Beating Up Christians Is Great, But How Long Until This Affects You?

My very first neg on USMB comes from holston. I am actually so flattered I'm going to pos you in return.

Then getting negged by me should bring you to orgasm.


A 3-way. Sweet!

I've told you people before. This is not about race.

I don't "hate" people anymore than other people "hate" people. That doesn't mean that other people don't annoy me or make me angry at times. When they do get on my nerves it's not because of something congenital.

All people have to do is treat others the way that they expect others to treat them. Don't look now, but a lot of people don't follow this simple rule. Some of them don't know how and others can't. Everyone fails at it occasionally . It's only human.

Now can you tell me of ANYONE, on the face of this earth, that doesn't fit that description? I don't think so. And I'm sorry if you find it offensive but I don't think that "Jews" are any different.

When it comes to the ways that people are taught, that is a whole other ball game, particularly when it comes to religious dogma. In that case, it does matter. How people are taught can have a great deal of influence on the things they do and the way they act.

In the case of Judaism, the "Jews" are taught that they are intrinsically superior to others. In this sense it means that they are God's "pets" so to speak. Because of this they believe they have a birth right to lord it over everyone else.

Only on the surface of things, they try to create a public image of being humanities "savior". You get this impression from the way they write about (and brag about) their role in the "civil rights movement" for example.

They portray themselves as the champions of "women's rights", blacks rights, gays rights, immigrants rights, and workers short, everyone's rights except a white gentiles mans rights. Do you see an disconnect here?

This attitude which permeates the entire political body of "Jews" in the US, from the atheist to militant orthodoxy, manifests itself in the way they interact with white men and in the way they do business with them.

The Jews claim they are more intelligent. To the extent that the poor dumb white man doesn't have sense enough to see how they are being taken for Putzes, double teamed, and not respond by acting in unison in the their own defense, this is true.

The Jews see this. That's why they call their Zio Christian supporters stupid and believe that white gentiles in general are stupid. White men aren't stupid as much as they are selfishly independent. They spend so much time sniping at one another and are so preoccupied by it that they haven't noticed who is dismantling the world their forefathers built for them. And they seem to rather be cheated by Jews or whipped by blacks than they would swallow enough pride to band together, even when their survival depends on it.

What I have been talking about is roughly the sum of the Marxists and communists which have been directing this country down the path to a Soviet style government. It didn't work for them. Why should it work for us?

The Bolsheviks, who were top heavy with Marxist Jews did a tremendous amount toward creating the old Soviet regime. Now they are in the US trying to do the same thing. They want to destroy US sovereignty, eradicate all pretense of Christianity, and totally disenfranchise the white gentile male population. And they are doing all of this in the name of "equality". These are the same people who derive their traditions from the Talmudic philosophers and Pharisees.

Anyone can discover what the collection of writings called the Talmud teaches about gentiles.

If you believe that the teachings of Islamic fundamentalists are having a bad effect on the people who ascribe to it, then what makes you think that "Judaism" and Zionism can have no similar bad effects? Jews and others also attack "Christian fundamentalism" as having bad effects. That is their rational for wanting it censored. The "gay rights" in the Boy Scouts issue is an example of this. Unfortunately their are too many boys and men who think that because the Bible teaches homosexuality is a sin, that they have some duty to go out and beat up on or make these people's lives more miserable than they already are. It isn't the doctrines of Christ that are the problems my friend, it is the way people twist them around to suit themselves.

So what, pray tell, is "racist" about pointing out the flaws inherent in Judaism, if it isn't "racist" to attack Christian or Islamic teachings?

And if it isn't "racist" for talking heads to attack Democrats as the tax and spend leftist crowd or Republicans as the party of stogy ole white men who represent big business, then why is it a sin to shine the same kind of light on the wealthiest political faction of them all, namely, the Jewish coalition?

What we have here is a condition in which every political entity which bears a name is subject to attack or criticism from one side or another except the "Jewish" one.

Because the minute you mention "Jews" as whole, a collective entity which exerts influence over current affairs, unless the mention made is one of praise, you are liable for attack from organizations like the ADL and etc. And it's always this "You are just saying that because you are anti-semitic and are trying to hide the fact that you are a Nazi." ploy that is being used to shut it down.

Can you not see a problem here?

What if "Russian" organized crime poses a serious threat to national security, yet law enforcement is unable to go after them because there are too many "Jews" among them and they are afraid of that fact coming to light? This would be no different than when LBJ called back the rescue of the USS Liberty for fear of "embarrassing an ally". He was more concerned about the political fall out over Israel than he was the US sailors they were trying to kill!

And what if there were controlled demolitions in the WTC towers on 9/11, but no one is allowed to press the question because it might uncover a couple of Zio criminals in the process? The Jews wouldn't like this coming to light because it would detract from their ability to play the "Holocaust" card and have their way about everything.

The reason why these problems have arisen is for the same reason that OJ Simpson can get away with murder. It's "politically incorrect" to state the obvious because any one who does is "a racist"!

Now tell me. WHO is paranoid if it isn't the rank and file "Jew" in this country that is afraid that throwing a few high profile Jews in jail might cause a Nazi uprising? That's about what it amounts to. Any time anyone starts talking about all those people (who happen to call themselves Jews,) who are busy working in high places to help ensure that the banking cartels finally gain complete control over the entire world economy.

What kind of "democracy" is that now, where a relative handful of Jewish plutocrats have the final say so on everything that happens of major importance? Or don't you think that immigration laws, gun laws, trade agreements and laws which grant the government unlimited access to your private affairs have any effect on your personal life?

I'm not beyond being friends, or at least cordial, with anyone, so long as they treat me with the same respect that they demand from me. How can you do this with someone who has been taught from infancy that they have a God given right to be a dictator?

I am not advocating destruction of "Jews" or trying to encourage hatred of any set of people. I AM trying to get people to look at these issues I have mentioned in a light that isn't filtered by the lens of "political correctness".

I would rather that white gentile men enjoy a sense of unity and concern for one another and be able to express it without censorship or interference from "Jews" and their "civil rights" meddling, and without all the queer overtones coming out of Hollywood being projected onto us. Does that kind of thing make me mad at them? Indeed it does!
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Then getting negged by me should bring you to orgasm.


A 3-way. Sweet!

I've told you people before. This is not about race.

I don't "hate" people anymore than other people "hate" people. That doesn't mean that other people don't annoy me or make me angry at times. When they do get on my nerves it's not because of something congenital.

All people have to do is treat others the way that they expect others to treat them. Don't look now, but a lot of people don't follow this simple rule. Some of them don't know how and others can't. Everyone fails at it occasionally . It's only human.

Now can you tell me of ANYONE, on the face of this earth, that doesn't fit that description? I don't think so. And I'm sorry if you find it offensive but I don't think that "Jews" are any different.

When it comes to the ways that people are taught, that is a whole other ball game, particularly when it comes to religious dogma. In that case, it does matter. How people are taught can have a great deal of influence on the things they do and the way they act.

In the case of Judaism, the "Jews" are taught that they are intrinsically superior to others. In this sense it means that they are God's "pets" so to speak. Because of this they believe they have a birth right to lord it over everyone else.

Only on the surface of things, they try to create a public image of being humanities "savior". You get this impression from the way they write about (and brag about) their role in the "civil rights movement" for example.

They portray themselves as the champions of "women's rights", blacks rights, gays rights, immigrants rights, and workers short, everyone's rights except a white gentiles mans rights. Do you see an disconnect here?

This attitude which permeates the entire political body of "Jews" in the US, from the atheist to militant orthodoxy, manifests itself in the way they interact with white men and in the way they do business with them.

The Jews claim they are more intelligent. To the extent that the poor dumb white man doesn't have sense enough to see how they are being taken for Putzes, double teamed, and not respond by acting in unison in the their own defense, this is true.

The Jews see this. That's why they call their Zio Christian supporters stupid and believe that white gentiles in general are stupid. White men aren't stupid as much as they are selfishly independent. They spend so much time sniping at one another and and are so preoccupied by it that they haven't noticed who is dismantling the world their forefathers built for them. And they seem to rather be cheated by Jews or whipped by blacks than they would swallow enough pride to band together, even when their survival appears to depend on it.

What I have been talking about is roughly the sum of the Marxists and communists which have been directing this country down the path to a Soviet style government. It didn't work for them. Why should it work for us?

The Bolsheviks, who were top heavy with Marxist Jews did a tremendous amount toward creating the old Soviet regime. Now they are in the US trying to do the same thing. They want to destroy US sovereignty, eradicate all pretense of Christianity, and totally disenfranchise the white gentile male population. And they are doing all of this in the name of "equality". These are the same people who derive their traditions from the Talmudic philosophers and Pharisees.

Anyone can discover what the collection of writings called the Talmud teaches about gentiles.

If you believe that the teachings of Islamic fundamentalists are having a bad effect on the people that ascribe to it, then what makes you think that "Judaism" and Zionism can have no similar bad effects. Jews and others also attack "Christian fundamentalism" as having bad effects. That is their rational for wanting it censored.

So what, pray tell, is "racist" about pointing out the flaws inherent in Judaism, if it isn't "racist" to attack Christian or Islamic teachings?

And if it isn't "racist" for talking heads to attack Democrats as the tax and spend leftist crowd or Republicans as the party of stogy ole white men who represent big business, then why is it a sin to shine the same kind of light on the wealthiest political faction of them all, namely, the Jewish coalition?

What we have here is a condition in which every political entity which bears a name is subject to attack or criticism from one side or another except the "Jewish" one.

Because the minute you mention "Jews" as whole, a collective entity which exerts influence over current affairs, unless the mention made is one of praise, you are liable for attack from organizations like the ADL and etc. And it's always this "You are just saying that because you are anti-semitic and are trying to hide the fact that you are a Nazi.

Can you not see a problem here?

What if "Russian" organized crime poses a serious threat to national security, yet law enforcement is unable to go after them because there are too many Jews" among them?

And what if there were controlled demolitions in the WTC towers on 9/11, but no one is allowed to press the question because it might uncover a couple of Zio criminals in the process?

The reason why these problems have arisen is for the same reason that OJ Simpson can get away with murder. It's "politically incorrect" to state the obvious because any one who does is "a racist"!

Now tell me. WHO is paranoid if it isn't the rank and file "Jew" in this country that is afraid that throwing a few high profile Jews in jail might cause a Nazi uprising? That's about what it amounts to any time anyone starts talking about all those people who happen to call themselves Jews, who are busy working in high places to help ensure that the banking cartels finally gain complete control over the entire world economy.

What kind of "democracy" is that now, where a relative handful of Jewish plutocrats have the final say so on everything that happens of major importance. Or don't you think that immigration laws, gun laws, trade agreements and laws which grant the government unlimited access to your private affairs have any effect on your personal life?

I'm not beyond begin friends, or at least cordial, with anyone, so long as they treat me with the same respect that they demand from me. How can you do this with someone who has been taught from infancy that they have a God given right to be a dictator?

All people have to do is treat others the way that they expect others to treat them

That's a laugh. Christians and some other religions in other countries have no intention of treating me and those like me with live and let live as I would prefer. They insist it is their devine mission to convert all human beings to their fantasy sky fairy nonsense. Piss on Christians, Mormans, Jews, Muslims..and anyone that thinks it is OK to "present" their case for their "gods" as a form of religious freedom escalating up to sharia law.

The only good religious zealot is a dead religious zealot. If the religious really wanted to make this a better world they would follow in Jim Jones footsteps.
All people have to do is treat others the way that they expect others to treat them

That's a laugh. Christians and some other religions in other countries have no intention of treating me and those like me with live and let live as I would prefer. They insist it is their devine mission to convert all human beings to their fantasy sky fairy nonsense. Piss on Christians, Mormans, Jews, Muslims..and anyone that thinks it is OK to "present" their case for their "gods" as a form of religious freedom escalating up to sharia law.

The only good religious zealot is a dead religious zealot. If the religious really wanted to make this a better world they would follow in Jim Jones footsteps.

Granted, there are many people who believe in "fantasy sky fairy nonsense". Not all of them are "Christians" or "religious zealots" of any kind. One need not be religious to either believe in things that aren't true or to have nonsensical ideas.

So the question becomes, "What is true?" and "What is nonsense?".

You are assuming that the stories given in the New Testament or even the Old Testament are false or merely nonsense when in fact they aren't necessarily either. The fact that some people call themselves Christians who have erroneous ideas does nothing to negate whatever the truth may happen to be.

It is an error to assume that because people who claim to believe in Christ make mistakes and are ignorant of many things that it follows that Christ was in error. You should investigate these things yourself and carefully weigh the evidence before rendering a verdict based upon the impressions you receive from people, because ALL people are prone to make mistakes and ignorance is only a matter of degree.

Sharia law is the antithesis of religious freedom. This is one reason why a person may reject it outright without an in depth study of Islam to determine whether it is valid. In other words, an intimate knowledge of Muhammed's teachings is not required to instinctively know that lopping off people's heads is a bad practice.

By the same token, it is equally clear that Jim Jone's followers were equally misled, which only goes to show just how wrong people can be when they trust their Biblical education to charlatans and rely on a person's charisma to gauge the validity of what they say.

How much stock can anyone place in what you are saying when you are suggesting to them that they should drink cyanide? This idea discredits your profession of a "live and let live" philosophy.

God does not force people to accept His terms for salvation. They are free to serve whomsoever and whatsoever they will. Make no mistake. They will do this, even if it is by default.
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All people have to do is treat others the way that they expect others to treat them

That's a laugh. Christians and some other religions in other countries have no intention of treating me and those like me with live and let live as I would prefer. They insist it is their devine mission to convert all human beings to their fantasy sky fairy nonsense. Piss on Christians, Mormans, Jews, Muslims..and anyone that thinks it is OK to "present" their case for their "gods" as a form of religious freedom escalating up to sharia law.

The only good religious zealot is a dead religious zealot. If the religious really wanted to make this a better world they would follow in Jim Jones footsteps.

Granted, there are many people who believe in "fantasy sky fairy nonsense". Not all of them are "Christians" or "religious zealots" of any kind. One need not be religious to either believe in things that aren't true or to have nonsensical ideas.

So the question becomes, "What is true?" and "What is nonsense?".

You are assuming that the stories given in the New Testament or even the Old Testament are false or merely nonsense when in fact they aren't necessarily either. The fact that some people call themselves Christians who have erroneous ideas does nothing to negate whatever the truth may happen to be.

It is an error to assume that because people who claim to believe in Christ make mistakes and are ignorant of many things that it follows that Christ was in error. You should investigate these things yourself and carefully weigh the evidence before rendering a verdict based upon the impressions you receive from people, because ALL people are prone to make mistakes and ignorance is only a matter of degree.

Sharia law is the antithesis of religious freedom. This is one reason why a person may reject it outright without an in depth study of Islam to determine whether it is valid. In other words, an intimate knowledge of Muhammed's teachings is not required to instinctively know that lopping off people's heads is a bad practice.

By the same token, it is equally clear that Jim Jone's followers were equally misled, which only goes to show just how wrong people can be when they trust their Biblical education to charlatans and rely on a person's charisma to gauge the validity of what they say.

How much stock can anyone place in what you are saying when you are suggesting to them that they should drink cyanide? This idea discredits your profession of a "live and let live" philosophy.

God does not force people to accept His terms for salvation. They are free to serve whomsoever and whatsoever they will. Make no mistake. They will do this, even if it is by default.

In the mean time I still smile when I hear of a church burning to the gound or a Mosque getting blown to bits.
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Talk about an utter affront to freedom at just about EVERY level!!!
If these are the means employed in modern day Christian persecution, perhaps someone should remind the intellectual titans behind it of the "unintended consequences" which ALWAYS accompany their heavy handed tyranny.
Two thumbs up to the campus Democrat leadership and the agnostics with enough foresight to recognize where this utter idiocy will inevitably lead.

Exiled from Vanderbilt: How Colleges are Driving Religious Groups off Campus - YouTube

And your church enjoys a 100% tax-free existents, burdening the general public.Your church imposed its at the beginning of the nation. All we ask is you stay out of our business.
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All people have to do is treat others the way that they expect others to treat them

That's a laugh. Christians and some other religions in other countries have no intention of treating me and those like me with live and let live as I would prefer. They insist it is their devine mission to convert all human beings to their fantasy sky fairy nonsense. Piss on Christians, Mormans, Jews, Muslims..and anyone that thinks it is OK to "present" their case for their "gods" as a form of religious freedom escalating up to sharia law.

The only good religious zealot is a dead religious zealot. If the religious really wanted to make this a better world they would follow in Jim Jones footsteps.

Granted, there are many people who believe in "fantasy sky fairy nonsense". Not all of them are "Christians" or "religious zealots" of any kind. One need not be religious to either believe in things that aren't true or to have nonsensical ideas.

So the question becomes, "What is true?" and "What is nonsense?".

You are assuming that the stories given in the New Testament or even the Old Testament are false or merely nonsense when in fact they aren't necessarily either. The fact that some people call themselves Christians who have erroneous ideas does nothing to negate whatever the truth may happen to be.

It is an error to assume that because people who claim to believe in Christ make mistakes and are ignorant of many things that it follows that Christ was in error. You should investigate these things yourself and carefully weigh the evidence before rendering a verdict based upon the impressions you receive from people, because ALL people are prone to make mistakes and ignorance is only a matter of degree.

Sharia law is the antithesis of religious freedom. This is one reason why a person may reject it outright without an in depth study of Islam to determine whether it is valid. In other words, an intimate knowledge of Muhammed's teachings is not required to instinctively know that lopping off people's heads is a bad practice.

By the same token, it is equally clear that Jim Jone's followers were equally misled, which only goes to show just how wrong people can be when they trust their Biblical education to charlatans and rely on a person's charisma to gauge the validity of what they say.

How much stock can anyone place in what you are saying when you are suggesting to them that they should drink cyanide? This idea discredits your profession of a "live and let live" philosophy.

God does not force people to accept His terms for salvation. They are free to serve whomsoever and whatsoever they will. Make no mistake. They will do this, even if it is by default.

In the mean time I still smile when I hear of a church burning to the gound or a Mosque getting blown to bits.

And they are not following the rules ...100%.. I want my dead people for braking the rules.. I never here any news... We must all be pure!
Granted, there are many people who believe in "fantasy sky fairy nonsense". Not all of them are "Christians" or "religious zealots" of any kind. One need not be religious to either believe in things that aren't true or to have nonsensical ideas.

So the question becomes, "What is true?" and "What is nonsense?".

You are assuming that the stories given in the New Testament or even the Old Testament are false or merely nonsense when in fact they aren't necessarily either. The fact that some people call themselves Christians who have erroneous ideas does nothing to negate whatever the truth may happen to be.

It is an error to assume that because people who claim to believe in Christ make mistakes and are ignorant of many things that it follows that Christ was in error. You should investigate these things yourself and carefully weigh the evidence before rendering a verdict based upon the impressions you receive from people, because ALL people are prone to make mistakes and ignorance is only a matter of degree.

Sharia law is the antithesis of religious freedom. This is one reason why a person may reject it outright without an in depth study of Islam to determine whether it is valid. In other words, an intimate knowledge of Muhammed's teachings is not required to instinctively know that lopping off people's heads is a bad practice.

By the same token, it is equally clear that Jim Jone's followers were equally misled, which only goes to show just how wrong people can be when they trust their Biblical education to charlatans and rely on a person's charisma to gauge the validity of what they say.

How much stock can anyone place in what you are saying when you are suggesting to them that they should drink cyanide? This idea discredits your profession of a "live and let live" philosophy.

God does not force people to accept His terms for salvation. They are free to serve whomsoever and whatsoever they will. Make no mistake. They will do this, even if it is by default.

In the mean time I still smile when I hear of a church burning to the gound or a Mosque getting blown to bits.

And they are not following the rules ...100%.. I want my dead people for braking the rules.. I never here any news... We must all be pure!

Nothing is pure...only degrees of polution.
In the mean time I still smile when I hear of a church burning to the gound or a Mosque getting blown to bits.

And they are not following the rules ...100%.. I want my dead people for braking the rules.. I never here any news... We must all be pure!

Nothing is pure...only degrees of polution.

In the mean time I still smile when I hear of a church burning to the gound or a Mosque getting blown to bits.

Thank you for your candor.


(For an enlightening, "first-hand" account of suppression of Religion and other "enemies" of Atheistic-Communism in Russia, please read, The Gulag Archipelago, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn -- especially Chapter 2.)

Karl Marx’s extremist followers were not in any way impeded in their blood-thirsty global quest by fear of a Higher Power. Atheism took very efficient care of this “limiting factor.” Since the end justified the means, as Machiavelli had instructed, they could do whatever was necessary to bring about a workers’ paradise.
As the founder of the Soviet state V. I. Lenin put it:

Religion is the opium of the people: this saying of Marx is the cornerstone of the entire ideology of Marxism about religion. All modern religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class.

According to Marx, religion helped keep the masses passive before the abuse of the wealthy and powerful, and the only way to free them from the “stupor," God and religion had to be eradicated. Lenin embraced Marx's views and so did Stalin up to the Second World war. The enforcement of Atheism was a “critical” requirement for Communism’s success, and thus it had to be implemented at all costs. This meant oppressive measures, such as brainwashing in state schools, the closing of houses of worship and arresting countless religious leaders. (For an enlightening discussion of Atheistic-Communism's persecution of the Christian church see the article, Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union.)
The authors estimate the century's death toll at the hands of Communist governments (excluding wars) at 100 million people. Country by country, deaths by the state in China stand at 65 million, in the USSR 20 million, Vietnam 1 million, North Korea 2 million, Cambodia 2 million, Eastern Europe 1 million, Latin America 150,000, Africa 1.7 million, and Afghanistan 1.5 million. Additionally, the international Communist movement murdered about 10,000 people throughout the world."

I could contrast this to the charitable work that Christian institutions have done.

Still this would be missing the point.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’
23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

You are confusing the works of men with the works of Christ.
All people have to do is treat others the way that they expect others to treat them

That's a laugh. Christians and some other religions in other countries have no intention of treating me and those like me with live and let live as I would prefer. They insist it is their devine mission to convert all human beings to their fantasy sky fairy nonsense. Piss on Christians, Mormans, Jews, Muslims..and anyone that thinks it is OK to "present" their case for their "gods" as a form of religious freedom escalating up to sharia law.

The only good religious zealot is a dead religious zealot. If the religious really wanted to make this a better world they would follow in Jim Jones footsteps.

You mean they actually care about you? Could that possibly be because they would like you to likewise care about them?

But clearly you want them dead. So who is better the person who cares about others or the person who wants others dead?

And they arent going to follow Jim Jones. They aren't communists.
All people have to do is treat others the way that they expect others to treat them

That's a laugh. Christians and some other religions in other countries have no intention of treating me and those like me with live and let live as I would prefer. They insist it is their devine mission to convert all human beings to their fantasy sky fairy nonsense. Piss on Christians, Mormans, Jews, Muslims..and anyone that thinks it is OK to "present" their case for their "gods" as a form of religious freedom escalating up to sharia law.

The only good religious zealot is a dead religious zealot. If the religious really wanted to make this a better world they would follow in Jim Jones footsteps.

You mean they actually care about you? Could that possibly be because they would like you to likewise care about them?

But clearly you want them dead. So who is better the person who cares about others or the person who wants others dead?

And they arent going to follow Jim Jones. They aren't communists.

Imagine what good we can do if we all joined together

Sounds like pure communism to me.
Sounds like pure communism to me.

There is a big fat difference between communist ideology in it's purest sense and the stuff that actually gets delivered by the demagogues and despots who finally come to power.

Share and share alike is a practical impossibility among humans that are guided by anything less than a pristine spirit of charity. And how many bloody tyrants do you know of who are?
All people have to do is treat others the way that they expect others to treat them

That's a laugh. Christians and some other religions in other countries have no intention of treating me and those like me with live and let live as I would prefer. They insist it is their devine mission to convert all human beings to their fantasy sky fairy nonsense. Piss on Christians, Mormans, Jews, Muslims..and anyone that thinks it is OK to "present" their case for their "gods" as a form of religious freedom escalating up to sharia law.

The only good religious zealot is a dead religious zealot. If the religious really wanted to make this a better world they would follow in Jim Jones footsteps.

You mean they actually care about you? Could that possibly be because they would like you to likewise care about them?

But clearly you want them dead. So who is better the person who cares about others or the person who wants others dead?

And they arent going to follow Jim Jones. They aren't communists.

Imagine what good we can do if we all joined together

Sounds like pure communism to me.

Not my fault if you don't understand what communism is.
You mean they actually care about you? Could that possibly be because they would like you to likewise care about them?

But clearly you want them dead. So who is better the person who cares about others or the person who wants others dead?

And they arent going to follow Jim Jones. They aren't communists.

Imagine what good we can do if we all joined together

Sounds like pure communism to me.

Not my fault if you don't understand what communism is.

You understand what a failed fantasy is don't you?
You understand what a failed fantasy is don't you?

Do you mean like the one played out by the Bolsheviks in Russia?

Or do you mean like the Marxist dream that some are trying to fulfill in the US now with the dissolution of US boarders?

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