"Behead all those who insult the prophet" signs held by children and adults


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011


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Come on now, I heard the left say that these are peaceful protests....

They are sooo stupid.
I'm as angry at the extremist Muslims as the next person, but don't think these photos are anymore representative of the 'average ME' than are those that are being ballyhooed in the press as 'denying extremism.'

There are many in the ME that believe what they hear from mullahs/imams, they are basically illiterates and want to do well by Allah. Most don't get involved in terrorism, though they understand why it's justified. A few though, are willing to give up their lives-thus suicide bombers.

It's the 'educated and deeply religious,' that scare me. OBL was one of these. So were most of the 9/11 attackers. None were geniuses. The 'genius' of bin Laden was putting together a network based upon ideas of extremists more intellectual than himself. He managed to spread the idea of jihad as holy, thanks in large measure to getting kicked out of countries throughout the ME and Africa.
We have two choices
1# To work on changing islam into a more civilized religion through their own people. Promoting a love of education and peace!
2# Ban it. Seriously, ban it within our countries and work towards banning it world wide. Get rid of all knowledge of it. Yes, we will likely get into a major war, but I think in the long term humanity would be better off without it.

I'd choose 1# as Christanity was once a screwed up religion and it would be better not to fight a major world war.
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We should promote 1# and work towards education and wanting for peace. People hopefully will naturally want to be at peace.

All muslims will never want peace as long as they follow the koran - which calls for muslims to kill ALL non-followers.
We should promote 1# and work towards education and wanting for peace. People hopefully will naturally want to be at peace.

All muslims will never want peace as long as they follow the koran - which calls for muslims to kill ALL non-followers.

That's why they must want reform like Christianity once did. This is what a more educated class of muslims could do. This is our only hope to avoid 2#.
We should promote 1# and work towards education and wanting for peace. People hopefully will naturally want to be at peace.

All muslims will never want peace as long as they follow the koran - which calls for muslims to kill ALL non-followers.

That's why they must want reform like Christianity once did. This is what a more educated class of muslims could do. This is our only hope to avoid 2#.

Well, then they are going to need to change their koran... as long as it stays the book it is -- there will always be muslims killing in the name of their god...

...and I am certain they will reject it just like ANY Christian would reject changing the Bible.

#2 isn;t an option either though becuase is go against freedom of religion - and to remove than our Country is doomed for sure. The left would want to start controlling Christians in the same way.
We should promote 1# and work towards education and wanting for peace. People hopefully will naturally want to be at peace.

All muslims will never want peace as long as they follow the koran - which calls for muslims to kill ALL non-followers.

All Christians will never want peace as long as they follow the bible- it calls for stoning your children, killing non-believers, slavery, incest, etc.
We should promote 1# and work towards education and wanting for peace. People hopefully will naturally want to be at peace.

All muslims will never want peace as long as they follow the koran - which calls for muslims to kill ALL non-followers.

All Christians will never want peace as long as they follow the bible- it calls for stoning your children, killing non-believers, slavery, incest, etc.

That is a lie....

God, Jesus or any teachings from any deciple never calls for for the Christian population to do ANY of those things...
Westboro Baptist Church has kids hold up signs as well.


The difference is the Westboro baptist Church is basically one crazy extended family. The people protesting right now are a far more sizable and varied slice of the muslim populations in the areas the protests are happening.
All muslims will never want peace as long as they follow the koran - which calls for muslims to kill ALL non-followers.

All Christians will never want peace as long as they follow the bible- it calls for stoning your children, killing non-believers, slavery, incest, etc.

That is a lie....

God, Jesus or any teachings from any deciple never calls for for the Christian population to do ANY of those things...

We have two choices
1# To work on changing islam into a more civilized religion through their own people. Promoting a love of education and peace!
2# Ban it. Seriously, ban it within our countries and work towards banning it world wide. Get rid of all knowledge of it. Yes, we will likely get into a major war, but I think in the long term humanity would be better off without it.

I'd choose 1# as Christanity was once a screwed up religion and it would be better not to fight a major world war.

Or you can go suck a cock :lol:
All Christians will never want peace as long as they follow the bible- it calls for stoning your children, killing non-believers, slavery, incest, etc.

That is a lie....

God, Jesus or any teachings from any deciple never calls for for the Christian population to do ANY of those things...



Those things are in the Bible but not as a directive for Christians to follow.

Killing non-believers is a directive in the koran.

Christianity is about bringing souls to God - Islam is about destroying lives of non-believers...
Westboro Baptist Church has kids hold up signs as well.


The difference is the Westboro baptist Church is basically one crazy extended family. The people protesting right now are a far more sizable and varied slice of the muslim populations in the areas the protests are happening.

True. Neither the left or right condone the Westboro church.

I don't like the negative and closed minded attitude of the people of that church. Thankfully, they are a small group whose bark is worse than their bite.

The Muslims are calling for beheading, which goes way farther than merely objecting to something. The signs are calling for action- namely beheading non-Muslims. And it's not empty talk.

The only thing Lakota ever said that I agree with is that not all Christians or Muslims are terrorists.

However, a far greater number of Muslims support violence in the name of religion.

Most think Sharia law should be obeyed in all countries. Polls once showed a great number of students said they would kill for their religion.

The majority of Muslims are silent on the issue. It's easy to take their silence as agreement if they don't openly condemn the violent rhetoric and acts of terror.
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