Because Democrats Run The Economy, Employment Improved!

The employment report of March 5 was not only better than expected, except in the Contruction Jobs part of it, but except in that part of it: Employment improved!

Note on the February 2010 Employment Situation - Up Front Blog - Brookings Institution

People like stupid Kentucky Senator, Jim Bunning, who believe that businesses and households have no debts outstanding--on a daily basis--are of the mentality that caused the decimation of the jobs of the housing market, and the decimations of the values of the property values, in all the real estate markets. Stupid people actually elected them to office.

Other languages even have far more colorful descriptions of them all!

Democrats know these languages, and so instead of sending in troops to kill them off, actually work to try to prevent them from flying jet aircraft into tall buildings, which are as safe(?) as their building codes will allow. Chile appears to understand about safe, and Southern California, which understands about safe. Then there is Haiti, and other places that anyone can think of. Anyone guesses what they all have in common!

The Tea Party GOP were so entralled with the deaths of 9/11, in fact: That they actually doubled the murders in two basis-free military interventions, still on-going.

Sarah Palin can even write things down, one her hands: She is so smart(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Now millions can tune in to see if anyone in Hollywood really is all that light-skinned, with no negro dialect: Maybe like Tonto, of Lone Ranger fame!)

WTF is wrong with you ? ....
Mostly, even the 19th Century Southern Democrats knew that slavery was not going to be around forever. The machines had made it profitable, only after it was becoming clearly unprofitable. Within a few years there would be new machines.

In between, there were High-Minded Abolitionists of the new Republican Party, and the Democrats split the vote. Lincoln was elected.

Lincoln had no stated first term goal of Abolition, but when the opening occured, as a consequence of Sumter, then the Slaughter Of The White People was on!

The mascalian posts are variously read and then claimed to be unreadable. Mostly, even President Obama reiterated that the combat troops will be out of Iraq in August. The entire Iraq invasion and strategy has been annually, incomprehensible for years!

Likely in Iraq, all-factions now can claim that they have won--pro-government, or anti-government, as the case may be. The US combat presence will be out in six months.

Iraq pulled out of the incomprehensible disaster, mainly when the indigenous peoples, prior to the surge, created a temporary, anti-violence coalition. Then there was the surge. Soon it will be leaving.

Clearly incomprehensible in the Bush Adminstration was how the Iraq invasion had anything to do with Al Qaeda, now the prevailing Democratic Party mission in Afghanistan. Iraq was actually a buffer against Iran. Now mainly Sarah Palin helps make the Bush Administration a sorry loser on the issue of Iran!

Reading about the Bush Administration, written by anybody, likely looks incomprehensible on its face!

"Crow, Jame Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Obama-Biden maybe make treaties with Republicans! See how they like it! Now, that was incomprehensible!)
^^^ More Random Word Generation.

The Bot is running Amok.
Mostly, even the 19th Century Southern Democrats knew that slavery was not going to be around forever. The machines had made it profitable, only after it was becoming clearly unprofitable. Within a few years there would be new machines.

In between, there were High-Minded Abolitionists of the new Republican Party, and the Democrats split the vote. Lincoln was elected.

Lincoln had no stated first term goal of Abolition, but when the opening occured, as a consequence of Sumter, then the Slaughter Of The White People was on!

The mascalian posts are variously read and then claimed to be unreadable. Mostly, even President Obama reiterated that the combat troops will be out of Iraq in August. The entire Iraq invasion and strategy has been annually, incomprehensible for years!

Likely in Iraq, all-factions now can claim that they have won--pro-government, or anti-government, as the case may be. The US combat presence will be out in six months.

Iraq pulled out of the incomprehensible disaster, mainly when the indigenous peoples, prior to the surge, created a temporary, anti-violence coalition. Then there was the surge. Soon it will be leaving.

Clearly incomprehensible in the Bush Adminstration was how the Iraq invasion had anything to do with Al Qaeda, now the prevailing Democratic Party mission in Afghanistan. Iraq was actually a buffer against Iran. Now mainly Sarah Palin helps make the Bush Administration a sorry loser on the issue of Iran!

Reading about the Bush Administration, written by anybody, likely looks incomprehensible on its face!

"Crow, Jame Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Obama-Biden maybe make treaties with Republicans! See how they like it! Now, that was incomprehensible!)

Look out everyone, :eusa_wall:This pinko leftist wack job is coming unhinged.:mad: He will soon join his former leftist ideologue in shooting up the office or flying his plane into it. Stay tuned for next psycho murder suicide news report. :eusa_wall:
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So anyone recalls that Formerly, Recently, Sitting George Bush of Ivy The Ivy League: Could see the Weapons of Mass Destruction that nobody else could see!

Anyone recalls that Formerly, Recently, Sitting George Bush of the Ivy Leaue: Could lead Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin into a campaign on the basis that the United States Economy was strong! They saw it too(?)!

Now anyone recalls that Governor Sarah Palin will do a Reality TV training show instead. Senator John McCain still goes around the nation, doing his famous impersonation of a mudhen in flight, alleging that war is wonderful and necessary.

Senator Jim Bunnin goes about the United States, claiming that accessing lines of credit, especially in emergencies, is Un-American.

Senator Gregg goes about the United States, claiming that the economy is sound: Only when the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the rich houses all come tumblingdown!

Lincoln did this!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so in the running, it is back to George Bush for First African American President in History. 20% Afrikaner, 80% not too up on things: Is what it's about. See in East Africa, the dying in the drought, clearly in the absence of a viable credit market. See in Kentucky, Senator Jim Bunnin, who seeks an end of access to all credit markets!)

Scuze Moi, but what did you just wrote?


Exactly...mascale is babbling like a left wing loon.
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Mostly, even the 19th Century Southern Democrats knew that slavery was not going to be around forever. The machines had made it profitable, only after it was becoming clearly unprofitable. Within a few years there would be new machines.

In between, there were High-Minded Abolitionists of the new Republican Party, and the Democrats split the vote. Lincoln was elected.

Lincoln had no stated first term goal of Abolition, but when the opening occured, as a consequence of Sumter, then the Slaughter Of The White People was on!

The mascalian posts are variously read and then claimed to be unreadable. Mostly, even President Obama reiterated that the combat troops will be out of Iraq in August. The entire Iraq invasion and strategy has been annually, incomprehensible for years!

Likely in Iraq, all-factions now can claim that they have won--pro-government, or anti-government, as the case may be. The US combat presence will be out in six months.

Iraq pulled out of the incomprehensible disaster, mainly when the indigenous peoples, prior to the surge, created a temporary, anti-violence coalition. Then there was the surge. Soon it will be leaving.

Clearly incomprehensible in the Bush Adminstration was how the Iraq invasion had anything to do with Al Qaeda, now the prevailing Democratic Party mission in Afghanistan. Iraq was actually a buffer against Iran. Now mainly Sarah Palin helps make the Bush Administration a sorry loser on the issue of Iran!

Reading about the Bush Administration, written by anybody, likely looks incomprehensible on its face!

"Crow, Jame Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Obama-Biden maybe make treaties with Republicans! See how they like it! Now, that was incomprehensible!)

I didn't know BOTS could babble. You make no sense, and are IGNORANT of histroy.
Posters like PatekPhillippe, KissMy, boedicca, driveby and DiamondDave likely have to answer: Sarah Palin's question to the Tea Party Convention!

Before the recently Sitting George Bush Administration, and known to the other George Bush Administration, Sadaam Hussein was an enemy of Iran, along with his religious sect.

Subsequent the recently Sitting George Bush Administration, after murdering even more Americans than anti-socialist, friend of the anti-socialist Taliban, Osama bin laden: Now Iraq and Iran are friends, and easily potential co-conspirators, apparently like Senator Lieberman and the Israel lobby intended.

Sarah Palin seems to want everyone to know that its all really wunnerful, a-wunnerful!

None of the identified counter-posters can claim any distance from the killing of the Americans in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and apparently in the World Trade Towers. Osama bin laden is a Conservative, religious fanatic. The Taliban were anti-Soviet even then.

There appear to be Conservative, religious fanatics, even posting in this thread: With similar policy agenda in mind! Like Senator Bunnin, all credit markets are opposed. Like Senator Gregg, the rich should get richer, the poor should get poorer, fail to pay the mortgages so tha the rich houses all would come tumbling down! The Soviet Union, in Gregg's case, of course, was like that too. It too, in fact, came tumbling on down!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit give smoke to people! Mostly liberals know this! Conservative religious fanatics too high-mined, even to smoke, or understand NIE's, or Credit Market based, socialist economics!)

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