward.

He is held to a lower standard than past Presidents.

When the GOP gets back into the White House....I have to wonder if your margin for error for the president will be zero then as well? I'm thinking not. Please feel free to weigh in with your worthless opinions but reasoning should be the foundation of it; not just pure hatred. He's going to be the President for the next four years. Come to grips with it. The hatred didn't work...the lies you told didn't work....the innuendo didn't work....the birth certificate hullabaloo didn't work. It isn't because the country overwhelmingly loves Obama; it's because they overwhelmingly despise hyper-partisan shitstains like you.

Imagine our surprise.
I'll agree with Corner BJ Candy for once.

There is no point in pointing out Obama's lies and corruption, going forward.

He is held to a lower standard than past Presidents.

There IS evidence of criminal behavior by Obama by covering up! This idiot went on TV and blamed a video for the deaths!
Now Petraeus resigns! Shades of Nixon..

Dwight Chapin, President Nixon’s appointments secretary, resigns his position and returns to private business
Charles Colson resigns from his position as the president’s special counsel, and returns to private practice. (later sentenced to prison!)
April 24, 1973: Nixon Asks for Resignations of Haldeman, Ehrlichman
The Nixon Administration and Watergate: Watergate Resignations and Firings

I mean Petraeus is the first... Next susan Rice.. Next Hillary. Next .... and they all will be going down!
AND THE MSM????? Where are they???

After 2 more years of Obama by that time UNEMPLOYMENT will be 9%!
Gas prices will CLIMB because right today Obama is shutting down Federal lands to further drilling!

"The Interior Department on Friday issued a final plan to close 1.6 million acres of federal land in the West originally slated for oil shale development.

The proposed plan would fence off a majority of the initial blueprint laid out in the final days of the George W. Bush administration. It faces a 30-day protest period and a 60-day process to ensure it is consistent with local and state policies. After that, the department would render a decision for implementation.
Interior proposal would limit commercial oil shale development on federal lands - The Hill's E2-Wire

Idiots who re-elected Obama are in for a VERY BIG SHOCK when their tax bills come due!
In for a big shock when 20+ NEW TAXES come about!
Shock for some of these idiots when their jobs are gone because employers won't be allowed to deduct health insurance premiums which is the #1 tax loophole today $131 billion!
And with the 2014 elections Obama WILL RESIGN rather then be impeached!
After all he's told us "he's a millionaire"!!!!

Obama will resign when impeachment proceedings begin in the House similar to what happened to Nixon...

"In July 1973, as evidence mounted against the president's staff, including testimony provided by former staff members in an investigation conducted by the Senate Watergate Committee, it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.[3][4] Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.[2][5] After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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obama won. Elections have consequences and obama is perfectly positioned to suffer them.
I'll agree with Corner BJ Candy for once.

There is no point in pointing out Obama's lies and corruption, going forward.

He is held to a lower standard than past Presidents.

There IS evidence of criminal behavior by Obama by covering up! This idiot went on TV and blamed a video for the deaths!
Now Petraeus resigns! Shades of Nixon..

Dwight Chapin, President Nixon’s appointments secretary, resigns his position and returns to private business
Charles Colson resigns from his position as the president’s special counsel, and returns to private practice. (later sentenced to prison!)
April 24, 1973: Nixon Asks for Resignations of Haldeman, Ehrlichman
The Nixon Administration and Watergate: Watergate Resignations and Firings

I mean Petraeus is the first... Next susan Rice.. Next Hillary. Next .... and they all will be going down!
AND THE MSM????? Where are they???

After 2 more years of Obama by that time UNEMPLOYMENT will be 9%!
Gas prices will CLIMB because right today Obama is shutting down Federal lands to further drilling!

"The Interior Department on Friday issued a final plan to close 1.6 million acres of federal land in the West originally slated for oil shale development.

The proposed plan would fence off a majority of the initial blueprint laid out in the final days of the George W. Bush administration. It faces a 30-day protest period and a 60-day process to ensure it is consistent with local and state policies. After that, the department would render a decision for implementation.
Interior proposal would limit commercial oil shale development on federal lands - The Hill's E2-Wire

Idiots who re-elected Obama are in for a VERY BIG SHOCK when their tax bills come due!
In for a big shock when 20+ NEW TAXES come about!
Shock for some of these idiots when their jobs are gone because employers won't be allowed to deduct health insurance premiums which is the #1 tax loophole today $131 billion!
And with the 2014 elections Obama WILL RESIGN rather then be impeached!
After all he's told us "he's a millionaire"!!!!

Obama will resign when impeachment proceedings begin in the House similar to what happened to Nixon...

"In July 1973, as evidence mounted against the president's staff, including testimony provided by former staff members in an investigation conducted by the Senate Watergate Committee, it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.[3][4] Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.[2][5] After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not sure what any of that means but there were quite a bit of words there...something about Nixon and watergate....
For months this has been the mantra of Obama political campaign.."Osama dead, GM alive".

:doubt: For years.. Obama has forbidden use of the word "terrorism" terrorists"...

Obama administration says goodbye to ‘war on terror’ US defence department seems to confirm use of the bureaucratic phrase ‘overseas contingency operations’
Oliver Burkeman in Washington, Wednesday 25 March 2009 13.40 EDT

:badgrin:So the need to show Terrorism is dead due to Obama's efforts was a main theme in Obama's re-election.

:udaman:Voters perception that Obama was a tough guy was important.

:Boom2:Then 9/11/2012 4 americans murdered by Benghazi terrorists/attackers!

:dance::bsflag:Sep 28, 2012 - Obama blames the video in his UN speech ... calling the Benghazi attack and related assaults acts of ...

The cover story was designed to mislead the American public so that they would not connect those dots. That intervention in Libya, coming with no effort at all to control the outcome on the ground, has made us much less safe, especially in that part of the world.
McClatchy: Obama admin changed story on Benghazi to blame video 3 days after attack « Hot Air

And NOW Petraeus who was to testify resigns over an extra marital affair???

Please provide the exact quote where President Obama specifically blamed the assault on the Benghazi compound exclusively on the movie that sparked protest throughout the ME.

Turn off Fox.
It's bad news for America.

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