Beck is no longer GOP: yay!

whatever, who cares

I haven't paid him any attention in years

nice to know you still do:eusa_doh:
"The latest omen of Beck's end times came on Thursday - Holocaust Remembrance Day - when 400 rabbis representing all four branches of American Judaism took out an ad demanding that Beck be sanctioned for "monstrous" and "beyond repugnant" use of "anti-Semitic imagery" in going after Holocaust survivor George Soros."
Glenn Beck s Jewish obsession

"Glenn Beck's Anti-Semitic Attacks"
Glenn Beck s Anti-Semitic Attack on George Soros - The Daily Beast

"Washington Post journalist Dana Milbank has observed that Fox News host Glenn Beck has a bit of a Nazi fetish. From Obama's inauguration through June 2010, Beck had "202 mentions of Nazis or Nazism, according to transcripts, 147 mentions of Hitler, 193 mentions of fascism or fascist, and another 24 bonus mentions of Joseph Goebbels." This week he spoke again about the Holocaust. But it was not to commemorate Kristallnacht. It was to engage in an insidious form of Holocaust revisionism. His motivation? To score political points against George Soros, a prominent Jewish philanthropist and Holocaust survivor."
Clearing Up the Truth on Glenn Beck s Nazi Obsession and Repulsive Anti-Semitism Alternet
Yo, what took Beck so long to see the Facts? And about the Socialst Soros? Read up on him, he is not the saint Delta makes him out to be!!!

(1) About the best you can say about GB is that sometimes he is thought provoking. Usually, though, he is just a blowhard with mountains of dubious information for his audience. "Buy gold (at $1,750)!" Right.

(2) While all Conservatives are disappointed with the failures of the Congressional republicans to pursue the appropriate goals, ADULTS understand that much of the effort (to repeal O'Care and fix immigration) would be totally wasted because of the President's veto pen. Also, ADULTS understand that "Conservative" is an ideology, and "Republican" is a political party. Don't look for ideological purity in any political party other than fringe ones.

(3) Who really gives a fuck what party Beck belongs to, or whether he is a member of the NRA. The boy seems to have a God complex. Maybe it's because of his $50Million annual earnings.
Beck never was GOP. Not even close.

He is a Liberturdian. I HATE liberturdians. They are the scum responsible for the fucked up politics of today.

They are the scum that pushed Ross (they're coming to take me away) Pirogi.

Yeah, George HW Bush was no Ronald Reagan but he was not a scumbag rapist like Bill Clinton either.

I hate, despise and detest liberturdians even more than I do dimocrap filth.... If that's possible, which is doubtful......

And I'll tell you why -- Liberturdians know better. They have a measurable IQ.

dimocraps are just the scum of the earth.
I know and like Glenn. He is a far better person and family man as a sober Mormon than he ever was as an alcoholic fueled crazy person. But he is not what the GOP is about, and those of you who agree with him politically, the GOP is not for you either.

Glenn Beck I m out of the Republican Party I am not a Republican - Yahoo News

Glenn Beck to Republicans Enough is enough ... I m out Washington D.C.
Just another signal the GOP Establishment has successfully quashed the Teapers.
Beck never was GOP. Not even close.

He is a Liberturdian. I HATE liberturdians. They are the scum responsible for the fucked up politics of today.

They are the scum that pushed Ross (they're coming to take me away) Pirogi.

Yeah, George HW Bush was no Ronald Reagan but he was not a scumbag rapist like Bill Clinton either.

I hate, despise and detest liberturdians even more than I do dimocrap filth.... If that's possible, which is doubtful......

And I'll tell you why -- Liberturdians know better. They have a measurable IQ.

dimocraps are just the scum of the earth.

Take your anti-grumpy pills today, or not?
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