Zone1 Beggars at the Intersection: How do you feel about them? What do you do?

Absolutely nothing. I don't concern myself with someone who begs. I also don't give them any money.
It's hard to pass a human being that is begging, especially when you see the beggar population growing like crazy in your community signaling that something has gone very wrong in the nation, but you are right it best to ignore them in hopes to force them into the governments arms where it would hopefully do it's job at helping them, and protecting the community at the same time. Emergency encampments run by the government should immediately be erected to house these people outside of the city limits. Buses should run back and forth to bring them to the doctor's and rehab appointments. The citizen's could donate to a fund set up for them by legit authorities.

If your government isn't acting in regards to a growing beggar population, then you have an inept local government that is not doing it's complete job or function's in society. Vote them out or recall them quickly.
Actually she could be Romani pretending to be Muslim.

I have seen her once from a distance more recently since then. She looked either Indian or Pakistani. My assumption was Indian. The Indian Muslim community is particularly clannish around here with a hierarchy of men guiding/running it. My assumption was also that she probably crossed one of said men or refused to do what one of them wanted, and got shunned. One man in particular I have had a lot of dealings with through work has his hands in a lot of their affairs.
Some of us read and actually comprehend what we have read.

Court Affirms First Amendment Rights of Panhandlers

I know that is asking a lot out of you.

It's not up to federal judges to interpret the US Constitution. That's why we have a Supreme Court.

Federal judges can make their rulings based on their "feelzz) and even legislate from the bench. But the ultimate decision lies with the SC.
It's not up to federal judges to interpret the US Constitution. That's why we have a Supreme Court.

Has the Supreme Court overturned the lower court rulings? (and you are wrong, it is the place of all Federal courts to rule on the Constitution, it's the Supreme Courts place to see that they get it right).
Has the Supreme Court overturned the lower court rulings? (and you are wrong, it is the place of all Federal courts to rule on the Constitution, it's the Supreme Courts place to see that they get it right).

No they haven't overturned the lower judge's ruling, because it's not a matter of importance that effects everyone. And frankly, nobody gave enough of a shit to push it to the SC.
I prioritize people who I think could be legit who aren't hard core addicts. This woman was well-dressed, emotionally expressive not trying to put on some faux droopy facade, was waving at people, had her teeth, and because she is muslim and that community is so tight knit, I assumed that she had crossed the pack somehow and got herself cut off. The terrorism thing was an obvious joke.
You can’t tell by how people are dressed. The vast majority of these people are running scams.
True that in the physical sense it is of no effort, but mentally it's hard to watch human beings suffering.

To be fair, you don't know how much they are, or are not suffering. You don't know (and have no right to believe) the pittance you give them will make any difference to their lives. You have no idea how any money you give them will be spent.

If giving to the poor makes you feel better then it is money well spent. Some people get a thrill out of spending their money on lots of things that wouldn't bring me any enjoyment. But, that is their right.

However, in my case, I feel no satisfaction in the act and would never give money, or anything else I value, to a stranger.
True that in the physical sense it is of no effort, but mentally it's hard to watch human beings suffering.
You don’t know that they’re suffering. My mother once gave $50 to a young man in the bus station who was crying to her that his grandma was dying in South Carolina and he needed $47 more for the ticket.

The next day, it was reported that a scam artist was working the bus station and warned people not to give to the man with the “dying grandma.”
You don’t know that they’re suffering. My mother once gave $50 to a young man in the bus station who was crying to her that his grandma was dying in South Carolina and he needed $47 more for the ticket.

The next day, it was reported that a scam artist was working the bus station and warned people not to give to the man with the “dying grandma.”

So she paid for a good acting job.
To be fair, you don't know how much they are, or are not suffering. You don't know (and have no right to believe) the pittance you give them will make any difference to their lives. You have no idea how any money you give them will be spent.

If giving to the poor makes you feel better then it is money well spent. Some people get a thrill out of spending their money on lots of things that wouldn't bring me any enjoyment. But, that is their right.

However, in my case, I feel no satisfaction in the act and would never give money, or anything else I value, to a stranger.
I give to bonafide charities, where I know that my money will be going to people (or animals) in need.

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