before neurons, there was quantum tunneling


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2022

Kind of like this: every nerve impulses results in an influx of ions, Calcium being one of the most important.

While Sodium has a greater effect on the membrane potential, Calcium is responsible for the release of neurotransmitter. Which means, making membranes more fluid do the vesicles can fuse with the synapse.

Now, it appears local calcium activity is communicated along the cytoskeleton, enabling whole-cell responses like the production of RNA specifically destined for those synapses with high local calcium.

This communication can in theory happen "much faster than" a nerve impulse. Because there is quantum tunneling within the cytoskeleton.
The secret sauce goes something like this:

To implement "will" in a quantum computer, you don't need to manipulate actual events, you only need to manipulate the PROBABILITY of those events

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