Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

really? a MAJORITY of black kids don't know who their biological father is?

that's a pretty bold statement.

interesting made up statistic. feel free to link a credible source.

Knowing the name of the adult male that donated the sperm to a mother does not mean that kid has a father.
Having and being a father has nothing to do with knowing who your "biological father" is.
And that is the problem that everyone has their damn head in the sand about.
It should not be taboo to state the fact that there is so much crime and problems in the African American community because of a lack of male presence in the household.

In keeping with the topic of this op, I'll tailor my response around Dr. Carson and any impact he might have on the Black community if he becomes president. I haven't heard that he agrees with your assessment or not. However, as a Back man raised by a single mother he must have some insight as to how to solve these decades long accusations against the Black community. Surely he hasn't been totally blinded by the sparkle and glory afforded by his stellar achievements in neurosurgery. He MUST be familiar with the struggles Blacks have had to endure and overcome collectively and individually. What will he do to raise his people up?
Carson must remember that he is an exceptional person. There are very few WHITE people who could do what he has. He cannot expect the majority of people in any racial category to do what he has done.

Many Americans, black or white, will never be free of the bonds of poverty and hopelessness but there are more white people in raw numbers in the same predicament. In this thread that large number of poor whites seems invisible. Carson has to do what Obama did not. He has to draw attention to those poor whites to help address poverty and associated ills for all! The history of White America is as replete with violence and gangs as that of modern blacks. What did they do to curb that violence? Why haven't the same procedures been employed to curb violence and dysfunctional behavior in the Back community? Decent Black people don't control the assets necessary to do that. All their tax money goes into the white controlled coffers of the US Treasury and state tax boards. And with spending power exceeding 1 trillion annually, the argument about "most Blacks being on welfare" is bunk. Its those 23 million poor whites that are taking the largest chunk of the welfare pie! Carson needs to address that!

I oppose Obama's policies, some I supported such as allowing open service in military, but admire the man as he is a good family man and graduated from Harvard Law School having led the Harvard Law Review. You have to earn that as my cousin is a Harvard Law School grad.
Ditto Carson except I support many of his policies.
Obama is rightly praised by the left for his accomplishments but not held accountable for his failures.
Carson is called an Uncle Tom, sell out to whitey and a turn coat sell out by the left and held to a different standard than Obama.
Carson will never be elected President.
He is not offering more free shit and opposes doubling handouts.
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really? a MAJORITY of black kids don't know who their biological father is?

that's a pretty bold statement.

interesting made up statistic. feel free to link a credible source.

Knowing the name of the adult male that donated the sperm to a mother does not mean that kid has a father.
Having and being a father has nothing to do with knowing who your "biological father" is.
And that is the problem that everyone has their damn head in the sand about.
It should not be taboo to state the fact that there is so much crime and problems in the African American community because of a lack of male presence in the household.

In keeping with the topic of this op, I'll tailor my response around Dr. Carson and any impact he might have on the Black community if he becomes president. I haven't heard that he agrees with your assessment or not. However, as a Back man raised by a single mother he must have some insight as to how to solve these decades long accusations against the Black community. Surely he hasn't been totally blinded by the sparkle and glory afforded by his stellar achievements in neurosurgery. He MUST be familiar with the struggles Blacks have had to endure and overcome collectively and individually. What will he do to raise his people up?
Carson must remember that he is an exceptional person. There are very few WHITE people who could do what he has. He cannot expect the majority of people in any racial category to do what he has done.

Many Americans, black or white, will never be free of the bonds of poverty and hopelessness but there are more white people in raw numbers in the same predicament. In this thread that large number of poor whites seems invisible. Carson has to do what Obama did not. He has to draw attention to those poor whites to help address poverty and associated ills for all! The history of White America is as replete with violence and gangs as that of modern blacks. What did they do to curb that violence? Why haven't the same procedures been employed to curb violence and dysfunctional behavior in the Back community? Decent Black people don't control the assets necessary to do that. All their tax money goes into the white controlled coffers of the US Treasury and state tax boards. And with spending power exceeding 1 trillion annually, the argument about "most Blacks being on welfare" is bunk. Its those 23 million poor whites that are taking the largest chunk of the welfare pie! Carson needs to address that!

LOL, ever heard of percentages?
Whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1.

That is what is wrong with the culture of the African American society.
And Ben Carson will tell you the exact same thing.
Because it is a bad thing, not a good thing the left puts a happy face on.

I don't think anyone of the left is putting a "happy face" on it.

We just realize it's the new norm. Marriage just isn't that important to people.
If the mother doesn't know, how is the child supposed to know?

How is it that you know so much about Black mating habits? Just a wild ass hunch?
You don't know what you are talking about. You look at a statistic and your racist imagination takes over. That is why it is dangerous to collect and disseminate such information publicly. All it does is give license to pigs like you to come to erroneous conclusions and to justify your blatant racism.
BTW, your trolling is off topic. I'm not going to indulge you further in this off topic discussion!
I lived in Washington D.C. for 17 years. Trust me, I know how they breed indiscriminately with anybody and everybody. Not all, but most. The ones who step up to the plate and meet their responsibilities as parents have my utmost respect and support. The rest of the baby daddies and baby mamas, I have no use or respect for. They are what's dragging this country into the sewer.

And you're wrong about "erroneous conclusions". I know blacks as well as you do, the difference is that I tell the truth about them instead of turning a blind eye to the problem, like you. You can't even admit there's a problem with unwed mothers and fatherless children in your own community when it's obvious to the rest of the world.

I was not going to respond to your un-analytical, misinformed worldview about Blacks but your above statement was so dumb I can't help commenting!

Obviously you think the few Blacks you claim to know in D. C. are typical of African Americans nationally. I am guessing your hunch is justified by the statistics you cite so often. Do you know how or by whom those statistics were generated?

Your self assessment based on your experience in D. C. is not fully explained. How did you infiltrate the Black community there to see first hand how "promiscuous" they are? I doubt if your study" has any scientific basis but that didn't stop you from voicing your dumb opinions. BTW, there is a huge number of single parent Whites who never married and "breed" just as prolifically as you claim Blacks do. Forget statistics... in RAW numbers White illegitimacy still out numbers that of Blacks.It might be helpful to know if that source has an agenda! Please cite the source! In a historical context there should be NO white children born out of wedlock. Blacks have an excuse... Slavery and subsequent generational discrimination

How can you expect to be taken seriously when you are so blatantly disingenuous? Do you think no one notices? You would rather just call me a racist than face the truth.
Who wants to be taken seriously by a clown? The truth is this problem extends well beyond the Black community. Yet, the huge number of single parent white and Hispanic households escape your wrath. Isn't there something racist about that? Do you think no one notices THAT?

One more thing. You say that you tell the truth about Blacks instead of turning a blind eye to their problems. Well, that's just dandy but what the hell have you done about it? Have you joined the NAACP? Have you noticed the millions of poor whites with similar problems? Your amazing perspicuity seems to fail when looking in their direction and the "blind eye" emerges ever so conveniently . If Dr. Carson walks on the same path as you, he is doomed to reach the same dead end!
How is it that you know so much about Black mating habits? Just a wild ass hunch?
You don't know what you are talking about. You look at a statistic and your racist imagination takes over. That is why it is dangerous to collect and disseminate such information publicly. All it does is give license to pigs like you to come to erroneous conclusions and to justify your blatant racism.
BTW, your trolling is off topic. I'm not going to indulge you further in this off topic discussion!
I lived in Washington D.C. for 17 years. Trust me, I know how they breed indiscriminately with anybody and everybody. Not all, but most. The ones who step up to the plate and meet their responsibilities as parents have my utmost respect and support. The rest of the baby daddies and baby mamas, I have no use or respect for. They are what's dragging this country into the sewer.

And you're wrong about "erroneous conclusions". I know blacks as well as you do, the difference is that I tell the truth about them instead of turning a blind eye to the problem, like you. You can't even admit there's a problem with unwed mothers and fatherless children in your own community when it's obvious to the rest of the world.

I was not going to respond to your un-analytical, misinformed worldview about Blacks but your above statement was so dumb I can't help commenting!

Obviously you think the few Blacks you claim to know in D. C. are typical of African Americans nationally. I am guessing your hunch is justified by the statistics you cite so often. Do you know how or by whom those statistics were generated?

Your self assessment based on your experience in D. C. is not fully explained. How did you infiltrate the Black community there to see first hand how "promiscuous" they are? I doubt if your study" has any scientific basis but that didn't stop you from voicing your dumb opinions. BTW, there is a huge number of single parent Whites who never married and "breed" just as prolifically as you claim Blacks do. Forget statistics... in RAW numbers White illegitimacy still out numbers that of Blacks.It might be helpful to know if that source has an agenda! Please cite the source! In a historical context there should be NO white children born out of wedlock. Blacks have an excuse... Slavery and subsequent generational discrimination

How can you expect to be taken seriously when you are so blatantly disingenuous? Do you think no one notices? You would rather just call me a racist than face the truth.
Who wants to be taken seriously by a clown? The truth is this problem extends well beyond the Black community. Yet, the huge number of single parent white and Hispanic households escape your wrath. Isn't there something racist about that? Do you think no one notices THAT?

One more thing. You say that you tell the truth about Blacks instead of turning a blind eye to their problems. Well, that's just dandy but what the hell have you done about it? Have you joined the NAACP? Have you noticed the millions of poor whites with similar problems? Your amazing perspicuity seems to fail when looking in their direction and the "blind eye" emerges ever so conveniently . If Dr. Carson walks on the same path as you, he is doomed to reach the same dead end!
"Blacks have an excuse". There's your problem, bro. It's easier for you to accept being on the Democrat plantation if you have an excuse for not standing on your own two feet, isn't it? That's why you hate Ben Carson or any other black person that leaves the plantation. They make you look bad and they destroy your excuses. Thank you for that unintentional admission.
Knowing the name of the adult male that donated the sperm to a mother does not mean that kid has a father.
Having and being a father has nothing to do with knowing who your "biological father" is.
And that is the problem that everyone has their damn head in the sand about.
It should not be taboo to state the fact that there is so much crime and problems in the African American community because of a lack of male presence in the household.

In keeping with the topic of this op, I'll tailor my response around Dr. Carson and any impact he might have on the Black community if he becomes president. I haven't heard that he agrees with your assessment or not. However, as a Back man raised by a single mother he must have some insight as to how to solve these decades long accusations against the Black community. Surely he hasn't been totally blinded by the sparkle and glory afforded by his stellar achievements in neurosurgery. He MUST be familiar with the struggles Blacks have had to endure and overcome collectively and individually. What will he do to raise his people up?
Carson must remember that he is an exceptional person. There are very few WHITE people who could do what he has. He cannot expect the majority of people in any racial category to do what he has done.

Many Americans, black or white, will never be free of the bonds of poverty and hopelessness but there are more white people in raw numbers in the same predicament. In this thread that large number of poor whites seems invisible. Carson has to do what Obama did not. He has to draw attention to those poor whites to help address poverty and associated ills for all! The history of White America is as replete with violence and gangs as that of modern blacks. What did they do to curb that violence? Why haven't the same procedures been employed to curb violence and dysfunctional behavior in the Back community? Decent Black people don't control the assets necessary to do that. All their tax money goes into the white controlled coffers of the US Treasury and state tax boards. And with spending power exceeding 1 trillion annually, the argument about "most Blacks being on welfare" is bunk. Its those 23 million poor whites that are taking the largest chunk of the welfare pie! Carson needs to address that!

I oppose Obama's policies, some I supported such as allowing open service in military, but admire the man as he is a good family man and graduated from Harvard Law School having led the Harvard Law Review. You have to earn that as my cousin is a Harvard Law School grad.
Ditto Carson except I support many of his policies.
Obama is rightly praised by the left for his accomplishments but not held accountable for his failures.
There may be some disagreement about Right wing claims about "Obama's failures." Many of those so-called "failures" were orchestrated by the same people pointing the finger. Remember the Conservative battle cry: "WE WANT HIM TO FAIL?"

Carson is called an Uncle Tom, sell out to whitey and a turn coat sell out by the left and held to a different standard than Obama.
So what do you want progressives to do, kiss his ass and slobber all over his manhood with dreamy eyes like a farting love sick republican. Hell no, why would progressives rally behind someone who wants to turn the clock back to the Reagan/Bush eras!

Carson will never be elected President.
He is not offering more free shit and opposes doubling handouts.

Carson will never be elected President because he chose to become a Republican at the wrong time. Until the green toxic cloud left by bush has dissipated completely, republicans haven't a prayer to win the presidency no matter who runs! BTW what free shit are you talking about?
Knowing the name of the adult male that donated the sperm to a mother does not mean that kid has a father.
Having and being a father has nothing to do with knowing who your "biological father" is.
And that is the problem that everyone has their damn head in the sand about.
It should not be taboo to state the fact that there is so much crime and problems in the African American community because of a lack of male presence in the household.

In keeping with the topic of this op, I'll tailor my response around Dr. Carson and any impact he might have on the Black community if he becomes president. I haven't heard that he agrees with your assessment or not. However, as a Back man raised by a single mother he must have some insight as to how to solve these decades long accusations against the Black community. Surely he hasn't been totally blinded by the sparkle and glory afforded by his stellar achievements in neurosurgery. He MUST be familiar with the struggles Blacks have had to endure and overcome collectively and individually. What will he do to raise his people up?
Carson must remember that he is an exceptional person. There are very few WHITE people who could do what he has. He cannot expect the majority of people in any racial category to do what he has done.

Many Americans, black or white, will never be free of the bonds of poverty and hopelessness but there are more white people in raw numbers in the same predicament. In this thread that large number of poor whites seems invisible. Carson has to do what Obama did not. He has to draw attention to those poor whites to help address poverty and associated ills for all! The history of White America is as replete with violence and gangs as that of modern blacks. What did they do to curb that violence? Why haven't the same procedures been employed to curb violence and dysfunctional behavior in the Back community? Decent Black people don't control the assets necessary to do that. All their tax money goes into the white controlled coffers of the US Treasury and state tax boards. And with spending power exceeding 1 trillion annually, the argument about "most Blacks being on welfare" is bunk. Its those 23 million poor whites that are taking the largest chunk of the welfare pie! Carson needs to address that!

LOL, ever heard of percentages?
Whites outnumber blacks 7 to 1.

:LOL: Yep, that is why I mentioned RAW NUMBERS. Those RAW figures support my argument!:DUH:
I lived in Washington D.C. for 17 years. Trust me, I know how they breed indiscriminately with anybody and everybody. Not all, but most. The ones who step up to the plate and meet their responsibilities as parents have my utmost respect and support. The rest of the baby daddies and baby mamas, I have no use or respect for. They are what's dragging this country into the sewer.

And you're wrong about "erroneous conclusions". I know blacks as well as you do, the difference is that I tell the truth about them instead of turning a blind eye to the problem, like you. You can't even admit there's a problem with unwed mothers and fatherless children in your own community when it's obvious to the rest of the world.

I was not going to respond to your un-analytical, misinformed worldview about Blacks but your above statement was so dumb I can't help commenting!

Obviously you think the few Blacks you claim to know in D. C. are typical of African Americans nationally. I am guessing your hunch is justified by the statistics you cite so often. Do you know how or by whom those statistics were generated?

Your self assessment based on your experience in D. C. is not fully explained. How did you infiltrate the Black community there to see first hand how "promiscuous" they are? I doubt if your study" has any scientific basis but that didn't stop you from voicing your dumb opinions. BTW, there is a huge number of single parent Whites who never married and "breed" just as prolifically as you claim Blacks do. Forget statistics... in RAW numbers White illegitimacy still out numbers that of Blacks.It might be helpful to know if that source has an agenda! Please cite the source! In a historical context there should be NO white children born out of wedlock. Blacks have an excuse... Slavery and subsequent generational discrimination

How can you expect to be taken seriously when you are so blatantly disingenuous? Do you think no one notices? You would rather just call me a racist than face the truth.
Who wants to be taken seriously by a clown? The truth is this problem extends well beyond the Black community. Yet, the huge number of single parent white and Hispanic households escape your wrath. Isn't there something racist about that? Do you think no one notices THAT?

One more thing. You say that you tell the truth about Blacks instead of turning a blind eye to their problems. Well, that's just dandy but what the hell have you done about it? Have you joined the NAACP? Have you noticed the millions of poor whites with similar problems? Your amazing perspicuity seems to fail when looking in their direction and the "blind eye" emerges ever so conveniently . If Dr. Carson walks on the same path as you, he is doomed to reach the same dead end!
"Blacks have an excuse". There's your problem, bro. It's easier for you to accept being on the Democrat plantation if you have an excuse for not standing on your own two feet, isn't it?
I'm not yer Bro; and that old cliché about the "Democrat plantation is wearing a bit thin. It is way outdated. Ben Carson is vying to be an overseer on the Republican plantation. Yep, he will fit right in when your rich puppeteers turn the hand s of the clock back to 1929. There will be no social safety nets, no high paying jobs, no business competition ( all monopolies and)no middle class! You will be forced to work at minimum wage and will disappear from the USMB community forever...

That's why you hate Ben Carson or any other black person that leaves the plantation. They make you look bad and they destroy your excuses. Thank you for that unintentional admission.

I have no excuses! I am one of the millions of success stories in America. You should be proselytizing the 23 million poor whites whose "whiteness" has failed them. You won't do it! It is far easier to pick on the 11 million poor Blacks and ignore your poor white brethren. It is far more fun for you to criticize an entire people who collectively have been marked by chattel slavery then freed and released into a hostile White majority nation with empty promises of 40 acres and a mule.

If you want an example of Blacks" standing on their own feet" consider the early 20th century enclaves of Rosewood Fla. and Greenwood OK. Both of these African American success stories came to a bitter end. Both of these magnificent examples of early Black enterprise and culture were violently destroyed by jealous marauding white men acting on the flimsiest of evidence suggesting a white woman had been accosted. The violence of a majority of "conservative"white men seems to be compounded by the success of minorities. They don't really want them to succeed, there are too many of them. They would take too many jobs from white people. That same violent scenario was repeated later in Nazi Germany when the success of the Jews spurred white Germans to violently take back what they believed belonged to them.

So, precedence has shown me that wholesale Black success would be met with violence by the dominant society:

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I was not going to respond to your un-analytical, misinformed worldview about Blacks but your above statement was so dumb I can't help commenting!

Obviously you think the few Blacks you claim to know in D. C. are typical of African Americans nationally. I am guessing your hunch is justified by the statistics you cite so often. Do you know how or by whom those statistics were generated?

Your self assessment based on your experience in D. C. is not fully explained. How did you infiltrate the Black community there to see first hand how "promiscuous" they are? I doubt if your study" has any scientific basis but that didn't stop you from voicing your dumb opinions. BTW, there is a huge number of single parent Whites who never married and "breed" just as prolifically as you claim Blacks do. Forget statistics... in RAW numbers White illegitimacy still out numbers that of Blacks.It might be helpful to know if that source has an agenda! Please cite the source! In a historical context there should be NO white children born out of wedlock. Blacks have an excuse... Slavery and subsequent generational discrimination

Who wants to be taken seriously by a clown? The truth is this problem extends well beyond the Black community. Yet, the huge number of single parent white and Hispanic households escape your wrath. Isn't there something racist about that? Do you think no one notices THAT?

One more thing. You say that you tell the truth about Blacks instead of turning a blind eye to their problems. Well, that's just dandy but what the hell have you done about it? Have you joined the NAACP? Have you noticed the millions of poor whites with similar problems? Your amazing perspicuity seems to fail when looking in their direction and the "blind eye" emerges ever so conveniently . If Dr. Carson walks on the same path as you, he is doomed to reach the same dead end!
"Blacks have an excuse". There's your problem, bro. It's easier for you to accept being on the Democrat plantation if you have an excuse for not standing on your own two feet, isn't it?
I'm not yer Bro; and that old cliché about the "Democrat plantation is wearing a bit thin. It is way outdated. Ben Carson is vying to be an overseer on the Republican plantation. Yep, he will fit right in when your rich puppeteers turn the hand s of the clock back to 1929. There will be no social safety nets, no high paying jobs, no business competition ( all monopolies and)no middle class! You will be forced to work at minimum wage and will disappear from the USMB community forever...

That's why you hate Ben Carson or any other black person that leaves the plantation. They make you look bad and they destroy your excuses. Thank you for that unintentional admission.
I have no excuses! I am one of the millions of success stories in America. You should be proselytizing the 23 million poor whites whose "whiteness" has failed them. You won't do it! It is far easier to pick on the 11 million poor Blacks and ignore your poor white brethren. It is far more fun for you to criticize an entire people who collectively have been marked by chattel slavery then freed and released into a hostile White majority nation with empty promises of 40 acres and a mule.

If you want an example of Blacks" standing on their own feet" consider the early 20th century enclaves of Rosewood Fla. and Greenwood OK. Both of these African American success stories came to a bitter end. Both of these magnificent examples of early Black enterprise and culture were violently destroyed by jealous marauding white men acting on the flimsiest of evidence suggesting a white woman had been accosted. The violence of a majority of "conservative"white men seems to be compounded by the success of minorities. They don't really want them to succeed, there are too many of them. They would take too many jobs from white people. That same violent scenario was repeated later in Nazi Germany when the success of the Jews spurred white Germans to violently take back what they believed belonged to them.

So, precedence has shown me that wholesale Black success would be met with violence by the dominant society:

[ame=]Black Wall Street:The Hidden American Holocaust - YouTube[/ame]

It was 1921, 93 years ago (can we go back to the Civil War...Pogo's an expert on the Civil war!:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:) in Tulsa, destroyed by the DEMOCRATIC KKK of that!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I was not going to respond to your un-analytical, misinformed worldview about Blacks but your above statement was so dumb I can't help commenting!

Obviously you think the few Blacks you claim to know in D. C. are typical of African Americans nationally. I am guessing your hunch is justified by the statistics you cite so often. Do you know how or by whom those statistics were generated?

Your self assessment based on your experience in D. C. is not fully explained. How did you infiltrate the Black community there to see first hand how "promiscuous" they are? I doubt if your study" has any scientific basis but that didn't stop you from voicing your dumb opinions. BTW, there is a huge number of single parent Whites who never married and "breed" just as prolifically as you claim Blacks do. Forget statistics... in RAW numbers White illegitimacy still out numbers that of Blacks.It might be helpful to know if that source has an agenda! Please cite the source! In a historical context there should be NO white children born out of wedlock. Blacks have an excuse... Slavery and subsequent generational discrimination

Who wants to be taken seriously by a clown? The truth is this problem extends well beyond the Black community. Yet, the huge number of single parent white and Hispanic households escape your wrath. Isn't there something racist about that? Do you think no one notices THAT?

One more thing. You say that you tell the truth about Blacks instead of turning a blind eye to their problems. Well, that's just dandy but what the hell have you done about it? Have you joined the NAACP? Have you noticed the millions of poor whites with similar problems? Your amazing perspicuity seems to fail when looking in their direction and the "blind eye" emerges ever so conveniently . If Dr. Carson walks on the same path as you, he is doomed to reach the same dead end!
"Blacks have an excuse". There's your problem, bro. It's easier for you to accept being on the Democrat plantation if you have an excuse for not standing on your own two feet, isn't it?
I'm not yer Bro; and that old cliché about the "Democrat plantation is wearing a bit thin. It is way outdated. Ben Carson is vying to be an overseer on the Republican plantation. Yep, he will fit right in when your rich puppeteers turn the hand s of the clock back to 1929. There will be no social safety nets, no high paying jobs, no business competition ( all monopolies and)no middle class! You will be forced to work at minimum wage and will disappear from the USMB community forever...

That's why you hate Ben Carson or any other black person that leaves the plantation. They make you look bad and they destroy your excuses. Thank you for that unintentional admission.

I have no excuses! I am one of the millions of success stories in America. You should be proselytizing the 23 million poor whites whose "whiteness" has failed them. You won't do it! It is far easier to pick on the 11 million poor Blacks and ignore your poor white brethren. It is far more fun for you to criticize an entire people who collectively have been marked by chattel slavery then freed and released into a hostile White majority nation with empty promises of 40 acres and a mule.

If you want an example of Blacks" standing on their own feet" consider the early 20th century enclaves of Rosewood Fla. and Greenwood OK. Both of these African American success stories came to a bitter end. Both of these magnificent examples of early Black enterprise and culture were violently destroyed by jealous marauding white men acting on the flimsiest of evidence suggesting a white woman had been accosted. The violence of a majority of "conservative"white men seems to be compounded by the success of minorities. They don't really want them to succeed, there are too many of them. They would take too many jobs from white people. That same violent scenario was repeated later in Nazi Germany when the success of the Jews spurred white Germans to violently take back what they believed belonged to them.

So, precedence has shown me that wholesale Black success would be met with violence by the dominant society:

[ame=]Black Wall Street:The Hidden American Holocaust - YouTube[/ame]
I like how you say "I have no excuses", then give me a list of excuses.
Carson is called an Uncle Tom, sell out to whitey and a turn coat sell out by the left and held to a different standard than Obama.

You continue to propagate this lie just as you continue to fail to provide objective, documented evidence that it is in fact not a lie.

You’re at liberty to believe this as personal, subjective opinion, but as objective fact it remains wrong and a lie.
Carson is called an Uncle Tom, sell out to whitey and a turn coat sell out by the left and held to a different standard than Obama.

You continue to propagate this lie just as you continue to fail to provide objective, documented evidence that it is in fact not a lie.

You’re at liberty to believe this as personal, subjective opinion, but as objective fact it remains wrong and a lie.

You and Stathisfuckingnameis are assholes of the first order!

[ame=]Media Silence - Dr Ben Carson Defends Against Race Attacks - Called "Token Negro, Uncle Tom" - YouTube[/ame]
Carson is called an Uncle Tom, sell out to whitey and a turn coat sell out by the left and held to a different standard than Obama.

You continue to propagate this lie just as you continue to fail to provide objective, documented evidence that it is in fact not a lie.

You’re at liberty to believe this as personal, subjective opinion, but as objective fact it remains wrong and a lie.

You claiming that no one here has labeled Dr. Carson an Uncle Tom, a sell out because he is a conservative Republican?

Look back and read the posts. All I am posting is what they have admitted to.

You call me a liar and claim to be objective in the same breath.
Carson is called an Uncle Tom, sell out to whitey and a turn coat sell out by the left and held to a different standard than Obama.

You continue to propagate this lie just as you continue to fail to provide objective, documented evidence that it is in fact not a lie.

You’re at liberty to believe this as personal, subjective opinion, but as objective fact it remains wrong and a lie.

You claiming that no one here has labeled Dr. Carson an Uncle Tom, a sell out because he is a conservative Republican?

Look back and read the posts. All I am posting is what they have admitted to.

You call me a liar and claim to be objective in the same breath.

Why are you being irrelevant? Why are you trying to deflect from the real issue, Carson's conservatism, by trying to hide him behind some sort of shield of victimology?
You continue to propagate this lie just as you continue to fail to provide objective, documented evidence that it is in fact not a lie.

You’re at liberty to believe this as personal, subjective opinion, but as objective fact it remains wrong and a lie.

You claiming that no one here has labeled Dr. Carson an Uncle Tom, a sell out because he is a conservative Republican?

Look back and read the posts. All I am posting is what they have admitted to.

You call me a liar and claim to be objective in the same breath.

Why are you being irrelevant? Why are you trying to deflect from the real issue, Carson's conservatism, by trying to hide him behind some sort of shield of victimology?

VICTIMOLOGY!!!...YOU are either an ass or an outright liar!....I go with LIAR!

You continue to propagate this lie just as you continue to fail to provide objective, documented evidence that it is in fact not a lie.

You’re at liberty to believe this as personal, subjective opinion, but as objective fact it remains wrong and a lie.

You claiming that no one here has labeled Dr. Carson an Uncle Tom, a sell out because he is a conservative Republican?

Look back and read the posts. All I am posting is what they have admitted to.

You call me a liar and claim to be objective in the same breath.

Why are you being irrelevant? Why are you trying to deflect from the real issue, Carson's conservatism, by trying to hide him behind some sort of shield of victimology?

You claiming that no one here has labeled Dr. Carson an Uncle Tom, a sell out because he is a conservative Republican?

Look back and read the posts. All I am posting is what they have admitted to.

You call me a liar and claim to be objective in the same breath.

Why are you being irrelevant? Why are you trying to deflect from the real issue, Carson's conservatism, by trying to hide him behind some sort of shield of victimology?

VICTIMOLOGY!!!...YOU are either an ass or an outright liar!....I go with LIAR![/IMG[/QUOTE]

You're the people playing the race card, trying to claim that Carson is being picked on (boohoo) by liberals because he's black.
You claiming that no one here has labeled Dr. Carson an Uncle Tom, a sell out because he is a conservative Republican?

Look back and read the posts. All I am posting is what they have admitted to.

You call me a liar and claim to be objective in the same breath.

Why are you being irrelevant? Why are you trying to deflect from the real issue, Carson's conservatism, by trying to hide him behind some sort of shield of victimology?

VICTIMOLOGY!!!...YOU are either an ass or an outright liar!....I go with LIAR!


Dr. Carson scares the HELL out of these people...they should be afraid.
I do not agree with a lot of what Carson believes in and I would not support his campaign.

But the Democrats will attack him same way as they did Clarence Thomas.
Because Thomas is a conservative black man.
And Carson is a conservative black man.

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