Belief Terrorism Caused by Poverty Is Nothing But Marxist BS Thinking


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Commies think of everything only in terms of money. Pure Marxism they picked up in Left Wing Seminaries (aka university).
Top ten poorest nations in the world. Anyone hear of people from any of these nations walking into nightclubs in America and shooting everyone? Blowing themselves up at concerts packed with teens? Flying into buildings? No.

Do they have a lot of crime and problems? You bet. But you don't see them strapping bomb vests on and walking in pizza restaurants.

Almost all terrorism today has one root cause: Islam.

#1. Democratic Republic of the Congo
#2. Liberia
#3. Zimbabwe
#4. Burundi
#5. Eritrea
#6. Central African Republic
#7. Niger
#8. Sierra Leone
#9. Malawi
#10. Togo
Maybe it's caused by poverty, combined with decades of invasion, destruction, and occupation by foreigners
Commies think of everything only in terms of money. Pure Marxism they picked up in Left Wing Seminaries (aka university).
Top ten poorest nations in the world. Anyone hear of people from any of these nations walking into nightclubs in America and shooting everyone? Blowing themselves up at concerts packed with teens? Flying into buildings? No.

Do they have a lot of crime and problems? You bet. But you don't see them strapping bomb vests on and walking in pizza restaurants.

Almost all terrorism today has one root cause: Islam.

#1. Democratic Republic of the Congo
#2. Liberia
#3. Zimbabwe
#4. Burundi
#5. Eritrea
#6. Central African Republic
#7. Niger
#8. Sierra Leone
#9. Malawi
#10. Togo

The guy who walked into the nightclub and shot 50 people, was an AMERICAN. Born in the USA.

The suicide bomber in Manchester was BRITISH. Born in Great Britain.

Perhaps you should ask yourself why young Muslims in the west are being radicalized?

No, that would require critical thinking skills. Don't want to think. Better just go with that knee jerk reaction and blame Islam.
Commies think of everything only in terms of money. Pure Marxism they picked up in Left Wing Seminaries (aka university).
Top ten poorest nations in the world. Anyone hear of people from any of these nations walking into nightclubs in America and shooting everyone? Blowing themselves up at concerts packed with teens? Flying into buildings? No.

Do they have a lot of crime and problems? You bet. But you don't see them strapping bomb vests on and walking in pizza restaurants.

Almost all terrorism today has one root cause: Islam.

#1. Democratic Republic of the Congo
#2. Liberia
#3. Zimbabwe
#4. Burundi
#5. Eritrea
#6. Central African Republic
#7. Niger
#8. Sierra Leone
#9. Malawi
#10. Togo

The guy who walked into the nightclub and shot 50 people, was an AMERICAN. Born in the USA.

The suicide bomber in Manchester was BRITISH. Born in Great Britain.

Perhaps you should ask yourself why young Muslims in the west are being radicalized?

No, that would require critical thinking skills. Don't want to think. Better just go with that knee jerk reaction and blame Islam.
By your own admission the terrorist was an American. Which means even if he was the poorest man in America, he is better off than most of the world.

Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity
So poverty has ZIP to do with terrorism.

Your defense of the most obvious reason why people are murdering innocents is pure BS. I do work in many of the poorest nations on earth, and guess what - since they have few Muslims there is no walking into restaurants or concerts with nail bombs strapped to their bodies there. Go figure.
Maybe it's caused by poverty, combined with decades of invasion, destruction, and occupation by foreigners
How many Vietnamese terrorists blowing up concerts in the western world? Cambodians? El Salvadorians? Indians? Nepalians?

Dumbass leftist.
How many times have they been destroyed and invaded over the last several decades?

Dumbass warmonger.
Maybe it's caused by poverty, combined with decades of invasion, destruction, and occupation by foreigners
How many Vietnamese terrorists blowing up concerts in the western world? Cambodians? El Salvadorians? Indians? Nepalians?

Dumbass leftist.
How many times have they been destroyed and invaded over the last several decades?

Dumbass warmonger.
Tell us, how many times has Vietnam been invaded?

France again.
North Vietnam.

“Abedi was not disenfranchised. He was not rejected by British society. He was taught to reject and hate it, despite everything it gave him and his family. . . . Manchester and Birmingham are home to some of the most militant Islamists in the UK. They mingle and operate throughout local Muslim communities with relative impunity.”

Bin Laden: Wealthy.
San Bernardino terrorists: Middle income with good jobs in America.

"From analyzing earlier opinion polls and economic trends in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Krueger and Maleckova conclude, "There is little evidence here to suggest that a deteriorating economy or falling expectation for the economy precipitated the latest intifada." They observe, "Protest, violence, and even terrorism can follow either a rising or declining economic tide."

The core of the study entails a comparison of the characteristics of members of Hezbollah (or Party of God), which the U.S. State Department has designated a terrorist organization, with those of the general population of Lebanon. Their analysis indicates that members of Hezbollah's militant wing who were killed in action in the 1980s and early 1990s were at least as likely to come from economically advantaged families and have a relatively high level of education as they were to come from impoverished families without educational opportunities.

Likewise, looking at the Israeli Jewish underground, which conducted numerous violent attacks against Palestinians in the late 1970s and early 1980s, killing 23 Palestinians and maiming many others, the study finds that these Israeli extremists were "overwhelmingly well educated and in high paying occupations."

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