Because They Are Terrorists

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
So terrorism is not a reason for not talking to Hamas – it's just an excuse (and a pretty good one too, alas). One should also remember that Hamas has never struck outside Israel/Palestine, so that any attempt to portray it as part of global terrorism is futile. Moreover, Hamas has been observing, almost without exception, the Tahdiyya or "lull" it took upon itself a year and a half ago. (The Qassam missiles and occasional terror attacks on Israelis are the work of other Palestinian organizations.) There is massive evidence, therefore, that in spite of its radical Islamist rhetoric and its support for terror attacks, Hamas is predominantly a Palestinian liberation movement, which, like so many other liberation movements in history – from the Irgun to the FLN – resorts to terrorism as a (deplorable, but not inherent) tactic.

Why We Cannot Talk With Hamas - by Ran HaCohen
Yes, the youth are a movement indeed. We have been discussing that already.

A one state solution is no solution though P F. You will get nowhere with that view. Neither will the young Arabs coming up and demanding to be heard. The young Jews will surely be heard.

I've already heard many of the young Hamas and MB and they don't sound all that moderate to me, but talking face to face?

Why not? No intermediaries is not the Hamas way so we shall see. They are at least talking in the right direction. Who knows?
The one state solution is the only solution; segregation didn't work here and it won't work there either. Both people have legitimate claims to the land. Let them share it without the burden of racist excuses for exclusivity.

again, the one state solution is the ONLY solution.
Yes, the youth are a movement indeed. We have been discussing that already.

A one state solution is no solution though P F. You will get nowhere with that view. Neither will the young Arabs coming up and demanding to be heard. The young Jews will surely be heard.

I've already heard many of the young Hamas and MB and they don't sound all that moderate to me, but talking face to face?

Why not? No intermediaries is not the Hamas way so we shall see. They are at least talking in the right direction. Who knows?

The "two state solution" has been on the table since 1937. How is it going for you?
[ame=]YouTube - Blaming Jews - Islamic antisemitism part 3 of 4[/ame]
The one state solution is the only solution; segregation didn't work here and it won't work there either. Both people have legitimate claims to the land. Let them share it without the burden of racist excuses for exclusivity.

again, the one state solution is the ONLY solution.

Israel doesn't have to grant rights to arabs who aren't even in Israel. They never will. This is not about segregation. You are talking about destroying Israel and creating another country and you compare with segregation. Look to your slavery before you look to your segregation Shogun.

A one state solution is calling for the destruction of Israel. Even the Arabians in the area know this is not possible. Just the fanatics who want Israel destroyed wish this to be so and the demographics show their perfidy out.
[ame=]YouTube - Arab Terrorists Use Of UN Ambulance[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Palestinian Suicide Terrorists Farewell Videos[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Shocking testimonials about HAMAS[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Hamas Kids Play[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Gaza Hamas Prepares Suicide Bombing Bomber Rhetoric of Hatred[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - History of the Hamas movement[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Hamas Spokesman Abd al-Aziz al-Rantisi on al-Jazeera[/ame]

No, we've got enough Arabs with 20% in Israel right now. :razz:
The one state solution is the only solution; segregation didn't work here and it won't work there either. Both people have legitimate claims to the land. Let them share it without the burden of racist excuses for exclusivity. again, the one state solution is the ONLY solution.
Are we admitting palistan is a failed state yet?
The one state solution is the only solution; segregation didn't work here and it won't work there either. Both people have legitimate claims to the land. Let them share it without the burden of racist excuses for exclusivity. again, the one state solution is the ONLY solution.
Are we admitting palistan is a failed state yet?

To the contrary, Israel is a failed state. It is a castle built on sand.
The one state solution is the only solution; segregation didn't work here and it won't work there either. Both people have legitimate claims to the land. Let them share it without the burden of racist excuses for exclusivity. again, the one state solution is the ONLY solution.
Are we admitting palistan is a failed state yet?
To the contrary, Israel is a failed state. It is a castle built on sand.
If the postulate were true, we wouldn't be seeing palistanians lowing and winging, like hungry cats, trying to wiggle their way into Israel to bilk infidel Social security. But their master scheme is no different from the one being implemeted against the United States - "The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions." Death to jooze, death to america, death to infidels, same old muslim news.
The one state solution is the only solution; segregation didn't work here and it won't work there either. Both people have legitimate claims to the land. Let them share it without the burden of racist excuses for exclusivity.

again, the one state solution is the ONLY solution.

Israel doesn't have to grant rights to arabs who aren't even in Israel. They never will. This is not about segregation. You are talking about destroying Israel and creating another country and you compare with segregation. Look to your slavery before you look to your segregation Shogun.

A one state solution is calling for the destruction of Israel. Even the Arabians in the area know this is not possible. Just the fanatics who want Israel destroyed wish this to be so and the demographics show their perfidy out.
[ame=]YouTube - Arab Terrorists Use Of UN Ambulance[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Palestinian Suicide Terrorists Farewell Videos[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Shocking testimonials about HAMAS[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Hamas Kids Play[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Gaza Hamas Prepares Suicide Bombing Bomber Rhetoric of Hatred[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - History of the Hamas movement[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Hamas Spokesman Abd al-Aziz al-Rantisi on al-Jazeera[/ame]

No, we've got enough Arabs with 20% in Israel right now. :razz:

If your opinion is that it takes JEWS to comprise an Isreal then you are no better than those who think the same about CAUCASIANS making up the USA. Sorry to burst your racist little bubble.

You can post as many videos as you'd like; they are all indication of social unrest based on one thing: your inability to see them as anything other than "THEM" in the "US vs. THEM" paradigm. We here in the US played that same game too. It resulted in the Black Panther movement which would have become just as violent had whitey not gotten the message. You are no different even if you'd like to think so.

After all, nothing is more ironic than a jew crying about being hated while validating his own hatred of non-jews in israel. If you can't share it then I have no tears to shed for you.
The one state solution is the only solution; segregation didn't work here and it won't work there either. Both people have legitimate claims to the land. Let them share it without the burden of racist excuses for exclusivity. again, the one state solution is the ONLY solution.
Are we admitting palistan is a failed state yet?

maybe Palestine can succeed if isreal cuts off another water supply or militarily restricts another venue of transportation!

Are we admitting palistan is a failed state yet?
To the contrary, Israel is a failed state. It is a castle built on sand.
If the postulate were true, we wouldn't be seeing palistanians lowing and winging, like hungry cats, trying to wiggle their way into Israel to bilk infidel Social security. But their master scheme is no different from the one being implemeted against the United States - "The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions." Death to jooze, death to america, death to infidels, same old muslim news.

Manifest Destiny happened because of people like you. I guess it's easier to kill in the name of denseness than accept in the name of love.
Are we admitting palistan is a failed state yet?
To the contrary, Israel is a failed state. It is a castle built on sand.
If the postulate were true, we wouldn't be seeing palistanians lowing and winging, like hungry cats, trying to wiggle their way into Israel to bilk infidel Social security. But their master scheme is no different from the one being implemeted against the United States - "The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions." Death to jooze, death to america, death to infidels, same old muslim news.

Death to 'America' or death to what America has distorted and made of the fundamental spiritual depths of 'truth' as 'they' know it, as they represent it. We are given illusionary bubbles, bubbles within bubbles that keep 'us' as a whole from seeing through the massive design seemingly here/there to prove our own idiocy to no one more than ourselves...however we are all too often the last ones to recognize ourselves for what we are.

It seems that we are trained up, raised and taught the focus of American ways, of American values and too many times the 'we' stop short from broadening our understanding, our freedoms, to the other parts of the world in which we seemingly deem to be less worthwhile. :cuckoo:
To the contrary, Israel is a failed state. It is a castle built on sand.
If the postulate were true, we wouldn't be seeing palistanians lowing and winging, like hungry cats, trying to wiggle their way into Israel to bilk infidel Social security. But their master scheme is no different from the one being implemeted against the United States - "The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions." Death to jooze, death to america, death to infidels, same old muslim news.
Manifest Destiny happened because of people like you.
Of course! I'm a infidel, after all.
I guess it's easier to kill in the name of denseness than accept in the name of love.
Of course! It isn't a "grand jihad" for nothing, after all.
If the postulate were true, we wouldn't be seeing palistanians lowing and winging, like hungry cats, trying to wiggle their way into Israel to bilk infidel Social security. But their master scheme is no different from the one being implemeted against the United States - "The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions." Death to jooze, death to america, death to infidels, same old muslim news.
Manifest Destiny happened because of people like you.
Of course! I'm a infidel, after all.
I guess it's easier to kill in the name of denseness than accept in the name of love.
Of course! It isn't a "grand jihad" for nothing, after all.

no, not an infidel.... just stupid as fuck with no sense of historic relativity.

Of course! It isn't a "grand jihad" for nothing, after all.

.... says the guy who advocates marginalizing muslims just because they are not jews...
The one state solution is the only solution; segregation didn't work here and it won't work there either. Both people have legitimate claims to the land. Let them share it without the burden of racist excuses for exclusivity. again, the one state solution is the ONLY solution.
Are we admitting palistan is a failed state yet?
maybe Palestine can succeed if isreal cuts off another water supply or militarily restricts another venue of transportation!
It is a fallacious claim. As we all very well know, palistanians don't want a state, otherwise Clinton and Bush might have had one by now (in Washington, DC, preferably). A palistanian remarkable lack of interest in having a state is easily explainable by the fact that running a state is not running terroristania, - one has to, actually, think about employment, roads, communication and garbage disposal, and this is not fun, compared to palistanian street marching, rocket shooting, talking drivel, lying like a pornstar, demanding aid and, generally, occupying and oppressing everybody around the globe with their occupational occupation.
To the contrary, Israel is a failed state. It is a castle built on sand.
If the postulate were true, we wouldn't be seeing palistanians lowing and winging, like hungry cats, trying to wiggle their way into Israel to bilk infidel Social security. But their master scheme is no different from the one being implemeted against the United States - "The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions." Death to jooze, death to america, death to infidels, same old muslim news.
Death to 'America' or death to what America has distorted and made of the fundamental spiritual depths of 'truth' as 'they' know it, as they represent it. We are given illusionary bubbles, bubbles within bubbles that keep 'us' as a whole from seeing through the massive design seemingly here/there to prove our own idiocy to no one more than ourselves...however we are all too often the last ones to recognize ourselves for what we are. It seems that we are trained up, raised and taught the focus of American ways, of American values and too many times the 'we' stop short from broadening our understanding, our freedoms, to the other parts of the world in which we seemingly deem to be less worthwhile.
It was an exhiliratingly voluminous dispensation of enlightenment.
Manifest Destiny happened because of people like you.
Of course! I'm a infidel, after all.
I guess it's easier to kill in the name of denseness than accept in the name of love.
Of course! It isn't a "grand jihad" for nothing, after all.
no, not an infidel.... just stupid as fuck with no sense of historic relativity.
Cool argument, indeed. So, next time someone demands some "palestine" I'll say that it's a relative figment of his/her imagination.
Of course! It isn't a "grand jihad" for nothing, after all.
.... says the guy who advocates marginalizing muslims just because they are not jews...
Muslim supremacism marginalizes them, they don't need any jooze, or any other infidels for that matter, of course.
Are we admitting palistan is a failed state yet?
maybe Palestine can succeed if isreal cuts off another water supply or militarily restricts another venue of transportation!
It is a fallacious claim. As we all very well know, palistanians don't want a state, otherwise Clinton and Bush might have had one by now (in Washington, DC, preferably). A palistanian remarkable lack of interest in having a state is easily explainable by the fact that running a state is not running terroristania, - one has to, actually, think about employment, roads, communication and garbage disposal, and this is not fun, compared to palistanian street marching, rocket shooting, talking drivel, lying like a pornstar, demanding aid and, generally, occupying and oppressing everybody around the globe with their occupational occupation.

of COURSE! it's fallacious because YOU SAY SO.

insightful, lemme tellya.

And, i'm glad you are psychic enough to speak for Palestinians. Lord knows how no one knows what an entire people want quite like some racist douchebag on the internet.


Hey, MAYBE ANOTHER APARTHEID WALL can help the Pali infrastructure! Who doesn't want a segregating wall between the blessed and the unwanteds?

Of course! I'm a infidel, after all.Of course! It isn't a "grand jihad" for nothing, after all.
no, not an infidel.... just stupid as fuck with no sense of historic relativity.
Cool argument, indeed. So, next time someone demands some "palestine" I'll say that it's a relative figment of his/her imagination.
Of course! It isn't a "grand jihad" for nothing, after all.
.... says the guy who advocates marginalizing muslims just because they are not jews...
Muslim supremacism marginalizes them, they don't need any jooze, or any other infidels for that matter, of course.

As you've proven, you can say all kinds of dumb shit. Par for the course, seemingly.

what is clearly not of the imagination is your racist hatred of non-jews encroaching on jew land. Sorry to hurt your feelings, fella, but your tired routine has run it's course.

and yea... nothing says "muslim supremicism" quite like being thrown behind barricades as an entire people because they happened to be in the way in 1948.

Maybe you can go bulldoze another peace activist to get your jew blood pumping a little harder.

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