Belief in hell reduces crime rates


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

This peer reviewed research indicates that nations that have a higher belief in hell have lower crime rates.

I guess otherwise, all the godless would be burning, looting, rioting, every night.

Oh, wait.................
So it's okay now to violate the laws because the Devil made us dood it?

..the christians TORTURED and killed people--per policy
..priests RAPE children
..christians pillaged a CHRISTIAN city for ----------------$$$$$$$$

...beliefs/studies/etc - babble crap

This peer reviewed research indicates that nations that have a higher belief in hell have lower crime rates.

I guess otherwise, all the godless would be burning, looting, rioting, every night.

Oh, wait.................
it's more socioeconomic --not beliefs

This peer reviewed research indicates that nations that have a higher belief in hell have lower crime rates.

I guess otherwise, all the godless would be burning, looting, rioting, every night.

Oh, wait.................

It's at the root of everything that's going on in the headlines. If one believes there are no consequences for doing evil they're more apt to do it. And evil ain't something you learn about in church. We all have a little voice in our heads that tells us right from wrong. Communism demands the end of religion. Islam can't really believe in God or they wouldn't murder each other so easily. Zen is probably the closest to the come back as the entity you treated the worst in you last life....think about that before you kick the dog.
..the christians TORTURED and killed people--per policy
..priests RAPE children
..christians pillaged a CHRISTIAN city for ----------------$$$$$$$$

...beliefs/studies/etc - babble crap
And Hitler said he was a Christian

Do you believe him too?

And if there is an afterlife, what in the "hell" do you do with him?

This peer reviewed research indicates that nations that have a higher belief in hell have lower crime rates.

I guess otherwise, all the godless would be burning, looting, rioting, every night.

Oh, wait.................

It's at the root of everything that's going on in the headlines. If one believes there are no consequences for doing evil they're more apt to do it. And evil ain't something you learn about in church. We all have a little voice in our heads that tells us right from wrong. Communism demands the end of religion. Islam can't really believe in God or they wouldn't murder each other so easily. Zen is probably the closest to the come back as the entity you treated the worst in you last life....think about that before you kick the dog.
I think those in Islam do believe in a God. The difference is, Mo tells them to kill in the name of jihad for any perceived injustice.

Trouble is, injustice is free flowing and never ending, creating a terrorist state, which is why Islamic countries have the highest rates of terrorism in the world.
..the christians TORTURED and killed people--per policy
..priests RAPE children
..christians pillaged a CHRISTIAN city for ----------------$$$$$$$$

...beliefs/studies/etc - babble crap
And Hitler said he was a Christian

Do you believe him too?

And if there is an afterlife, what in the "hell" do you do with him?
I don't believe in hell--I never committed a crime
I think those in Islam do believe in a God. The difference is, Mo tells them to kill in the name of jihad for any perceived injustice.
Trouble is, injustice is free flowing and never ending, creating a terrorist state, which is why Islamic countries have the highest rates of terrorism in the world.

I guess the Mormons had it the worst in the US but it wasn't like the Baptists were hunting them down like the Sunni do the Shia. I think muslims believe in heaven but not hell. Everything in the universe we know about has an equal and opposite so there really can't be a Heaven without there being a Hell. I believe in reincarnation so heaven and hell are a matter of doing life over and over again until you are enlightened and finally get it right. After that I have no idea what happens.

This peer reviewed research indicates that nations that have a higher belief in hell have lower crime rates.

I guess otherwise, all the godless would be burning, looting, rioting, every night.

Oh, wait.................
95% of American prisoners believe in god.
This article somehow separates belief in heaven from belief in hell and suggests that it is the fear of hell rather than an expectation of heaven that drives a supposed decrease in antisocial behavior. Not sure how anyone could make that kind of distinction without an awful lot of assumptions.
This article somehow separates belief in heaven from belief in hell and suggests that it is the fear of hell rather than an expectation of heaven that drives a supposed decrease in antisocial behavior. Not sure how anyone could make that kind of distinction without an awful lot of assumptions.

Which is why religions are called "faith".. Everybody alive has or will be shown the proof of God in a manner they can believe or refuse to believe. I feel sorry for those who choose not to believe and then harass those who do...that won't turn out well in their Final Judgement.
This article somehow separates belief in heaven from belief in hell and suggests that it is the fear of hell rather than an expectation of heaven that drives a supposed decrease in antisocial behavior. Not sure how anyone could make that kind of distinction without an awful lot of assumptions.

Which is why religions are called "faith".. Everybody alive has or will be shown the proof of God in a manner they can believe or refuse to believe. I feel sorry for those who choose not to believe and then harass those who do...that won't turn out well in their Final Judgement.
hahahahahhahahahahhah !!!
..I just commented on this...the only ones harassing people are the believers--I've never had an ''atheist'' come to my house and try to force their beliefs on fact, I have a NO SOLICITING sign on my door---and the believers STILL come by!!!! = they are jackasses

......there is no proof of god or will be

This peer reviewed research indicates that nations that have a higher belief in hell have lower crime rates.

I guess otherwise, all the godless would be burning, looting, rioting, every night.

Oh, wait.................
it's more socioeconomic --not beliefs
You have adopted the Marxist view that to fix any problem, just add money

The insane part is, Marx was all about rising up against the rich. So if money really did fix all our ills, then why did he spend all of his time condemning those with money?

Look at the rich states vs. poor states.

The rich states are all blue and the poor states are the red states.

The blue states are the ones rioting and burning and the rich cities in the blue states have had an increased rate of crime from their already outrageously high crime rate previously.

So no, it is not about money.

Try again.

This peer reviewed research indicates that nations that have a higher belief in hell have lower crime rates.

I guess otherwise, all the godless would be burning, looting, rioting, every night.

Oh, wait.................
95% of American prisoners believe in god.
Believing in God does not mean they believe in a hell,. does it?
This article somehow separates belief in heaven from belief in hell and suggests that it is the fear of hell rather than an expectation of heaven that drives a supposed decrease in antisocial behavior. Not sure how anyone could make that kind of distinction without an awful lot of assumptions.

Which is why religions are called "faith".. Everybody alive has or will be shown the proof of God in a manner they can believe or refuse to believe. I feel sorry for those who choose not to believe and then harass those who do...that won't turn out well in their Final Judgement.
Lots of people have an axe to grind against religion, many rightfully so. I do not ridicule anyone's personal faith but when faith meets the secular world and turns into politics I consider it fair game.
This article somehow separates belief in heaven from belief in hell and suggests that it is the fear of hell rather than an expectation of heaven that drives a supposed decrease in antisocial behavior. Not sure how anyone could make that kind of distinction without an awful lot of assumptions.

Which is why religions are called "faith".. Everybody alive has or will be shown the proof of God in a manner they can believe or refuse to believe. I feel sorry for those who choose not to believe and then harass those who do...that won't turn out well in their Final Judgement.
hahahahahhahahahahhah !!!
..I just commented on this...the only ones harassing people are the believers--I've never had an ''atheist'' come to my house and try to force their beliefs on fact, I have a NO SOLICITING sign on my door---and the believers STILL come by!!!! = they are jackasses

......there is no proof of god or will be
We now have Godless Marxists at our very doors who will shout you down, loot everything you possess, and declare you a racist while putting their boot on your neck to take it all in the name of social justice.

The PC is such that if you say "All lives matter", you are declared a racist and probably lose your job

Try again.

Marxism is the natural lean for those who reject God. As the Bible states, we are all sheep and seek a shepherd. So as Christ once declared, all those other than me are thieves and robbers, so choose your shepherd wisely.
Godless Marxism has murdered far more people than any other ideology in human history

According to a disturbingly pleasant graphic from Information is Beautiful entitled simply 20th Century Death, communism was the leading ideological cause of death between 1900 and 2000. The 94 million that perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe easily (and tragically) trump the 28 million that died under fascist regimes during the same period.

Yet is is so PC to say you are a Marxist today, BLM openly declares they are Marxists yet to say you are a fascist you are somehow far more evil?
Godless Marxism has murdered far more people than any other ideology in human history

According to a disturbingly pleasant graphic from Information is Beautiful entitled simply 20th Century Death, communism was the leading ideological cause of death between 1900 and 2000. The 94 million that perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe easily (and tragically) trump the 28 million that died under fascist regimes during the same period.

Yet is is so PC to say you are a Marxist today, BLM openly declares they are Marxists yet to say you are a fascist you are somehow far more evil?
..only because of technology ---spears vs Bombs = no comparison
..gee--maybe Russia had MORE people than Germany, etc???!!!! = no comparison
--so, per capita--the fascist/christian Germans killed more
--the majority of Germans during WW2 were christians
Godless Marxism has murdered far more people than any other ideology in human history

According to a disturbingly pleasant graphic from Information is Beautiful entitled simply 20th Century Death, communism was the leading ideological cause of death between 1900 and 2000. The 94 million that perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe easily (and tragically) trump the 28 million that died under fascist regimes during the same period.

Yet is is so PC to say you are a Marxist today, BLM openly declares they are Marxists yet to say you are a fascist you are somehow far more evil?
hey---first you talk about crime--now you talk about deaths [war deaths/etc ] --totally different

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